My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Sunagakure no Sato (The Village Hidden in the Sand) missions Empty Sunagakure no Sato (The Village Hidden in the Sand) missions

Mon Jan 18, 2021 7:12 pm
Sunakagure Missions

D Ranks

Mission Name: Tour Guide
Mission Rank: D
Mission Location: Sunakagure
Mission Description: The Iwa Refugees have made their way to Suna and are getting settled, time for the locals to mingle and welcome their new allies and neighbors.

Mission Name: Herbal Assistance
Mission Rank: D
Mission Location:Rinha Compound - The Greenhouse
Mission Description: The elder that attains to the herbs of the greenhouse is unable to make her deliveries of requested herbs around the village, A team of genin is needed to make the deliveries on time and not Damage the packages.

Mission Name: Collect Bugs
Mission Rank: D
Mission Location: Great Desert
Mission Description: In order for our medics, and puppeteers to make their medicines and poisons respectively they need samples from various bugs, be they Apidae, centipedes, or beetles, preferably alive though if you have medical training you can choose to try and extract the desired components from the bugs to return to the village. Atleast a dozen bugs of the chosen type will be required.

C Ranks

Mission Name:Monster Herder
Mission Rank: C
Mission Location: Kaze no Kuni
Mission Description: A massive herd of massive creatures of the dessert has been moving closer and closer to a Newly established Small VIllage of a recent nomadic tribe and they need help set up defenses and keeping the monsters back.

Mission Name: Bandit Roundup
Mission Rank: C
Mission Location: Great Desert
Mission Description: Bandits have been raiding merchant caravans through out the land of wind, your mission is to escort a caravan and make sure that it reaches it's final destination. Killing, or capturing any bandits foolish enough to attack the transport.

Mission Name: Capture Snakes
Mission Rank: C
Mission Location: Great Desert
Mission Description: In order for our medics, and puppeteers to make their medicines and poisons respectively they need samples from various sand dwelling serpants, preferably alive though if you have medical training you can choose to try and extract the venom out in the field as well. In order to complete this mission you must collect a half dozen serpents and return them to the village.

B Ranks

Mission Name: Scorpion Stings
Mission Rank: B
Mission Location: Great Desert
Mission Description: Scattered through out the massive desert that is the land of wind are ginormous scorpions, their stingers filled with a potent venom that is coveted by the puppetteers and poison workers of the village. Though their thick carapaces, and powerful claws make these creatures deadly foes, immune to most conventional weapons, and even some jutsu.

Mission Name: Removing the Raiders
Mission Rank: B
Mission Location: Scattered Oasis'
Mission Description: Due to lengthy torture on bandits captured we found their home base at a secret oasis you are to go in and wipe them out completely. Take their heads in as proof of the kill, and try to recover any of goods they have pilfered.

A Ranks

Mission Name: Assimilate or Exterminate the Stragglers
Mission Rank: A
Mission Location: Great Desert
Mission Description: Somewhere hidden in the desert are remnants of one of the nomadic clans of ninja that did not join the village, your job is to either get them to join the village hidden in the sand, or eliminate the threat to the village. How you choose to approach this mission is entirely up to you, while the manpower would be appreciated some clans will be reluctant and even violent about it.

S Ranks

Mission Name: Treasures of the Past
Mission Rank: A - S
Mission Location: Great desert
Mission Description: From a Recent sandstorm a  massive grouping of ruins has been freed from the sand’s embrace. A historian archeological team from Suna was dispatched to the ruins only to all but one understudy to have disappeared within the said ruins. The Kazekage has requested 1 - 2 Jounin or those of High ranking to investigate and discover what these ruins have to Hide and find what happened to the team.
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