My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-06-24

Micah Strauss - Usurper Empty Micah Strauss - Usurper

Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:56 pm

Name: Micah Strauss
Apparent Age: Twenty-Three
True Age: ???
Sex: Male
Personality: Once a generous and loving man, he has been reduced to quite the opposite. While he does have similar aspects to him of his old self, he is much more apathetic, and truly an aggressor in most situations. Whether that be for his own amusement or a complex once can't really say. To most outwardly he is an ambitious man who knows what must be done, or what he wants to do in order to achieve his ultimate goal. While he simply "Wants to die a King" it is a goal he has stuck by since becoming a hollow. Though the dedication he has to this goal does not make him a flat out asshole, it does curb many of his more compassionate emotions.

To his friends he strives to be a better, more powerful friend they can turn to, as in the end, his need to become King always falls back to his protective nature he inherited from his past life. That said, there are not many that have kept up with him enough to be called true friends of his, most either die along the way or turn their backs on him due to his sandpaper-like grating his person does on their sanity. This does make it easier for him at times, though he does get a tad bit lonely. Finding someone he can trust is one piece of his puzzle to becoming King that he hopes to place along the way, and whether that's a comrade in arms, or a lover in bed he does not care.

Getting a bit out of hand every now and then is what keeps Micah from becoming bored, a state of mind he absolutely abhors. Ridding himself of such an emotion is sometimes a bit hard as he doesn't find too many things amusing. Food, Alcohol, and being the center of attention are sure ways to make Micah happy, and if there's ever a way to achieve all three, this man will surely be doing it. Overall he is a man who lives for his pride and to fulfill his glutton, who hopes one day every man alive will know his wrath.

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 168lbs
Physical Traits:

Micah's mask fragment does not rest where one would expect, instead it goes across his collar bone and down his abdomen half-way. the bone flares slightly at the shoulder and goes up and down. A hollow hole lies upon the middle of his left hand palm. His outfit differs from the usual Espada uniform, consisting of a dress shirt that is of random color and design, over that he wears a black jacket with golden buttons, three on the left side, two on the left. While his pants are dark black jeans and combat boots as shoes.

Quite notably his eyebrows curl off the ends giving him a somewhat whimsical appearance at times. Preferring to stay quite comfortable his slouch doesn't give off any threatening or menacing vibes, however once you get to know him, it's clear he's an aggressive individual. Not in a merciless way, just in the way he knows who he is and what he wants.




Exposition: To be King
Side Notes: N/ah

General Fighting Style: Micah tends to rely on his ability to manipulate sand as his main offense and defense. Prefering to keep his hand clean he uses his immense reaction speed and overwhelming amount of flexibility when it comes to manipulation to ward off most unwanted attention. When push comes to shove he uses his strength and durability to even the odds against most opponents.


Reiatsu/Spiritual Pressure: Micah has an immense amount of Spiritual Pressure and Reiatsu, oftentimes inducing vomiting when coming into contact with someone who is unable to handle it. He is however able to keep this under control for the most part, keeping it hidden away until necessary. When feeling his overwhelming Ocean of spiritual presence it is like being buried alive.

Reiryoku Control

Durability/Hierro: Micah's body has constantly been under extreme pressure since the beginning and as such has grown to withstand such pressure. His ability to take punishment nears masochism, able to easily take attacks en masse with little effect. This is reinforced by an enhanced Hierro that far surpasses that of even the strongest of Espada.

Strength: His overall strength is much greater than any of his peers. While unrefined, due to never training in a martial art Micah is near unrivaled in muscular output in way of fist and kick.


Swordplay: Micah has never been one for sword combat and as such is not quite up to speed on all the fancy and flagrant uses of the blade.

Speed: Though his reaction speed is great, overall he's not a pioneer in the field of quickness. His overall speed is average for someone his level.


Sonido: His Sonido is below average as he never felt it important to try to pad his already lacking speed with another technique.  Instead he preferred to focus on his strengths.

Ability Name: Elemental Affinity: Sand
Ability Description: Micah has complete control over any and all sand around him. Whether this be environmental or generated by him Micah can create constructs as nearly solid as a Zanpakuto due to each grain being infused by his immense spiritual energy. It is as though each grain is a piece of his soul, reacting most often instinctively. While it is difficult to create multiple objects all at once, doing attacks with just large blankets of sand, or creating pillars to rise into the air is much easier and normally how he operates. When shot, constructs have the speed and attack power of Bala.

