My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

To  Bear One's Scars Empty To Bear One's Scars

Thu May 20, 2021 1:40 am
AnnaMaria “Anna” Nanashi
Enjoying her temporary ‘house arrest’ in Las Noches

"Time seems to have forgotten this realm."Spoke a figure sitting in a tree looking out over a wall of their current massive cage of a permitted roaming area. The figure watched small lesser hollows fight one another, senseless bloodshed. "To think this is what they are really like. What a difference between them and those I have been allowed to interact with."She spoke softly before looking at the hollows gathering below her tree "They are like buzzards...Only looking for food to grow only to become food for those above them...What a pitiful existence you all bear."She whispered allowing herself to rise from sitting on the branch to standing. "I guess I can get these depressing thoughts out by ending your sad existence. Just know, I don't like doing this and that I hope in another life you can forgive me."She whispered jumping down from her branch pulling out her zanpackuto.

Within a flurry of slashes, she shunpo to a stop outside of the freshly chopped Arrancar. She took a deep breath before smiling "Yepper! All bad thoughts have gone. That was refreshing...Though."She said looking back at the bodies "You think the Primera would get these poor things to stop trying to get near me until they take a bath...Do hollows even take baths?" she asked Allowing her bubbly ditzy self to come out with its odd and random thoughts before looking up at the moon "I wonder if my family has even been told of my disappearance."She added worrying a bit as she stared at the moon in thought. She hated this boring routine of her daily life at the moment as she had to remind herself that she had a facade to keep up as well or things might not end in the way she had hoped allowing this whole routine to happen.

Tier: 1-3
Title: Captain of the Kidou Corps
Alias: Anna, Pink Terror
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Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
Posts : 142
Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 27

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Thu May 20, 2021 4:29 pm
A low chuckle came from somewhere behind the pink-haired Shinigami, followed by a voice that was a bit too deep to be completely natural, cold and regal, filled with power and authority. "Most Hollows that are lower on the evolutionary chain have no need to bathe, as they do not take human form and often have no true desire to act as anything other than mindless beasts. Adjuchas have been known to do so on occasion, although many of them take the form of animals and thus do not need a formal bath. Many Arrancar don't necessarily think to do so, simply because they have spent decades, or even centuries without needing to do so. I myself learned the value of a nice hot bath during the days of the Babylonian Empire, in Mesopotamia. The springs in Uruk were nothing short of divine. The only time I've been able to recreate that feeling was in Rome."

The figure that spoke strode up to the Shinigami's left, staring at the moon. He had long white hair, and wore a white kimono and hakama with red accents. He had foregone the armor and his customary pelt for the moment, simply for comfort within his realm. Turning his eyes to the unwitting guest, she would notice that the golden gaze was that of an apex predator, unnerving and likely sending chills down her spine despite the polite tone in his voice. The pronounced canines in his mouth likely didn't help, nor did the fact that the area filled with more reiatsu than she likely would have experienced in the presence of anyone aside from perhaps the Captain-Commander, even as it lazily settled in the area like a thick blanket instead of being actively channeled as a threat. "So tell me, why is a Shinigami wandering the halls of Las Noches?"
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Sat May 22, 2021 4:46 am
AnnaMaria “Anna” Nanashi
Enjoying her temporary ‘house arrest’ in Las Noches

Anna mentally sighed hating the facade she needed to keep up with the next action of jumping from the sudden voice turning slightly to face him listening to him answer her random thoughts without much thought to it before rambling of his own enjoyment of baths. Who the hell was he and could she braid his hair. Oh, the temptation was real. She allowed her eyes to quickly scan him as she could tell from just the sight and the fact of a thick blanket of just being in his presence, he was much on the same level or maybe a tiny bit weaker than the captain commander.

"Thankyou for that...Information...I think. Oh uh, I am simply a 107th seat of squad 6, Anna Nanashi. Uh well that is the thing, your Primera was going to destroy Tokyo and for some reason, I thought it was best to stop him but it turned to him laughing at me and calling my attempt at stopping his destruction adorable, Which it was not by the way, and some reason because I have a family name he thought it would be swell to relieve me of my patrol for however long by bringing me here and I guess attract trouble."She said nervously laughing in some of the sentences trying to get her thoughts under check while keeping her backstory straight. "And well, I been here for...I think a weak I met the air kid thingy, I think your Segunda? If I remember right, oh and killed countless smaller hollows that uh, refuse to leave me be."She added going over her mental notes counting them off her fingers in thought tilting her head from side to side with each one.

