My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

Keith Ravarro [DONE] Empty Keith Ravarro [DONE]

Tue May 25, 2021 11:43 pm

Name: Keith RaVarro
Apparent Age: Late 30s
True Age: 330 Years Old
Sex: Male
Personality: Arrancar with a sense of honor within his heart. Keith believes a little more in humanity than just being vicious hollow consuming souls constantly. Having a more serious side when it comes to battle becoming more of an assassin at the ready. Yet sometimes sheds a tear feeling a little regret over his actions. On one side the Arrancar is a determined fighter letting his rage and determination dictate his actions challenging his opponents. Studying them through combat and using focus to take them down. Helping his Arrancar comrades having compassion and respect towards his fellow arrancars. Yet the former hollow does believe in mercy either good or evil. They deserved one chance to walk away or surrender to be treated fairly. Keith is more of a neutral peacekeeper but that can all change depending on the situation or battle. He's a determined fighter who knows what needs to be done but after years of destruction. The man does believe in a change of heart.

Calm Persona: For an Arrancar. He has known to calm and well mannered. It would take a lot to anger him but. When the heat dies down trying to think something positive letting the negative things die out. All that time alone in the sands changed how he thought. He's been alone all of his life through his experiments allowed him to meet many people and animals. He's never had a friend...the empty void. Through years of isolation and research managing to change his attitude into more human nature.

Pure Vengeance: The assassin's personality kicks in a takeover of the kind demeanor. Putting his emotions aside unleashing a more dark complex of determined and no-nonsense person. Studying his prey being more a skilled fighter with a full-contact mind. But once blood is involved it a survival mode relying on a killer instinct to aid him. The three only things activate in his mind: Vengeance, Brutality & Rage. To fight with full contact and the desire of defeating his enemy at all cost.

Height: 6'8"
Weight: 297lbs
Physical Traits:  The Arrancar looks more of an African American than a mere monster. Keith Ravarro has a tail and a well-built muscular build. Almost being a descendant of a fable Mandingo tribe known to be strong yet tall warriors. Having blue eyes and shoulder-length dreadlocks having his black hair in a ponytail. He doesn't wear the traditional Arrancar clothing anymore choosing a unique attire. Wearing a white coat with purple lining decorated with silver studs and snaps in the style of a haori. Only his right arm through the sleeve, the back of his jacket is emblazoned with red calligraphy.

Worn over an orange clinched at the waist by a red obi and three leather belts, which are half-removed. Beneath it holds a white waistcloth matching the jacket. Having several purple and blue straps embroidered with crosses. Also carrying his zanpakuto within a long scabbard even another sword as well.

Wearing a pair of white fingerless gloves, some black leggings, and customized gray sandals.

He wears a blind hollow mask which really doesn't mean he's blind. It may look so on the front but bit black eyes and nose covering on the back. Almost like a hannya mask with horns and a rictus grin upon it. The only reason he created this mask is that really he doesn't know anybody at all. His motives are his own but the mask is a tribute to the hollows he killed.

History:  Keith Ravarro only remembers just fragments of his human past but remembering is painful. One name slowly comes to the surface: Thomas Holguin, A kind honest man with a future that came to a tragic end. Remembering a rescue mission with many glimpses of Thomas's childhood, family, career, and tragic losses. The events leading to his death the rescue mission involving a dangerous cult within Eden Parrish. A cult that was being run by a dangerous individual some members wanted to leave but we're forbidden to. He started to unravel the true nature of cult finding evidence leading to civil war under false preachings. It was getting bad to the point when the cult members started disappearing and staff becoming forgetful of the missing people. These assholes we're clearly brainwashing people using the bible as leverage to control their minds. He started helping cult members who wanted to leave sneaking them out at nightfall. But his plan was blown one of the staff alerted the guards, he started helping the cult members into boats.

Managing to rescue a few people from the cult's influence but many guards managed to capture him. Tortured and finally confronted by the cult's leader convincing the others this was a snake in their garden. The cult members watched the cult leader shot Thomas in the head killing him. Little did the cult realize that Thomas managed to free about two hundred people from the cult clutches. Eden Parrish was finally shut down by police and military officers with many staff and bosses arrested.

Thomas somehow awoke to wonder why he was alive? Remembering the cult leader killing him now realizing that he died wondering why Heaven nor Hell took him. People were passing him but no one could see him. Being the least of his problem something was on his chest a chain connected to him it was bothersome. He tried removing it yet it was placed on tight as he started getting angry. More important the man was dead wanting revenge while putting on the chain. Noticing the metal was becoming corrosive and his body when through a horrific transformation as the chain broke. The human's mind was being split apart and changed into something else becoming a white creature. Thus the hollow named Mesagolth was born.

