My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 9
Join date : 2021-01-03

Same Vs Mako Empty Same Vs Mako

Wed Feb 03, 2021 3:25 pm
Same walked out onto the field, almost being crushed by the cheers of the crowd. He knew the place would be packed, but this was beyond what he prepared for. His first Chunin Exam. As if he wasn't nervous enough as it was. Every muscle tense, nervous grin across his face, heart pounding, this was the thrill he was looking for. Finally, he could start to prove his clan was as great as he has been boasting. Staring at the ground, he fingered his Kunai at his hip, trying to think of a plan.

Calm yourself, think. You have been through enough training, you know what to do. He thought to himself. Slowly he looked up to see his opponent across the field. A girl, standing almost a full head taller than him, stood across the way. She looked strong, calm, calculating, but beatable. Good. I like a challenge. He thought. Time to test the waters. Taking a deep breath, Same exhales deeply, letting out a cloud of mist that quickly fills the field. As he fades onto obscurity, the last thing that is seen is his awkward, sharp toothed smile. Same throws a kunai at his target and sprints to the right, waiting to see what happens next.
Posts : 41
Join date : 2019-10-30

Same Vs Mako Empty Re: Same Vs Mako

Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:48 am
Mako basked in the cheer of the crowd as she entered the Chuunin Exam arena. While this was her first exam she was more than familiar with how this would probably play out. She might lose the fight and still pass the exam if she tried her best and impressed someone who was watching the exams from afar. Winning would help, but it wasn't necessarily a qualifying trait. She stared at her opponent, Same Kyoran, though she recognized nothing about him based on his name she did notice his bluer than normal skin and his shark-like features, which told her that he was most likely a water jutsu specialist to some degree.

This wouldn't be simple then, as he opposed her own natural affinity for fire directly.

As she watched him he seemed very nervous, something that Mako didn't share, but understood well enough, as she herself was fine in the crowd's roars. When he started to finger his own kunai however she quickly grabbed one of her own and pulled it out spinning it in her hand before gripping it in reverse style so that the blade was pointed down.

He seemed to have come up with a plan because as soon as the match was officially started he spewed out obscuring mists and disappeared into them. Mako immediately moved backwards out of instinct which caused his original Kunai to miss and she fired off a shuriken in the direction that the Kunai came from, hopefully nicking Same, but if not oh well.

What to do about the mist though.. Mako thought carefully and came up with a plan of her own. She then proceeded to create two fireballs, one in each hand, by using the fire style exploding flame shot jutsu that she then tossed around herself to create more fire in the natural environment and smoke to hopefully smokescreen Same's sight to be muffled and blinded instead of only Mako being blind by his earlier obscuring mist jutsu. Even if that didn't work out, now she had flaming patches of ground that she could hide in.

Cloaking herself in flames she used the Fire Style hiding in the flames jutsu and hid her presence completely within one of these patches of fire. Waiting inside it to see what Same did next.
Posts : 9
Join date : 2021-01-03

Same Vs Mako Empty Re: Same Vs Mako

Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:01 pm
As Same landed about 10 feet to the right he saw Mako jump back, easily dodging his Kuni. As swift as she dodged he saw her throw a Kunai with almost pin point accuracy to where he was just standing. Good thing he moved right as he threw that or he would have been skewered for sure. He stood there and observed his opponent create two fireballs and swirl it around her, creating a blanket of fire and smoke. Tsk, of course she's a fire user, just my luck. He thought. The one thing that water can just as easily be defeated by as easy as it is to defeat. He watched as Mako quickly faded into the flames. That was a new one for him. He didnt know people could do that. This just made Same hate fire all that much more.

But first he had to deal with that fire. The smoke he couldn't do anything about, not if he wanted to also remove the Hidden Mist jutsu. And the smell of smoke helped mask his sense of smell. He was completely blind to her as she was to him. He slowly lowered himself to the ground and placed a hand on the ground using the Water Release: Waterfall Basin Technique, putting just enough chakra into to to fill the entire area with several inches of water. As he watched the water rush out across the field he used Water Release: Heavenly Weeping, pouring out water needles from his mouth. He aimed for the fire, hoping to scare her out of the flames and into the air where he could see her better.