After waiting a few seconds in silence it dawned on her to ask the most vital question "Who are you and are you going to fight the Primera so I can go home? I got paperwork to still do and a massive scolding and then possibly quarantine in Kokoro's lab...God, I hope I don't have to quarantine in his lab from this..."She said thinking of all the bad things she would possibly deal with to ensure she didn't bring anything back to the gotei.

Tier: 1-3
Title: Captain of the Kidou Corps
Alias: Anna, Pink Terror
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Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
Posts : 142
Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 27

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Sun May 23, 2021 1:56 am
Graven's mouth tilted up in a predatory smirk even as the newly-named Anna kept speaking. Oh, she was in for a treat. Chuckling after she finished speaking, the wolf would respond, his tone teasing and a bit dry, as if he were pointing out the obvious. "My, my, what a lie you've been keeping up. Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed in my Espada for not understanding the bare minimum about the Gotei's structure. There are only twenty Seated Officers, ranked in accordance with strength, with the First and Second occupied by the Captain and Lieutenant, correct?"

Turning slightly to face the pink-haired girl, Graven would continue. "On top of that, we Arrancar have a natural defense known as Hierro, and even a Numeros like the one you sliced through so effortlessly could likely withstand combat with anyone under a Third Seat without much damage, with the lower ranks not even able to cut them. Then there's the fact that you refer to Captain Kokoro Nashi by his given name, instead of in the manner that a lower-ranked individual addresses a superior, whether or not they directly answer to them. A member of the lower ranks would also not necessarily step in to prevent an Espada from doing much of anything, as they would be crushed under the raw reiatsu given off by someone at or above what you Shinigami would consider Captain-Class. Finally..."

At this, the eldest Arrancar's energy would flare slightly, it's weight truly beginning to affect the area briefly, reality seeming to crack as Anna's mouth would start tasting as if it were filled with blood, and she would feel lost and alone under the weight of eternity, her vision filled with the eyes of a wolf before everything returned to some semblance of normal. "...If you were anything but a Shinigami Captain, or perhaps a particularly strong Lieutenant, that likely would have killed you. So, tell me. Who are you, really?"

As Graven asked this, the collar of his kimono, kept loose in the safety of his domain, opened just enough to show a hint of a stylized "0" - a clear enough answer to who he was. He had no illusions about the fact that the Gotei knew about him. Hell, there were likely children's tales told about the Hollow King in Soul Society.

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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Sun May 23, 2021 4:56 am
AnnaMaria “Anna” Nanashi
Enjoying her temporary ‘house arrest’ in Las Noches

Anna was a bit surprised to see that someone in the Espada was able to see past the facade, she worked so hard to maintain while under her small house arrest of information gathering. She listened to his analysis of the shinigami and the layout allowing a blank stare to cross on her face So, is this what  I sound like? She thought letting him ramble on the structure and the possible gageing of power in the ranks of the shinigami but also let her in on some information on the Arrancar and the hollows which lead to the final assessment of feeling his reiastu for a few seconds, feeling it like a hand crushing her along with the predatory eyes of a wolf before it was once again contained back into the den which was the Arrancar. She watched him move the kimono some seeing his number as she r remember the Primera and the Segunda's numbers seeing he must be the so-called king or leader.  Real smart...

Anna allowed him to get his point across as she turned on her heels walking back to the tree she once sat in, reaching inside its trunk pulling out a white haori and a long pink scarf. "Honestly, I figured  I would not be found out as well, it is better my position stays a secret much like the part of the gotei forces that I started commanding for only being out of the academy for about a year now."She spoke wiping  it off before pulling the sleeveless haori over her uniform before wrapping the pink scarf loosely around her neck. On the Back of the Haori bore the symbol of the Kido Corps "I am Capatain Annamaria Nanashi, Next to be head of the Nanashi family, I run the secretive group of Specialists called the Kido Corps."She spoke allowing her ditzy demeanor to drop. She seemed much more mature and wise with a very youthful vibe full of ancient wisdom of an older kind.   "It is nice to finally meet the big bad wolf himself, Graven Fel."She said