In the beginning, He didn't know what to do. A hollow without a plan that all changed when other hollows started bullying him. It got to a point where it started getting out of control then months later, Mesagolth had enough. Watching for years how hollow kill and consume others how really bad could it be? Killing and consuming other hollows was a delight to him but really it helped ease his suffering. Years later, He started feeling this weird power in him growing stronger which led to the evolution process. He wanted to continue this no more being a small fry hollow...he was better. Consuming hollows and taking their power seemingly helped him in the long run gain new strength. Yet it took years of killing and consuming and a new desire of training his abilities until the monster was a Vasto Lorde.

After a violent confrontation with Menos which he managed to kill ten. Mesagolth's mask was cover in red blood that day everything changed when he started pulling at his mask. As a geyser of spiritual energy emitting from the hollow ripping off his mask reducing in size and turning more human. Mesagolth looked in the pool of blood that wasn't his face but it was the other hollows couldn't believe it a new evolution. An Adjuches tried attacking but Mesagolth counters it with forces the weapon out of the monster's hands. Grabbing the blade and stabbing the killer in the head killing him.

He fought countless hollows over the years still wondering what happened to him. It didn't make any sense a monster turn into this being his power and strength were at a new level. Fighting against stronger opponents yet newer abilities and techniques emerge which the warrior studied, experimented with, and trained with. Yet something kept bothering him the Arrancar felt a consciousness brewing. Becoming independent and also having a sense of judgment thinking more like a human. Mesagolth really wasn't a hollow anymore now this creature known only by some as an Arrancar. He was approached by two warriors calling themselves Espada offering Mesagolth to join their group in Las Noches.

Mesagolth refused to think more of this human's past as the Espada warriors left him alone. But it bears the question of what to do now? After months of killing, Mesagolth chose the name Keith Ravarro thinking his old name was too much. Science and experimentation started growing in his mind leading the point. Of where he created a cave within the sands of Hueco Mundo of where his experiments began. The arts of science grew on him learning more during his trips in and out Hueco Mundo. In the beginning, He started studying humans and other races what their powers were, and their weaknesses as well. Experiments were constantly being done and many people started disappearing and returning with memory loss. Keith started learning more about his arrancar abilities not only that but other races as well. But not killing it was trouble drawing back attention on his plans and also sparing people's lives seemed good. He began experiments on his own body using enhancements, pills, and blood samples to make him stronger. At times, Keith started going through withdrawal and throwing up because of the pain but continued forward. Training alone seemingly help his muscles and body developed over time with reading books helping his knowledge grow. Learning more about the zanpakuto and the various sword powers having a better understanding of the weapon. Las Noches, Humans, Quincys, Vizards, and Soul Society were having their disputes it didn't bother him because he managed to cover his tracks perfectly.
Exposition: [Optional. What is your character? This can be beliefs, life views, etc.]
Side Notes: He does carry a Composite Bow and various arrows because of his respect for the Quincys race. Also because of his research into Archery wanting to understand Quincys better. Having much time on his hands crafting arrows and stealing unique ones from military bunkers. Also, another thing from his experiments is Voice Nemesis Changer changing his voice confusing enemies. The device works by hearing the voice putting the voice in memory storage activating the clone vocal chord speaking actually like the person or target.

General Fighting Style: He only thought by claws, biting and strength would only help him. He tried many styles of claw combat and hand-to-hand combat styles focusing on what was needed to destroy. What strength was necessary to destroy an enemy Hierro and consume. Not caring about anything else at times the hollow was defeated many times. But learning from defeat and becoming stronger always thinking and learning to destroy his prey. Using his punches putting great force into them making into deadly proficient strikes.

Self-trained to use two-handed kendo style into long or large-based weapons. Placing a firm grip on the weapon clearing his mind getting ready to strike down or slash. When all else fails putting his faith and strength into his blade. His swordsmanship has got so much better over the years where his kendo can be used with one hand. It more of a Zweihander style, Keith used this cutting down hollows and Vasto growing up. Learning new types of swordsmanship through cutting down his enemies and learning from his failures in time. Gaining the nickname "The Hueco Slasher" because of his body count of hollows left through his cunning and faith in the sword.

