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Knox Lewis
Knox Lewis
Posts : 26
Join date : 2021-05-25
Age : 28

Tiburon [Complete] Empty Tiburon [Complete]

Fri Jun 04, 2021 6:22 pm
Tiburon [Complete] Pyke.0

Tiburon, The Shark of the Sands

Name: Tiburon
Alias: He was mis-gendered over the years as female but is the origin of the mythic Charybdis
Apparent Age: 45
True Age: 600
Sex: Male


Tiburon lives for 'the hunt.' It defined his life as a mortal, in that he was never satisfied with the biggest catch, or the latest kill. He always had to have more. In his death, not much has changed. He seeks strong opponents where he can find them and destroys those too weak to oppose him.

The effects of being a hollow twisted the already bent morality of Tiburon, turning him into a sadist. He loves the scent of fear and the way his prey's face looks just before he deals the final blow. His favorite hunting tactic is to wound a weaker hollow and stalk it in the hopes it leads it to whatever sorry excuse it calls a 'pack.' Once he's found a big enough group he quickly establishes himself as leader, proving his dominance by fileting the prior alpha. He entertains the group for as long as they entertain him, before he eventually tires of their antics and consumes them all.


Height: 5'10"
Weight: 210lbs
Physical Traits:


What remains of his mask are what appears to be a set of shark's jaws that sit upon his shoulders. His hollow hole sits at the base of his sternum, right where his diaphragm would be.


General Fighting Style: Close combat with an emphasis on Hakuda. He prefers a hit and run style, letting his opponents believe that have a chance at escape.
Strengths: Speed, Hakuda, Sonido, Hierro, Strength
Weaknesses: Bala, Cero, Regeneration, Zanjitsu, Reiryoku Control

Ability Name: Blood in the Water
Ability Description: Tiburon gets a 1x speed boost toward targets that are actively bleeding.

Ability Name: Depthless
Ability Description: Tiburon is able to move the ambient reishi in his immediate vicinity so that he can sink into solid surfaces. This makes it so he can appear from any non-living thing that isn't being worn or carried, so long as it has reishi in or around it.

Ability Name: Serrated Teeth
Ability Description: Wounds caused by Tiburon's melee strikes and with his zanpakuto take twice as long to heal.

Ability Name: Riptide
Ability Description: Tiburon is able to skewer an opponent with his weapon, pulling them back in his direction. As the weapon enters the opponent, they take a bala's worth of damage. On exit they take another bala's worth of damage. [1/post with a 1 post cd]


Sealed Appearance:
Zanpakuto Name: Charybdis
Zanpakuto Call Out: Open our Maw, Charybdis
Cero: Cero, Bala, Gran Rey





Ability Name: Feeding Frenzy
Ability Description: Tiburon's speed boost from "Blood in the Water" is now spread to his attacks, making them Shunpo speed. He has a maximum of 3 attacks at this speed per post until the blood flow is stopped.

Ability Name: Chum the Waters
Ability Description: Tiburon disturbs the ambient reishi preventing other people's ability to absorb it. This is a passive effect that persists 15 feet around his person. Because reshi can't pass through this space it makes energy based attacks 50% as effective against him if fired from beyond the 15 feet, attacks fired from inside the radius have their effectiveness reduced by 30%.

Ability Name: Undertow
Ability Description: Tiburon forces an opponent caught with Riptide into a solid object with himself for the duration of one post. [1 post cd]

Ability Name: Depth Charge
Ability Description: Tiburon begins to funnel the reishi around himself and his opponent into a whirlpool. Enemies drawn in are dealt a Gran Rey's worth of damage before they're ejected from the pool and the surface they were dragged into. [3 post cd]

Unlocked at 0 Tier:

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Tiburon [Complete] Empty Re: Tiburon [Complete]

Sat Jun 05, 2021 8:18 pm
Approved 1-3
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