Tier: 1-3
Title: Captain of the Kidou Corps
Alias: Anna, Pink Terror
Important Links:

Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
Posts : 142
Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 27

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Mon May 24, 2021 1:06 am
Graven let out a low chuckle as his erstwhile conversation partner put on her haori and scarf, introducing herself more properly and making a light-hearted joke about his reputation. "In your defense, you likely would have gotten away with it had you not met someone who was alive at the time of the Gotei's founding. It was long enough ago that I don't necessarily remember all of the details, or even WHY the scattered Balancers needed to reform themselves into the Shinigami we know of nowadays. Although you already know my name, allow me to introduce myself more formally. I am Graven Fel, the King of Hueco Mundo and the Cero Espada."

Fixing his kimono, tightening it for the sake of Anna's modesty - not that he truly cared, but he figured that a young one such as she would - Graven looked back up at the moon. "We Hollows were not always like this, you know. Cursed to walk underneath a moon for eternity, hungering for something we can never have...Of course, those days are long gone, and any attempt on my behalf to bring us back to our former glory has, ultimately, failed due to the hubris of the younger generations. So, tell me, Captain Annamaria Nanashi. You are young for a Shinigami, yes? How does one such as you make it to Captain in such a short time?"
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Mon May 24, 2021 3:27 am
AnnaMaria “Anna” Nanashi
Enjoying her temporary ‘house arrest’ in Las Noches

"I have actually gotten away with it plenty as you should educate your kin with what you know of the shinigami as some of the younger ones thought it was so great to have a hundred or so seats to rule over," she said with a smile listening to his explanation before letting out a sigh hea ring her Full Name "First of all, NEVER CALL ME ANNAMARIA! I go by Anna or as some of those who know me as The Pink terror.."She Spoke "Secondly, How I came to gain my spot amongst the captains of the gotei without much of a whim to get to where I am. Well, I am, as my family claims, an ancient spell of vast knowledge with a young vessel of rebirth. My specialty surpasses everyone in my Division as when it comes to it. My one thing is what I am good at and I stink at all others by that and my special family ties put me into this position among others that are being laid out for me"She said

Tier: 1-3
Title: Captain of the Kidou Corps
Alias: Anna, Pink Terror
Important Links:

Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
Posts : 142
Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 27

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Tue May 25, 2021 12:12 am
Snickering slightly and dipping his head in understanding when Anna got angered at the use of her full name, Graven's eyes flickered red and he took on an unreadable expression - even more so than normal - at her words. "An ancient repository of knowledge, passed through the cycle of rebirth? If that is true, then you are indeed a rare thing, and how I so love the oddities I find..."

Turning his full attention to Anna, the Arrancar would stalk forwards, reaching out with his right hand to grip her chin and tilt it up, forcing her to look straight into the eyes of a wolf. He was close enough that she would be able to smell the scent of an old forest, fresh-fallen snow, honey, spice, and something deeper and coppery...the smell of fresh blood. The teeth in his mouth would gleam in the moonlight as he smirked, sharp enough to tear out her throat in an instant. "Tell me, little rabbit...Why shouldn't I simply add you to my collection?"

From his tone, his scent, and the look in his eyes, the sensation Anna would be getting was halfway between that of being hunted and that of making a deal with the Devil. The grip in her chin was gentle enough not to hurt, but she wouldn't be able to get free of it if she tried. The entire time, Graven would seem as if he was searching for something in her face and eyes.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Tue May 25, 2021 12:36 am
AnnaMaria “Anna” Nanashi
Enjoying her temporary ‘house arrest’ in Las Noches

"I am not sure if I passed through the cycle of rebirth if you ask me. My last name speaks volumes to who I should be and remain, Nanashi Meaning No name. I am simply someone who should remain out of sight and mind as well, cause well if I did I wouldn't be enjoying myself so much under this house arrest, or would it be forest arrest?"She asked allowing her mind to wander again before it came back to reality upon smelling a sudden scent of different smells, an old forest, maybe some fresh snow and something metallic, maybe copper or maybe fresh blood as she found him move towards her feeling his hand grip her chin forcing her chin to tilt up having to look towards him.

