My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-07-28
Age : 26

Tousako Hashitaka Empty Tousako Hashitaka

Thu Jul 29, 2021 12:51 pm

Name: Tousako Hashitaka
Alias: [Does your character have nicknames?]
Real Age: 116
Phys. Age: Mid 20s
Gender: Female
Few may know her as a mysterious individual, who's overall personality is shrouded in a deep fog as some have yet to delve deep enough to understand her true intentions. Like a shadow existing underneath the night sky, yet can also be seen where one least expects. Tousako can be considered as an enigmatic individual for the simple fact that she reveals little about herself, and makes little effort in the pursuit of obtaining friendship.

She's more or less a loner that's shrouded in mystery, as those she has met throughout her time in soul society has only been able to understand a fraction of her overall behavior. Like the wind, she simply comes and goes. When undergoing a conversation, she tends to speak in a manner akin to a shy and timid girl. A very discreet individual, who knows what to tell and when not to tell. Under certain circumstances though, she may reveal bits and pieces of information about her. However, she would have to get well accustomed to the individual in question as she isn't the type to let down her guard around anyone, no matter how nice the person is being.

While she may not be the most ideal conversation partner, as the only way to witness her true colors is through combat. While in the middle of a fight, she becomes a serious and hardened combatant who knows how to out wit her foes with her slick tongue. Though there's one thing she detest about engaging in combat, and that's having to deal with staining her clothes along with her zanpakuto during battle. She finds the idea of having to keep a clean and ideal appearance a drag, as she doesn't want to go out of the way to keep maintaining the appearance of a clean individual. She's prone to becoming angered when something or someone managed to dirty up her clothes. To compensate for this anger of hers, she mainly takes it out on the one that caused it to happen, due to the fact that it cost to be pretty and cleaner than those around her. Tousako possess an interest for music, as she could be found humming whatever song playing in her head.

Weight: 132lbs
Physical Traits:

History: [Optional]
Exposition: [Optional. What is your character? This can be beliefs, life views, etc.]
Side Notes: [Anything relevant not listed below goes here.]

General Fighting Style:  
Her overall fighting style is that of an assassin, who uses their speed and intellect to level out the playing field. She aims for quick precise strikes that would prove difficult for the average fighter to predict, as one moment she's delivering a package full of kidou spells, and the next she's gone in a flash.
Strengths: Kidou, Reiatsu, Swordsmanship
Weaknesses: Hakuda, houhou
Ability Name:
Ability Description:

Ability Name:

Ability Description:


Sealed Appearance:
Tousako Hashitaka 89f54e10
Zanpakutou Name: Seian
Call Out Command:  "darken the skies, Seian"

Shikai [Unlocked at 3-2:

Bankai [Unlocked at 2-1:

Toukai [Unlocked at 0-5:

Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
Posts : 142
Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 27

Tousako Hashitaka Empty Re: Tousako Hashitaka

Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:12 pm
Approved 3-2
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