My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-05-25

Estella Castillo [0-5] Empty Estella Castillo [0-5]

Wed May 26, 2021 4:15 pm


   Name: Estella Castillo
   Apparent Age: Appears to be mid-late 20's
   True Age: ~550
   Sex: Female

   Personality: On the surface, Estella is a 'hot mess'. Often caught up in a sloppy or harried appearance with elegant trimmings just beneath, she rushes from one thing to the next with the distinct impression that if she would just stop and take two minutes to set herself she would appear far more intimidating or composed or sane. However, she's having absolutely none of such criticisms. When given time to prepare and look her best she seems to move and flit about like a cat on stroll, languidly moving up against walls or doorways or even people and using gentle, almost sensual touch to make a connection with them. But much like a cat, if you think this is a two-way street and treat her the same you're likely to get the claws.

Estella has a great many personal boundaries, especially physically, so to be allowed to breach them is one of the greatest honors she can give a person. She prefers to keep almost everyone at an arm's length and their rapport to verbal whenever possible so that there can be no confusing the nature of their relationships, and so that there can be no temptation for her to surrender to curiosity and find out what their innards look like. Of course, this respect is not two-ways either and she regularly gets as close as she thinks she needs to or feels safe getting.

The few that do know her would describe her as a fun time if not a bit reckless. She is often the one coaxing her friends to escalate situations, encouraging a night out for dinner maybe with a glass of wine or mixed drinks to turn into heading to that nearby bar for a quick round. And then while you're there, oops, those nice boys bought us shots. And hey, since it's just heating up out here why don't we go dancing just real quick! There's no cover at this one club if you're a woman, after all. And so on. Likewise, she has that same tendency to escalate in most of her other pursuits.

Surprising to most, Estella is actually something of a scientist. Perhaps it is the simple sociopathic lack of boundaries or impersonal curiosity that makes her well suited for such things. But she has undeniable skill and keen insight into a number of medical, biological, and chemical matters. Driven many centuries ago by her thirst for medicine and the knowledge locked away within those books she could not read, the part of her soul not yet blackened by her crimes still loves that dream that idea. She is not one to engineer devices or concoct grand schemes of mechanical nature but she is capable of concepting and prototyping some limited technologies necessary for her projects and other experiments. Her weakness in this regard has always been long-term planning and doing anything at scale, but perhaps with the right focus this might change.

"Professionally", if such a term can be used for the Espada, she is highly respected both for her lethal force and her brutal efficiency. Although many of these details are covered elsewhere, she is generally regarded as someone not to be fucked with and who - if they actually show up to the field of battle - are best avoided. You don't want to get on her bad side.

Estella lives and dies by a philosophy that the nature of a man cannot be changed;  we are who we are and we merely learn to live in different measures of balance. She seeks to move The Espada (and yes, even the Shinigami) to policies and practices that force a person's nature to the surface, rather than allow their dreams to shape reality.

   Height: 5'10" or 178cm
   Weight: 145lbs or 66kg
   Physical Traits:
Estella Castillo [0-5] D9r46h10

   History: Estella was born to a poor family in Iberia in the 15th century. As the Reconquista ravaged the land, she joined with a number of forces lending aid and giving succor to those who needed medical attention. She was fascinated with the science of medicine however she was unable to read, learning techniques and gaining knowledge only from second hand teachers and harsh lessons in experimentation. She served as best she could, never turning away patients even when threatened. One of the forces they were following broke and was on the run and their medical troupe was overtaken by the enemy. Although they offered freely, the invading officers forced them to triage only those they thought worthy of saving. The doctors protested, of course, and after a couple executions broke their spirit they complied. Estella was taken by the officers and forced to travel with them, living in harsh conditions in dirty clothes surrounded by the horrors of war. She died in filth only wishing to bring others to the light, shown the truth of man by the crucible of war.
   Exposition: [Optional. What is your character? This can be beliefs, life views, etc.]
   Side Notes: [Anything relevant not listed below goes here.]

   General Fighting Style: Estella is both aggressive and predatory at all times, best at close-to-short range combat where she can quickly outmaneuver and debilitate opponents. Primarily opportunistic, she will wait patiently for opponents to present openings in stance and make tactical errors for her to feast upon.

   Strengths: Regeneration, Speed, Strength, Hand-to-hand, Cero
   Weaknesses: Sensing, Stamina, Zanjutsu, Reiatsu Control

   Ability Name: Shadow Step
   Ability Description: A varient of Gamellos Sonida, Estella steps backward into concealment. A lingering after-image of her eyes remain, glowing in the dark, before she exits the step somewhere else for her ambush. This step is extremely difficult to detect when used to move from place of concealment to another place of concealment (shadow to shadow), but often fails to fool people when she steps into plain sight (such as right behind someone). This has a 5 post cooldown.