Her blue eyes widened as she listened before she allowed them to soften while collecting her thoughts to present the best solution. She was sure if she tried she could get her chin free but she was also sure he could prevent that fast er then her plan would succeed "I am not a rabbit, first of all, Secondly there are two forces you would need to get through, one the Primera that brought me here for these stupid games of strength and the possible glory in feeling the final embrace of death and the attack dog of the Gotei. I am sure you can blow past one with ease but the other till never stop as it never was in his blood too, that and well, my mother wouldn't be too happy to have to come to rescue me by breaking her retirement." She added in a soft tone opening her eyes to open again as they memorized every little movement of his face, every little detail possible.

Tier: 1-3
Title: Captain of the Kidou Corps
Alias: Anna, Pink Terror
Important Links:

Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
Posts : 142
Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 27

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Tue May 25, 2021 4:04 am
Graven's smirk would widen at Anna's words, even as he turned her head side to side gently, as if he were inspecting her face from multiple angles, his eyes always returning to her own. Shifting his hand slightly as if he were going to choke her, Anna would feel a slight pressure, before blood dripped from a cut made by the Arrancar's thumbnail. Wiping it away with a finger, the king would bring it to his face, taking a slow, measured lick - as if he were tasting a fine wine instead of a Shinigami's blood. "Are you sure? You taste like a rabbit to me. Light and tangy, with a certain earthiness that most herbivores possess."

The blood over the cut hardened immediately after his words, cleaning and sealing the area before the excess brought itself over to Graven's hand, twirling about his finger before being flicked back over to the tree Anna had been hiding in, even such a small amount impacting hard enough to vaporize a large portion of the trunk and send the rest toppling to the ground. "My Primera knows better than to challenge my decisions, and I will be sure to speak to him about the rather questionable decision to kidnap a Shinigami. As for the Attack Dog...A wolf who fears a collared pup has no right to call himself Alpha. Let him come. I will greet him with all the hospitality I can muster. The same goes for your mother. That being said..."

Graven looked up at the moon again, a wistful look on his face. "I know what it is like to be alone, more than perhaps anyone else alive. Come. I will take you home myself. Before that, however...a gift."

At that, the man drew a tanto, along with a sheath, from within his kimono and handed it to her. Upon drawing it, it would be clear that the dagger was of exquisite quality, perhaps even matching many Zanpakuto aside from the material used. "The knife was forged by Sengo Muramasa, one of his lost pieces. I happen to own one or two of them aside from that one, and feel it would be better in your hands. A warning, if you're the superstitious type. According to legend, Muramasa was said to be unbalanced and violent, and his unstable mindset infected his work. The blades are of a quality matched only by one other smith, and yet they are unable to be returned to their sheath without tasting blood. It's not necessarily true, mind you, but I'm sure you can see the symbolism."

Turning, Graven would flick his wrist casually, opening a Garganta and stepping inside, reaching out his hand for Anna to join him on the road of reishi that formed beneath his feet. "I am a man of my word, little rabbit. You shall be returned to your home. Don't worry, I don't bite...hard."

The last bit was said with a wink, and he didn't mention the other gift he had left her. When he had taken control of the blood flowing from her neck in order to seal the wound and clean the extra, he had allowed some of it to seep back into her body. It was likely an uncomfortable feeling, but was relatively harmless until you understood that any blood under his control is infected by his reiatsu. Her body wouldn't reject it, as that was one of the side effects, and it would begin to spread his control slowly. Normally he would rip it out once it was done, but this time he'd let it dissipate in order to sate some curiosity of his. Could a Shinigami, or even a living human, Hollowfy successfully? Perhaps not. Perhaps the exposure to his reiatsu would be uncomfortable but ultimately nothing. Perhaps it would reach her reiryoku, and corrupt it. The duality, much like an Arrancar's, would ultimately make her stronger IF she could control it.

Graven couldn't wait to see what happens next.