Ability Name: Goldenrod Blood
Ability Description: Micah's entire body is in a state of constant fluctuation between being composed of the normal spiritual body kind and that of Sand. This makes 25% of incoming damage nullified in base form, and 50% in Resurrection.

Ability Name: Mind’s Eye
Ability Description: With a reaction speed far above par to even the quickest of opponents, it has been described by those he has fought as if he has a third eye watching over him telling of future events and movements before they happen. This is paired with an exceptional ability to sense his surroundings and those who exist within them.

Ability Name: Nenshou Cero
Ability Description: Concentrating a ball of Orangish Yellow Cero into the palm of his hand sand encircles his arm in a corkscrew motion as though being threaded into the energy.  In an instant a beam as thin as a strand of spider web shoots from the concentrate faster than the eye can see before almost instantly expanding into the actual attack. If hit by the small beam the opponent will be tethered to the spot in which they were standing when hit, unable to move.  The beam once expanded is nearly 20 feet in diameter and goes as far as the eye can see.  This does Cero Oscuras damage.  When released it releases a shockwave of golden energy from Micah which will rain down on those below him. 5 post cooldown

Ability Name: Strength
Ability Description: 3x Strength

Sealed Appearance: While sealed Micah's Zanpakuto is a small Jambiya, it's curved blade being about 6 inches in length, is a blinding silver with Damascus waves throughout. The handle itself is ornate and ordained with bronze trim being about the width of his hand in length it seems to fit perfectly. At the end of the handle is a wide crescent moon like pommel which rounds his hand.  The sheath itself is wrapped in a red patterned cloth hiding worn brown leather beneath.

Zanpakuto Name: Psamanthe
Zanpakuto Call Out: Smother
Cero: All forms of Cero and some extra


The sand around his body now fully encompassing it scatters in a flurry blocking him from view.  The sand hovers around his body, as it reveals his body is now much like a normal Arrancar, his hollow mask runs up the side of his neck from his collarbone and up his jaw line hidden by his hair as it forms a crown-like structure with two horns sticking out of his head and his golden hair is slightly longer covering his face partially.  His eyes have become a dreary yellow and the pupils seem to be like slits.  His clothes remain mostly the same however the black jacket is now down to his knees and flares outwards as the golden buttons line the left side.  The collar is flared up as well, hiding his face from a side view. While in this form his Zanpakuto is no longer visible.


Ability Name: Psamathe - Projection
Ability Description: While in his Resurrection his ability to manipulate Sand and his Reiatsu and Spiritual Pressure greatly increase to near god-like levels. Each item is infused with so much Spiritual Energy that when contact is made they implode on themselves releasing all the stored energy in a small  localized explosion. Basic projectiles are steel-like and cause minor explosions. Can create 5 bala speed and level per post, 1 Cero level projectiles can be released per post, 1 Gran Rey cero every 3 posts, and 1 Cero Oscuras level every 4. All objects have a range of 100 meters.

Ability Name: Strengthened
Ability Description: 6x Strength

Ability Name: Dareni Maisou Itai Shimasu
Ability Description: Sand controlled by Micah encircles the opponent on the ground before rushing into the air like a tornado as it very quickly encloses and attempts to crush the opponent dealing relatively high damage. Double cero damage 2 post cooldown

Ability Name: Jinsei No Suna
Ability Description: Sand envelopes a comrade and heals them for every post rotation that goes by.  A severed limb will take the entire duration of this ability to heal, and will heal only that. The sand hardens into Sandstone while healing if it is a broken bone, otherwise, it only hardens in places That would not have joints While still healing. Lasts for 4 posts, 2 post cooldown.

Ability Name: Miraajixyu
Ability Description: Micah fades into the ground to either confuse an opponent or dodge their attack as large Spires of spiritual energy and Sand/Rock shoot from the ground into the air potentially cutting or stabbing any in the area before bursting into many grains of sand which then rush at the opponent hitting them with blunt force and causing small cuts. The range is around 100ft in radius. Twice per thread limit. 5 post cooldown

Ability Name: Rha Telamonia
Ability Description: A shield of focused golden light unfolds from a centerpoint to become a 5 pointed flower, each petal being a shield of its own. Each petal can take a Cero’s worth of damage before being destroyed. Each petal is also able to be summoned individually however there is a 4 post cooldown before being able to be summoned once more. If summoned in totality all 5 petals can survive one attack worth of forbidden Kido.

Optional Roleplay Sample:
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Join date : 2019-10-28

Micah Strauss - Usurper Empty Re: Micah Strauss - Usurper

Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:06 pm
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