My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 7
Join date : 2019-10-28

Zoey Taylor, wip Empty Zoey Taylor, wip

Fri Nov 15, 2019 7:40 am


Name: Zoey Taylor
True Age: 19
Sex: Female
Personality: Energetic to the very core, Zoey is a rather outgoing girl with an earthy humour and captivating laugh. She has a rather blunt and honest view of the world and doesn't think twice before speaking her mind, dwelling very little in her own mindscape. A very on-hands person, Zoey likes to learn from experience rather than studying the world around her, a bad habit of taking the leap before looking and fixing her mistakes as she goes about her life. Thanks to her energetic nature she avoids stagnation like the plague or sitting idle planning for every lemon life throws her way.

Because of her hands-on approach to life, Zoey doesn't do well with regimens and authorities of any kind. They often trample all over her ways to express herself and that's the only way to put her off of something on the spot. It's much easier for her to use her own moral compass to guide herself through life rather than follow someone else's, because rules were honestly made to be broken. Although breaking them just for the heck of it is insanely fun, she also demonstrates an immense ability to learn from breaking pre-established conventions and the consequences of doing so.

Zoey is quite perceptive and dons an unfiltered and unbiased view of the world all the time, which grants impressive ability to notice small changes, be it in the world or the people in it. Change in clothing style? She knows.  A broken habit? She knows. A momentaneous shift in facial expression? You already know where this is going. Ironically, however, despite such a perceptive trait, she sucks at understanding people's emotions — as a result, she can be quite sarcastic and insensitive. Even weirder is that she tends to listen to her heart more often than her own head, cause that one's a bit all over the place.

She's a happy blob of passion and energy combined with an insanely perceptive mind that just so happens to have the attention span of a bird. She's an inspiring, charismatic and colorful person curious about taking paths less traveled to live new experiences and dragging anyone she can along with her,  bringing life and excitement in a journey to fuck with everybody because why the fuck not.


Height: 5'7''ft
Weight: 126 lbs
Physical Traits:


Zoey uses a mix of ranged and melee combat with high flexibility, utility and mobility to keep pressuring the enemy and respond to their offensives in time without backing out from the fight, aiming to capitalize on flaws as she learns about the enemy's fighting style.

Strengths: Hand-to-Hand, Blur, Reflexes, Spiritual Control, Sensing
Weaknesses: Zanjutsu, Stamina, Reiatsu, Defense


Fullbring Item: Twisted Matrix
Fullbring Appearance: Zoey's fullbring item looks and functions like a smartphone.

Ability Name: Data Manipulation
Description: Zoey can manifest light, radio waves and digital feed as hard-hologram constructs. In other words, she converts the three mentioned before into energy and manipulate it for all sorts of neat little tricks. The most common use is for constructs, but she can also apply characteristics of radio waves, digital feed and light to her constructs, including cybernetic interfaces given her fullbring object.

Zoey's twisted matrix is red in color and is a glitchy energy that surrounds her and the environment affected. When used offensively, it causes the target to have all of their subatomic particle data ( or spiritual particle data for spiritual beings) to be violently scrambled causing damage to the enemy. It is similar to being affected by electricity, though through a different means rather than lightning itself. You can watch the video [HERE] to visualize how it looks like.

Ability Name: Digital Blur
Description: Zoey can break down her body into a digital hard-construct form. By applying her Twisted Matrix to blur, Zoey has a greated degree of speed and maneuverability than an average user of Blur by riding on radio waves, light, and digital feed. While in her digital form she has greatly increased resistance to physical attacks as they cause the data to scatter rather than land successfully. In this mode, however, she's more susceptible to energy attacks such as kido or cero.

Boosts: x2 to all stats while sealed.


Fullbring Appearance: [What does your Released Fullbring look like?]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Boosts: x3 to all stats. up to x4 if you are 0-5, or with staff's stamp of approval.


History: [Optional, tell us your characters history. Or don't.]
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [Optional]

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