My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Natalia Castile Empty Natalia Castile

Thu Nov 11, 2021 9:06 am

Name: Natalia Castile
Apparent Age: 19
True Age: 700ish
Sex: Female
Personality: Natalia is a strong and independent individual always holding herself and those around her to a high standard. Though she seems rough to approach in conversation she is actually quite social and enjoys the small conversations she has regardless of who it is with. Natalia doesn't necessarily see any specific person as an enemy regardless of race, rather the enemy is those who attempt to bring harm to those under her where as someone attempting to harm her specifically is just seen as a threat and a nuisance.

Unlike most Arrancar Natalia is a very friendly individual though one would be unable to tell given her calm yet stern demeanor. She is always willing to drop what she is doing to help others regardless of if its to train, help with an experiment, or just simple tasks that they might need help with. Natalia has a leaders mentality and has no issues taking charge of a situation given multiple people under her to better accomplish an objective or to end a battle.

Height: 5'8
Weight: 140Lbs
Physical Traits:
Adjucha Form:
Vasto Lorde Form:
Arrancar Form:

History: Like her last name suggests, Natalia was born into the royal family in spain during the early 1500's AD. Her father King Carlos Castile the First had been planning a trip over the seas to japan to make trade soon as the bookered a peace deal with the early muslims who were tearing up the lands in their holy war at a dinner that was planned in the castle. The dinner was going smoothly and the royal family had exchanged gifts and drinks with the muslims however unbeknownst to the royal family the muslims had slipped a slow working poison in Natalia's drink. Natalia had fallen ill three quarters of the way to japan and upon arrival they had immediately sought for a doctor. The doctor responsible for treating her had gotten very close to helping her get better however Natalia would soon die in the doctors home.

After her death Natalia spent the next several weeks following her family around trying to get their attention as she was unaware of what was going on, frustration taking over as she couldn't understand why her family was ignoring her every approach. Eventually this frustration turned into anger which had caused Natalia's soul chain to eat away at itself much faster and eventually resulted in the hollowfication process. Natalia came back as a large lizard hollow and would soon devour her father and his guards before moving on to the doctor who was supposed to treat her and thus began her spree of killings. Natalia spent most of her early life as a hollow in the world of the living as given the current era the soul society didn't exactly have the technology to hunt down hollows and had to rely on investigations of mass deaths to hunt them down. Eventually She was found however she had become much stronger than the shinigami had anticipated and she had single handedly wiped out a six man squad of shinigami before retreating to hueco mundo.

Once arriving in hueco mundo, Natalia didn't want to risk exposure again and turned to cannibalism to satisfy her hunger and had eventually become a Gillian class Menos. By some amount of luck Natalia's Conciousness had held strong during the evolution and she would continue on the cannibalizing process until she became an Adjucha. Upon becoming an Adjucha, Natalia took on the form of a large dragon weighing several thousand pounds and though this made her a big target it also made her just as big of a threat as she would physically crush those weaker than her before devouring them and using her abilities to crush those who posed an actual threat. Natalia kept this up for three hundred years up until she ascended further and became a vasto lorde.

As Vasto Lordes are few in numbers Natalia had very few threats and would spend most of her time playing tricks on the vasto lordes, only going to devour people whenever she got hungry. Natalia spent another two hundred years as a vasto lorde and eventually got tired of living and ripped off her mask in an attempt to kill herself, however in doing so unbeknownst to her she had turned herself into an arrancar. After waking up from what she had just done to herself, Natalia had regained the personality she had when she was human and began taking in Adjucha's who seemed to bare a sense of honor and dedicated herself to protecting them as they pushed for evolution be it to vasto lorde or to that of an arrancar, those aspiring to become arrancar becoming her fraccion along the way and she has continued to do this for the past two hundred or so years.

Exposition: Natalia believes she is responsible for the health and safety of those below her. She will not further attack an enemy who has surrendered and does not believe in senseless killing or killing those who are unable to defend themselves be it physically or if they have lost the will to do so.
Side Notes: Espada- Has been an arrancar for over 200 years now. Natalia has spent the past 200 years making random trips to the world of the living and using spiritually aware humans as a medium to help her learn to play and master human instruments, the flute being her favorite.

General Fighting Style: Natalia is an agile fighter who prefers to use her opponent's momentum to her advantage rather than outright striking at them, though if capable she prefers to keep a distance between herself and her opponent relying on the uniqueness of her zanpakuto as well as a mixture of bala and cero.
Strengths: Hierro, Sonido, Pesquisa
Weaknesses: Strength, Garganta

Cero de Relámpago:
Lluvia Relámpago:

Sealed Appearance: Natalia's Zanpakuto takes the form of a curved and elegantly crafted staff resembling a bow that is sharpened on both ends and can manifest a string out of reishi in order to use it as a bow that fires reishi arrows made out of lightning.
Zanpakuto Name: La Dragona
Zanpakuto Call Out: Purify the land, La Dragona
Cero: Bala, Cero, Gran Rey Cero

Ressurecion/Vasto Lorde:

Abilities: Natalia regains the ability to fly and hover using her wings without the need to use Reishi underfoot to keep herself airborne.
Aliento Relámpago:

Esfera de relámpago:

Abrigo de rayo:

Unlocked at 0 Tier:

Optional Roleplay Sample:

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Join date : 2019-10-28

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Fri Nov 12, 2021 1:24 am
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Join date : 2019-10-28

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Tue May 24, 2022 12:24 pm
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