Abilities Used:
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Tue May 25, 2021 4:56 am
AnnaMaria “Anna” Nanashi
Enjoying her temporary ‘house arrest’ in Las Noches

Anna winced slightly feeling him move her head from side to side as if examining or looking for something that he seemed to be missing or maybe he thought he saw. She shut her left eye feeling his grip tighten slightly on her chin before feeling a slight paper-like cut form from his thumbnail cutting into her skin "Hey! Watch your nails please."She stated feeling him finally let go of her chin as she felt the cut heal and reseal itself figuring that was just her natural body tending to itself like it tended to, though she never felt it heal even small cuts that fast.

She felt her left eye twitched, creeped out by the fact he lit really tasted her blood, what the hell was wrong with him? Is he a nutcase? So many thoughts wandered into her head as she watched him flick the tiny amount of leftover blood to the tree she had once hide her captain's haori in as she watched a large portion of the trunk get vaporized before toppling over the rest of the tree as she was legit surprised by the amount of force in a single flick figuring if he was to flick anything at her, she was going to be dead. So scary.

She recollected herself and her thoughts as she watched him look towards the moon before speaking of loneliness "My kind of loneliness has been with me since my existence.  You have seen so much and understand yourself more than you will ever understand mine."She responded gently while watching him pull out a tanto giving her a history lesson on it and the possible curse that might be or might not be attached to the sheathed blade while she accepted it before hiding it in her sash with her sheathed zanpackuto. "If you can, send him home, I and the gotei need him alive to tend to the outcasts of battle-driven warriors of his squad, Plus, I have something I need to speak with him about and hear the scolding of what he is probably dealing with..."She spoke seeing him open a Garganta before watching him extend a hand for her to take. She watched it in a debating thought. She could possibly go home right now and call it done but what if the gotei already sent their forces here to try finding her only to find out she was returned home? Should she stay and wait for the others? What if none of them were actually coming? What if the Giga never got her message to the patrol team? So many what-ifs.  

She closed her eyes, bring her left hand up, resting her palm against the scarf as a calming mechanism, allowing herself to weigh out the possible options while seeing if she could sense any familiar reiastu anywhere within range as she knew some by heart cause they were naturally massive even contained and sealed. She could sense some faint signatures as that made up her mind instantly recognizing one right off the bat. She opened her eyes shaking her head "Can you instead take me to the massive shinigami one in that direction? I would prefer to not leave if my comrades are bothering fighting your own forces to bring me home. After all, they had come all this way and dealing with the troubles of getting here, it would be rude if I just willingly left them."She spoke gently hoping Graven would be willing to fulfill her request. She could just head that way regardless of asking graven for permission, that just depended if he would let her. Sure she would have to tear down some walls and leave bodies in her wake but just willingly leaving her fellow shinigami behind wasn't what she was supposed to do. She was a captain, after all, She would never leave her squad members to die while saving herself.  She wasn't about to do that to the captains she has looked up to throughout her academy years.

Tier: 1-3
Title: Captain of the Kidou Corps
Alias: Anna, Pink Terror
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Posts : 45
Join date : 2021-02-10
Age : 26

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Tue May 25, 2021 7:56 pm
She was his captive, this was his home, and it was his plan to put everything in motion for his own path to glory. And now, his superior was there to put everything on ice, on top of stealing what he considered to be his victory. More than that, it was the fact that he was kneeling to the Shinigami without even a second thought. It was absolutely shameful, and Atou was going to rectify the situation. Currently, he was making his way towards the two while suppressing his Reiatsu signature in order to make sure he was approaching without being noticed. It was his idea to try and get there and at least surprise the two before giving the King a piece of his mind.

When he was nearby, he would listen in to the conversation the two had, the King of course treating the Shinigami like an animal, even going so far as to give her his 'gifts' of Reiatsu. It spoiled the point he was trying to make. Even though he had kidnapped the girl for sport, the point was to return her safe and sound once he had gotten his fill of fighting. Now, he not only had probably threatened his captive, but also because of this slight the Shinigami were more liable to actually seek retribution for the thing's he'd done. That and the tone of the conversation left a bad taste in his mouth. Once he was in hearing distance and before they had an opportunity to leave, he would show himself to the two beings.

