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Kiyoko Arai - Tempest Empty Kiyoko Arai - Tempest

Sat Dec 18, 2021 10:38 am


Name: Kiyoko Arai - Tempest
Alias: Tempest
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Personality: Unlike her younger sister, Kiyoko has a far more aloof and chilled out personailty, often considered to be rather easy-going. Rarely ever showing of signs of temper or fluster regardless of the situation. Considered to be a fun time to hang around with outside of work and at the same time proving to be a capbable and helpful boss to those who work with her. This has gained the respect of many, and plenty of good business relationships outside of her agency.

Quick witted and rather well versed in politiking thanks to some guidance from her parents, she is a canny young woman with a keen sense for business as well as having a knack at improvisation, it is rare to find Kiyoko without a quick response or disarming comment.

She is seemingly without limit when it comes to learning new skills, given enough interest in a subject Kiyoko will generally master the basics and move on to perfecting of whatever it happens to be. Doing so with apparent ease when others may have struggled. This is paired with her calm demeanour allowing her to work under pressure if she needs to without really breaking a sweat.

Alignment: Neutral Good
Blood Type: B+
Birthplace: Tokyo
Current Place of Residence: Tokyo


Character Appearance:

Height: 5'5''
Weight: 110lbs



Quirk Name: Weather Report
Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Description: Kiyoko's quirk allows her to control weather and its effects in the immediate area, with a secondary quirk of general air manipulation. A exceedingly powerful ability that allows her to not only call upon nature to combat her foes, but enhance and modify it to her own ends to create potent effects. Though, she has to pull her punches most of the time, as the destructive power of these abilities is prone to accidental property damage, as well as being more difficult to prevent damage to civilians caught in her wake. Thus she has a few levels of restriction that she can release through to provide more levels depending on how much damage she deems required.

Category 1:

Casual use of her abilities, in this level of restraint Kiyoko can summon sudden gales, call down single bolts of lightning while conjuring rain storms and the like. Often enough for petty use, as well as against the more common criminal.

Category 3:

This level of restriction is called for in more serious situation, calling in more of her power to bring in more powerful winds capbable of knocking people from their feet to heavy barrages of lighting. Her ability of flight is more controlled, allowing better speed of movement.

Category 5:

The penultimate stage of manipulation, only reinforced structes will stand a chance of not simply collpasing in the climactic cyclone level winds that Kiyoko can completely control. At this level she can summon almost constant streams of lightning at will, directing dense hailstorms and blinding rain. Her power seems to glow out at this stage, emitting dense blue vapour from her eyes and hands.

Category 6:

By simply releasing any restraint, Kiyoko can become a truely stupendous force of nature. With the destructive capacity to level entire city blocks in moments while allowing her to use heavy barrages of lighting and jagged rock like chunks of ice to fall from the skies. Seemingly coating in the strange energy, her eyes blank completely to burn with intense blue energy as she effortlessly moves through the sky to destroy her target. (Locked, event shenanigans only)
Quirk Drawbacks: The only real drawback is general energy use, requiring a fairly energy dense diet to properly utilitze. Her abilities do work best in the open, and inside buildings she finds limited use of them unless she intends to simply destroy the structure.


Rivals, Enemies, and Obstacles: N/A

Side Notes:
RP Sample:
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Join date : 2019-10-28

Kiyoko Arai - Tempest Empty Re: Kiyoko Arai - Tempest

Sun Dec 19, 2021 12:07 am
Approved S- Legacy Hero
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