In Hueco Mundo, Keith started gaining an understanding of martial arts making his swordsmanship better. With help, He started becoming highly proficient in his sword skills. Having the eye coordination to determine how and when the attack is made. Also trained in Taijutsu and Boxing at the beginning of his hollow life. Yet with some help, Keith managed to become a strong combatant in battle.
Strengths: Zanjutsu, Strength, Durability
Weaknesses: Agility, Hoho
Ability Name: High Speed Regeneration
Ability Description: One of the remaining hollow abilities within his arsenal that been helpful. Granting the Arrancar the ability to heal at a very fast pace speed. Making his regeneration much faster than any Arrancar or Espada. By breaking down the destroyed, burn or dissolved tissue and bone. Then tearing it apart and completely rebuilding it through a restoration process. Completely rehealing him from any damage done to him.
[Healing Minor Wounds]: 1 Post
[Healing Major Wounds like Lost Limbs]: 4 Posts

Sealed Appearance: In the beginning, Mesagolth tore it off a hollow's back and been using it ever since. Keith had it rebuild into a large odachi sword with something of a mechanical hilt. Reforge from Hierro into complete stainless steel making it long in size. Having it redesign as well having the same width as a clever blade making the sword itself a huge blade. In truth, Keith's zanpakuto looks almost like a greatsword completely rebuild into a large katana blade
Zanpakuto Name: Carmesivampiro
Zanpakuto Call Out: "Bite, Carmesivampiro"
Cero: Cero, Bala, Gran Rey Cero, Cero Doble, Cero Cornea, Cero Oscaras; Keith's cero attacks are dark blue color with tinted red lightning flashing.

Keith Ravarro [DONE] Hakumentf
Appearance: The transformation itself looks like a combination of the devil Frankenstein being fused together with hollows. Looking a bit more menacing and deadly than his original state with his height giving it few more inches being a 7-footer. His hollow mask is fused black into his face looking like a werewolf-hollow hybrid with sharp shark teeth. The unique thing is that he has a second set of teeth which provides more of a deadly bite to victims. The strangest thing about is another face is infused on each shoulder to confuse people into thinking he's a three-headed monster.
Abilities: Within a transformed state, He can use his Cero, Hierro, and Sonido abilities a little better.
Ability Name: Sangregarfa Claws
Ability Description: The claws of animal hybrid using slashing and tearing apart. Each of Keith's fingers will start glowing into sharp black claws with a red claw growing on each knuckle. With can be used for claw slashing and gutting people for attacking or killing someone. They slowly retracting with his claws going back into his flesh signaling the end of the attack. Even powering them with Cero giving the claws a burning dark aura transforming the technique to Ceros Sangregarfa. Due to the raw slashing power of the attack, Keith Ravarro can use it about four times.
[Having the strength of a stronger Bala; Cooldown: 1 post]
[Strength of Hado 40 (Can empower the claws with Cero); [Cooldown: 3 Posts]

Ability Name: Carmesi El Incendio
Ability Description: A sharp claw-based attack when Keith's hands start glowing red and his fingers pulsating. Each finger will start to change into a claw emitting a very small portion of spiritual energy. When going for a claw slash the attack unleashes five crescent blades traveling in a vertical row hitting the enemy hard. Feeling like a sabretooth tiger completely mauling someone to death. The attack feels like five energy blasts hitting all once like a claw.
[Having the same strength as Hado #66, Cooldown: 3 Posts]

Ability Name: Sangre Diablo Ante La Arma
Ability Description: He'll start emitting dangerous amounts of both spiritual energy and reishi as he'll start screaming. Producing a large number of black particles from his mouth. Keith will raise his hand as the particles form a massive ball throwing it at an enemy. It explodes but nothing happens at all as the particles are broken down into molecules frozen in the air. The molecules will begin clinging onto the opponent. As the molecules being a metamorphosis entrapping the enemy into a dark red sphere. Which explodes causing massive damage creating an energy blood cross in the air.
[With the same strength of Hado #70, Blast Radius: 10 meters; Cooldown: 3 Posts]

Ability Name: El Eden La Pesadilla Ante EL Purgatorio
Keith Ravarro [DONE] Final
Ability Description: The Arrancar gets into a stance placing his hands out conjuring energy. Generating a form of shadow magic developing into a black fog blanketing both people in darkness. Having a radius of 100 meters long making a banshee-like sound when created. Undergoing a transformation consumed into a black shadow aura. Creating a black katana from the fog and slashing it activating the fog. The fog will start shooting out hundreds of pieces of black energy shrapnel and finishing off with a large double-bladed energy spear. The enemy is attacked violently by numerous attacks.
[Having the strength of Hado 80; Cooldown: 3 Posts]

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Thu May 27, 2021 12:40 pm
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Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:11 am
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