If this was going to be a battle of range, he came more than prepared.
Posts : 41
Join date : 2019-10-30

Same Vs Mako Empty Re: Same Vs Mako

Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:25 pm
Mako wasn't too surprised when her earlier assessment of his jutsu specialty turned out to be accurate. He flooded the floor with a few inches of water and this forced her into the smoke rather than the fire itself. She used the rest of her exploding shot jutsu, five fireballs in total since the jutsu allowed for seven and she had already used two, and launched them at the shark boy hoping to make him move rather than being caught in the open. However the boy spat water needles at her which took priority and caused three of her fireballs to explode prematurely leaving only two fireballs heading towards him instead of five.

The smoke was starting to clear up by now because the fires were put out. Not wanting to be caught in the Hidden Mist jutsu alone she pulled out her smoke bomb, which she only had the one, and tossed it down so that he still wouldn't be able to see her for a little bit longer. Once she had she pulled out one of her special Kunai, one dipped in poison, and readied it to snag him in any way she could, but for now she waited. He would have to do something besides just stand around, and she wasn't about to close the gap unless she saw an opening. She was a ninja, a shinobi, an assassin even depending on the mission. She had plenty of tricks and plenty of patience.

Besides, this was the chuunin exam. She didn't need to win, she needed to impress. So playing all of her cards slowly and methodically seemed, to her at least, the best option.
Posts : 9
Join date : 2021-01-03

Same Vs Mako Empty Re: Same Vs Mako

Fri Feb 05, 2021 9:11 pm
Same was surprised when he saw the 5 fireballs hurl at him seemingly out of no where, but now he had a direction to go off of. Still, being caught off guard and standing still was not a smart move in a ranged fight. He forgot the number one thing in a ranged battle; always be moving. With minimal time to spare, he dove back to the left to dodge the 2 remaining fireballs, but one managed to graze his right arm. Feeling a searing pain in his right arm made him stumble a bit and he managed to catch himself by going to a knee. Dang, she's good. How did she find me in the mist? He thought.

Then it dawned on him. Of course, if i throw an attack at her she can clearly see where it's coming from. Soaking his hand in the cool, refreshing water he grinned. He came up with a plan. Seeing the column of smoke grow bigger he knew she was hiding in there. With neither opponent being able to see each other, this was a game of whom could flush whom out first. Using the Water Clone Technique, he made a copy of himself that immediately ran in the direction the fireballs came from. Almost as fast he immediately used his favorite combo. He used his Shark Seeker technique, wrapping 5 of his Kunai in water in the shape of a shark and threw over the shoulder. Followed up was Fuuton: Kaiten Shuriken, allowing him to control the Kunai flying through the air. This was his favorite move; Shark Hunt.

Same ran to the left as far as the mist stretches, almost completely to the left of his opponent. He sent 3 of the Kunai to the center of where Mako had thrown the fire balls from. The other two he sent one to the left, and one to the right, wide. He watched as his clone sprang up in the air, leaving the mist and entering the smoke from above. One way or another, she was going to come out.

He hoped.
Posts : 41
Join date : 2019-10-30

Same Vs Mako Empty Re: Same Vs Mako

Sat Feb 06, 2021 12:28 am
Mako noticed her jutsu did essentially nothing though she lost track of where the shark boy was because he moved. Moving sounded like a really good idea and with that she bolted off in the direction she knew the nearest wall section was in. Finally escaping to the bare edges of the mist just as her smoke screen started to dissipate slowly. Leaving only the hidden mist lingering in the middle of the arena. Her back against the wall she took a moment to get a deep breath and think. This stuff wasn't going away any time soon and the longer she stayed in it the more chances to lose she'd have.

Wait a second what's that noise? She tilted her head which seemed to be lady luck incarnate as a water shark kunai thing swiped across her cheek and bit into the pavement of the wall behind her. This got her moving into a series of flips along the wall as she used her own kunai from earlier to deflect the other incoming attacks as best she could though they kept having water sharks on them so it kept biting at her hand, which was now bleeding a decent amount, nothing life threatening but it sure hurt like hell.