The approach was near-silent, as he laid himself down on the branch of a tree above them, assuming a relaxed posture. "I really gotta hand it to you, King. You've got balls, coming into my house and sticking your nose into my business. Not only that, you also spoiled it. I said I would make sure that not one hair on that woman's head would be harmed, and you've gone and basically gone and threatened just that, gifts or not." His tone was relaxed, but more blunt than a sledgehammer, and he was clearly pissed, despite his body language. The Primera also seemed extremely protective of his stolen quarry, and not at all intimidated by who he was addressing. He was the Primera for a reason, dammit, and if shit needed mixing, by the Soul King was it going. To. Get. Mixed.
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 27

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Wed May 26, 2021 2:14 am
Graven lifted an eyebrow at Anna's request, about to answer her when he was interrupted by one of his Espada, the Primera himself come to protect his quarry. Stepping out of the Garganta, the elder Arrancar grabbed the Shinigami by the shoulder and tossed her inside of it, his face once more dispassionate. "Run for the place where the ambient reishi feels thickest, and don't drop control of the path for a moment, else you'll be lost between worlds. Atou, you and I need to have a talk. Kidnapping a Shinigami Captain, even going so far as bringing her to Las Noches? We cannot afford war with the Gotei at this time, especially given our Segunda's recent...departure. Everything that comes of this is on your head. You are lucky I was the one to find her, and not one of our foolish compatriots, else her death would have made things so much worse."

The massive amount of reiatsu that Graven gave off passively began to grow heavier, and fifteen gallons of blood began to pool around him, each splitting off and forming into a spear. "If you truly desire a fight so much, then I shall give it to you. Do not bring Hueco Mundo's safety, and our kind's prosperity into jeopardy with your warmongering when we cannot win. Despite our strength, there are only so many Arrancar and no reliable way of creating more, while the Shinigami are likely enjoying their strongest generation at this moment. If you cannot understand that much, then perhaps you need a lesson in strategy and forward planning."

Abilities Used:
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Wed May 26, 2021 3:41 am
AnnaMaria “Anna” Nanashi
Enjoying her temporary ‘house arrest’ in Las Noches

Anna looked around before looking up at the voice. She could tell this was not going to end well on her side as she watched the two, ready at any moment to dash the opposite way of any possible fight they would have. Atou's appearance was a distraction as she felt graven grab ahold of her shoulder before tossing her into the Garganta as she twisted, catching her balance looking towards them "I know how these work, and I said I am not going to leave my other allies behind like this Graven..." she said blankly looking between the path behind her and the opening of the Garganta. She could try to go back in but then again she might as well head back home and wait for any notification of her fellow captains and Shinigami coming back. She could tell that there was no way she was going to escape the possible mayhem unharmed.

She truly was torn by the decision. She could try remaining but all that would happen she would get in the way, that and well there was a massive amount of blood-forming as she bit her lip I have to leave, I will find another way back and maybe not get scolded too bad... She thought to herself turning her back to the entrance dashing in following the most ambient amount of reishi in hopes to get back to the gotei or at least to the human world. She was kinda confused at the fact both kinda kept their promise in returning her home unharmed but both of their methods were weird. She just hoped she would be welcomed home without too much trouble.

Tier: 1-3
Title: Captain of the Kidou Corps
Alias: Anna, Pink Terror
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Posts : 45
Join date : 2021-02-10
Age : 26

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Thu May 27, 2021 2:16 pm
Atou's nose cringed at the lecture he was being given, knowing that there were various loopholes he was going to push through in Graven's argument. He didn't take into account any of the things that Atou did, and therefore didn't have a complete picture. "You don't think I wasn't going to be here if anyone did? You really didn't think I planned for the Gotei to come knocking? They're smart enough to figure out that when they found her here, unharmed, that I would just get what I wanted?" The Primera visibly scoffed at Graven's words and further preparation for battle. In response, Atou stood up and cracked his neck, placing a hand on the hilt of his blade. "I wanted to get their attention. And prosperity? Our kind feeds off of war and the determination of the strongest. While I respect the Shinigami, it doesn't mean I won't fight them to test myself. Besides, before you stepped in only I had a chance of getting hurt."

