My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

Kurama Tōzaburō [WIP] Empty Kurama Tōzaburō [WIP]

Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:21 pm

Name: Kurama Tōzaburō
Alias: N/A
Real Age: 525
Phys. Age: 21
Gender: Male
Personality: From an outsider perspective many would describe Kurama as cold, efficient and also overly competitive. While all these traits are completely accurate (See the "fly" incident, where Kurama was being annoyed by a fly, which he attempted to kill with increasing fervor until..well. The barracks only recently got repaired, to put simply.) he's also extremely protective and friendly with his squad members and those he considers his personal friends. Kurama is dilligent in his work and is always happy to help someone train from the lowest unseated officer all the way to other squad captains.

Kurama in truth simply desires to protect as many people as possible, he wants to see as few die as possible and does what he feels is logical to that end point - even if it calls for a hard choice that can get others killed, so long as the net gain is larger it is the hard choice he will make. That said his competitive side can get out of hand in his every day life from time to time.  Eating contest? Sure. Sparring? Definitely. Killing the world's most powerful fly with a bankai enhanced axe kick? Only once. But he did kill the bastard.

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 150
Physical Traits:

Side Notes: Kurama is finally done with the literal mountain of paper work caused by an incident with a fly and Kurama's subsequent destruction of a squad 2 barracks. He can finally return to active duty.

General Fighting Style:  Kurama's fighting style, much like his personality is calculated and decisive, aiming to take out his enemies in the fewest moves possible. Kurama in other words isn't one to hold back nor is he afraid of overkill. As far as he is concerned the sooner he dismantles a threat, the safer the situation will be and smoother things will go. So expect speed, violence and momentum. He WILL blow a building up to kill a to speak.
Strengths: Agility, Shunpo, Hakudo, Reiryoku, Stamina
Weaknesses: Reiatsu Control, Kido, Sensing, Zanjetsu
Ability Description:
Utsusemi: With his mastery of Shunpo Kurama moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage due to leaving something like a captain's jacket behind to take the hit, adding to the illusion.
Once per thread

Speed Clones: Using repeated and rapid Shunpos, Kurama creates at least 3 clones of themselves at once. While they are indistinguishable from the user's true self and mimic their movements, they only last for a single post
3 post CD

Sealed Appearance: Like a normal Katana. As per usual
Zanpakutou Name: Kaminari
Call Out Command: "Strike them Kaminari"

Shikai [Unlocked at 3-2:

Bankai [Unlocked at 2-1:

Toukai [Unlocked at 0-5:

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Kurama Tōzaburō [WIP] Empty Re: Kurama Tōzaburō [WIP]

Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:36 pm
Approved 0-4
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Kurama Tōzaburō [WIP] Empty Re: Kurama Tōzaburō [WIP]

Sat Oct 23, 2021 11:38 am
Approved 0-4
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Kurama Tōzaburō [WIP] Empty Re: Kurama Tōzaburō [WIP]

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