This, however, miffed and irritated Mako because she still couldn't see her opponent and was cursing herself for not being able to think of a solution faster. She had one now though and  she quickly formed hand seals to perform a couple of jutsu. First that mist simply had to go, no matter the cost. So she poured much more chakra than normal into her clan's signature jutsu the Great Fireball Jutsu. This allowed her, at the cost of large amounts of her chakra, to breath a fireball so grand in size that it literally evaporated the mist covering the field and would impress her ancestors and family let alone impressing herself as she did so.

This cleared the field and allowed her to see her target. which she immediately locked eyes on and activated her Sharingan to try and help her out in the endeavor only to get attacked by his clone a second later which she only knew because it's chakra was much too weak to be Same himself. She backflipped his initial attack against her and threw her poison kunai at it's face before making four shadow clones of her own, one of which stayed to make sure the other clone didn't get anywhere.

Indeed now there were four Mako's heading to the real Same's location which proceeded to surround him from the four cardinal directions, north south east west, and proceed with a "group" use of her most dangerous jutsu Dokugiri which tanked the rest of her chakra. This jutsu caused her and her three other clones to expel a poison cloud at Same as well as the one other clone she had spewing a smaller poison cloud at his clone to ensure it's demise.

This left Mako with no more jutsu to fight with, but she still had shuriken and other equipment. So she slapped down a few explosive tags, as did her clones, around Same so that if he so much as moved a muscle from that spot to escape the poisonous cloud trying to envelope him, he would go kaboom. Neither the poison, not being lethal enough, or the explosive tags, not being strong enough, would outright kill the boy, but if either of them hit him he would most certainly not want to be himself anymore for a while.

Mako was forced to her knee's trying to catch her breath however, her four shadow clones dispelling immediately from the chakra loss, and she had no fight left to fight. Either this worked and she won the match, or she lost.
Posts : 9
Join date : 2021-01-03

Same Vs Mako Empty Re: Same Vs Mako

Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:50 pm
Same watched wide eyed as the field was cleared with a giant fireball. Mist and smoke blown away in an instant, he watched as his clone was locked in combat with another clone, quickly losing the fight. Mako and 3 of her clones surrounded him, covering the surrounding area with poison smoke and explosive tags. He was trapped, surrounded, and breathing in the deadly smoke. He wanted this fight to drag on a bit longer, exhausting his opponent, but she had other plans. He had to think, and fast. Looking around as quick as he could, he could tell there was no way out. If he moved the explosive tags would get him. If he stayed the poison would get him. This looked like it was going to be the end for him, and it was only round 1.

He noticed Mako was breathing hard on her knees. This was her last ditch effort to win. But he had to do something. Well, might as go for broke, he thought. Grinning, he directed his 1 of remaining Kunai flying around back at two of the clones' back, biting deep and making it disappear. Spinning to the other he threw out a blade of wind from his Sickle Weasel Technique at the last clone, causing some of the poison smoke to dissipate along with the strike. Then he took a leap at Mako, triggering the explosive tags at his feet. A huge explosion rocked the stadium, sending debris into the air.

Using his Body Replacement technique, he appeared from in the air above Mako, pulling out one of his swords. Falling, he landed right behind Mako and gently placed his blade on her shoulder, barely touching her neck. "I guess I win." He spoke aloud in a heavy breath. But as he spoke those words, he suddenly lost feeling in his hands. Hearing a loud clang, he looked to his right and saw his sword laying on the ground. But that's weird, it was just in his hand a second ago. With a very sluggish thought, he started to wonder why the world was turning side ways. Weird, even though the ground was by his face he couldn't feel it. That's right, the poison. He shouldn't have fought in the poison could so long.

Using all his physical and mental effort, Same reach up and placed his hand on Mako's knee. Grinning, as the light from the world started to fade, he muttered "That was fun..."
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Same Vs Mako Empty Re: Same Vs Mako

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