Graven's prattling on about safety and prosperity nearly made him laugh, as did the spear forming at Graven's request. "Safety? Prosperity? The only reason that we're even an organization is because of tradition. Besides, you're a lone wolf, you don't care about the prosperity of this place, because in the end, you're going to be alone and dead, just like the rest of us. If I get myself killed, you couldn't care less beyond the mask you wear as the King. So do me a favor and dissipate those spears, because you and I both know the only way you're going to hit me is if you do it yourself." Atou was used to being on his own, living his own life just the way he wanted to, and as such he not only reflected the number he had tattooed, but also his Aspect of Death.

If Graven was using his signature abilities, then he would also do the same. The Primera's Reishi skyrocketed as he drew his Zanpakuto and spoke as the world around him grew silent. "Cover me in stone, Mono Emperador." Thus, the Monkey King entered the battlefield, donning his armor, and forming his Iron Staff to solve his issues like he always had: by beating the shit out of them until they stopped moving. This was it, Atou's spat against Graven had come full circle. Mostly he was angry about Graven touching what he considered his, but also he knew that the Hollow King probably had other motivations underneath it all. There was a reason he was this ancient. However, there was also something to be said about how strong Atou was at a fraction of the age. Now, he was going to show his progress. He certainly didn't intend to kill Graven, but there was a lesson to be taught, sure as his King also had an irritating point.
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Mon May 31, 2021 12:46 pm
A sigh could be heard at Atou's words, and the release of his Zanpakuto brought no visible reaction from Graven. Internally, he was seething at the younger Arrancar's insinuations, along with his attitude. Setting his feet ever so slightly in the sand, the wolf was thankful that the two were just outside of the dome of Las Noches, otherwise it would have to be reconstructed. Again. Snapping his fingers to close the Garganta behind him, the King would reply, tucking his hands in his pockets. "Prosperity is not something we have in the present, but something we should strive for in the future. If you cannot see past your own selfish desires to see that, then perhaps I should take a more hands-on approach in the education of my Espada. Let's begin, shall we?"

Five more spears of blood formed as Graven blurred backwards in Sonido, landing around twenty meters away and firing off the original fifteen at the arrogant Primera faster than even the Cero himself could move. They would track his position, and if they hit, it would be with enough strength to flatten a mountain.

Graven refused to play around, even if he didn't see Atou as a true threat.

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To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Fri Jun 04, 2021 11:56 pm
The blood-red Reiatsu of the Cero began to pool around him, a tool to use against his foes, and an extremely effective one at that. However, Atou would be able to throw off a good amount of the tracking spears through extremely deft movement and an intimate knowledge of the surrounding terrain. After all, this was his home, and he'd been here for a good long while. As he moved through and around the trunks of the trees around the Cero King, the spears would crash and break or embed themselves into the trees. Of course, that meant Atou had to keep on the move, and while he was on the move, he didn't have to keep track of his unmoving target. "Selfish desires? This is instinct. I'm going to have the time of my life during this fight, and the next fights to come. You expect all of us to go against that? Anyone who suppresses themselves is holding themselves back!."

His response was to extend his staff towards the Cero, the endcap blooming into the shape of a lotus and firing eight thin beams of Reiatsu at the other Espada. They moved remarkably quick and seemed to be one of his abilities for Resurreccion. However, that would be the only thing Atou would do as he danced around, waiting for the Cero to make a mistake.
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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Age : 27

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Sun Jun 06, 2021 8:44 am
He couldn't help it. Graven barked out a quick laugh at Atou's words, even as he recalled his spears and used three gallons of blood to form a shield, the amorphous solid flexing and reflecting the eight beams of reiatsu back at the Primera. Five more gallons joined him as it coalesced from his reiatsu, the shield dissipating as it formed into even more spears. After that, he cut each of his spears in half, doubling the total number. "I never once said to defy your own instincts. That being said, to indulge your instincts and let them run rampant, to allow them to cloud your judgement, will hold you back just as much as suppressing them. Refine your instincts, temper them with wisdom and sharpen them beyond any blade. Don't merely fling them around like yesterday's refuse."

With that, Graven pulled one hand out of his pockets, forming a cero and bringing two of the spears inward. The gallon of blood and the chaotic energy combined to form a katana similar to what he had once wielded as a Zanpakuto. Tossing it into the air, it floated along with the rest of his spears before the forty blood constructs flung themselves in Atou's direction, some leading his position while others lagged behind slightly, all tracking him to a minor extent like before. Once he had moved to avoid, the katana would join them, lancing forward to stab into the other Arrancar.