   Sealed Appearance: A striaght-edged katana approximately 36 inches in length, the blade always looks dirty and charred as if it were just pulled from a pile of hot embers
   Zanpakuto Name: Tiamat, Five-Headed Queen of Dragons
   Zanpakuto Call Out: "Fausto, Tiamat" as the sword erupts in a gout of flame and dissolves into reiatsu.
   Cero: Estella can use all canon Cero. Although her mastery of Bala is a distant second, she can still command them capably.

   Technique Name: Dragon's Roar
   Technique Description: Estella inhales deeply and breathes out a gout of Cero from her mouth in a cone. Due to the nature of the altered shape, these do not have the pinpoint, piercing power that Cero tend to have instead acting more like a sandblaster the strips away matter from the outside-in until nothing but ash or bone remains. Because the chain reaction starts in the back of her throat, the Dragon's Roar is somewhat concealed in nature, the deadly light not visible until much later than usual. These Cero do not explode, but do scorch the landscape.
   Appearance: After her release completes, Estella is clad in a few strategically placed, heavy plates of Hierro which envelop her torso much like a gladiator would armor themselves. Her hands are covered in viscious, sharpened gauntlet finger rings, and her head armored by an open-visor dragon helmet. Her reiatsu changes in density and color, blending all five aspects of her power into a neon cloud of rage. As she cycles through different aspects of her form, that corresponding color stands out, dominating the others in her aura.

Estella Castillo [0-5] D8szkh10

   Abilities: **Tiamat**
   Ability Name: Black Dragon's Cruelty
   Ability Description: Estella adopts the aspect of the Black Dragon, infusing her cero with a highly caustic bile which can melt flesh all on its own, even before mixing with the potency of the blast. This greatly increases the destructive power of her cero in all their forms.

   Ability Name: Blue Dragon's Brilliance
   Ability Description: Estella adopts the aspect of the Blue Dragon, greatly increasing her speed and infusing her melee attacks with jolts of electricity. Cero fired while in this form take branching and unpredictable paths which makes them both harder to aim and harder to avoid.

   Ability Name: Green Dragon's Bile
   Ability Description: Estella adopts the aspect of the Green Dragon, infusing her melee strikes with a highly corrosive acid that allows her to shred defenses and staunch healing. Strikes from this aspect reducing the efficacy of healing or regen by 50%. The first strike from a melee attack in this Aspect may be painful without inflicting much damage as it strips defenses. The second strike, delivered precisely to the same spot, could be lethal.

   Ability Name: Red Dragon's Greed
   Ability Description: Estella adopts the aspect of the Red Dragon, leaving a trail of a napalm-like substance where she moves, burning with an intensity that will not cease. This ability inflicts 2nd degree burns

   Ability Name: White Dragon's Splendor
   Ability Description: Estella adopts the aspect of the White Dragon, sapping the heat and warmth from everything and everyone around her. While in this form, she can no longer expel Cero but can breathe out a conical blast of gelid air which freezes stationary objects in place and slows all but the heartiest opponents.

Adopting any Aspect lasts for 3 rounds, and once an Aspect is used it cannot be adopted again for at least 3 rounds after the effect concludes.

   Appearance: Her multifaceted aura is absorbed within her body and her form bulges and swells. Estella takes on the massive, imposing form of Tiamat, the Five-Headed Queen of Dragons. Her body a mottled mass of orange and red leathery scales, each of the colors of her aura is now represented by a distinct dragon head which matches the color. These heads move and articulate independently.

   Abilities: Estella retains all of the abilities of her Resurrecion, however she no longer needs to adopt any specific Aspect in order to call upon it; she simply can. In addition to this, her savagery increases dramatically as she is now able to combine and chain these effects together.

  Ability Name: Mythical Monster
  Ability Description: Estella's body in this form is gargantuan in scale, with scales of steel, arms and legs easily as thick as a redwood, and a massive set of leathery wings. Unfortunately due to her size, the wings don't really provide much flight power. Estella can only fly short distances and usually does so as a means of pouncing or catching up to opponents. The sheer size and scope of this form gives her 50% damage reduction.

   Ability Name: Chromatic Strike
   Ability Description: Tiamat may blend and number of Aspects together into an attack. The number of aspects (between 1 and 5) is up to her at any given moment, however, each Aspect requires N-1 rounds to recover after use. So, if an attack was combining the White and Green Aspects, it would be an additional 1 turn before either Aspect would be available again.

  Ability Name: Obliteration
  Ability Description: Tiamat spends one post charging, each of her five heads taking careful and spiteful aim as they intensify and condense a cero which will converge at the truly unfortunate target. This renders all of her Aspects impotent for the rest of the thread, dealing 2 forbidden kido worth of damage.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Estella Castillo [0-5] Empty Re: Estella Castillo [0-5]

Sat May 29, 2021 7:30 pm
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