If the blade struck true, it would shatter into a Cero. Otherwise, it would merely slice into whatever was behind it.

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Age : 26

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Wed Jun 16, 2021 9:49 pm
There were so many projectiles, even though they were many in number they still had tremendous stopping power, but Atou figured he would have to pull out all the stops and get in somehow, and so his Reiatsu skyrocketed again. It was clear he was going into Segunda Etapa, and the release brought with it a shockwave that would repel the projectiles and the kitchen sink that Graven had thrown at him for enough time that the now Segunda-released Primera shot like a rocket with Sonido at the Cero King, intending to give him no room to move because of how much blood Graven had used. Yes, the projectiles might be able to track him still, but he was quick enough to outrun them for the moment, perhaps even more.

There were no words now, only the light boom of Sonido as Atou attempted a flurry of blows with differing parts of his body, specifically three with his staff. One blow would be a leg sweep using his hand-feet in conjunction with his staff, the next came as with practiced grace he brought up his tail to crack the Cero for a blow to the crotch as he turned with the sweep, and finally to finish the spin of blows, Atou pushed himself up with his free foot, twisted into the air and thrust his staff towards Graven's face, intending to break his nose. Perhaps even more damage would be done as his Segunda-enhanced concussive blows would send intense bursts of shockwaves through his body should the blows strike true.
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 27

To  Bear One's Scars Empty Re: To Bear One's Scars

Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:37 pm
An interesting fact about blood. It is amorphous, capable of taking on the attributes of both liquid and solid due to having components of both. While Graven himself was able to harden it to extreme degrees, he was also able to do the opposite. and anything in between. The shield that had reflected Atou's Cero had shown signs of this, and what happened next was certainly another indicator. As soon as the monkey Arrancar released his Segunda Etapa, the shockwave hit the spears and katana. The spears themselves seemed to relax themselves and wiggled like that curious human food known as Jello, before solidifying and continuing their path towards Atou. The katana wasn't so fortunate, shattering under the strain and releasing the Cero that had aided in it's construction straight at the Arrancar as well.

Graven himself had furrowed his brows at his subordinate's released state, and when the man charged straight at him through the vicious assault, his eyes only took on a mild look of surprise - even as Atou's staff slammed into his side, the shockwave dispersing the clone of himself created by the afterimage of a Gemelos Sonido. A brief glance around the area likely wouldn't reveal his position, but an utterly massive amount of reiatsu being coalesced in the branch of a closeby tree would be a dead giveaway. The blood he produced had stopped, falling to splatter on the ground.

The white-haired King of Hollows was leaning on the trunk of the tree from his standing position, two fingers on his right hand lazily pointed in Atou's direction building up what appeared to be a Cero, although it was likely larger than any that the Primera had ever seen, a chaotic orb of red and black reiatsu that warped the very space around it, even seeming to suck the reishi out of the very air of Hueco Mundo, likely sparking a bit of hunger in any Hollows that happened to be wandering these parts. "The Cero Dios, a technique of my own creation. I came up with the basic principle behind it after witnessing a Shinigami use their strongest Kido spell, Hado #99: Goryutenmetsu. It is forbidden among their kind, and when I found out why...Well, I just couldn't resist. The Cero, just as the spell before it, taps into the Reimyaku - the ley lines that wind their way through the various realms in order to exponentially increase it's own power. There is another technique that I developed using them, but it's a bit TOO strong. Not even I can provide enough energy to fire it off and keep fighting. Thus, the Cero Dios, combining overwhelming power and the slightest bit of restraint."

After a single heartbeat, the Cero dissipated, leaving the forest with an even more unnatural silence than it had before. Graven's golden eyes met Atou's, and nothing but a cold, dispassionate gaze gave away his emotions. "Use this as a lesson. The next time you feel the need to act up and foolishly waste your own potential, I won't be so forgiving."

With that, the Cero Espada disappeared in a buzz of Sonido back in the direction of Las Noches, leaving the area commanded by the Primera so that he didn't do something that he'd regret later.

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