My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
Posts : 142
Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 27

Shane Wolfe, The Royal Archer Empty Shane Wolfe, The Royal Archer

Sun Mar 27, 2022 8:24 pm


Name: Shane Wolfe
Alias: My Lord, Lord Wolfe, Eric Volsung (Actual Name), Lord Volsung
Real Age: 26
Phys. Age: 26
Gender: Male
Personality: Shane is, for all intents and purposes, a jackass. There is no two ways about it. He's almost always relaxed and easy-going, forgiving people who deserve it and blowing off people he deems idiots in equal measure. Whenever he meets someone new, he'll generally judge their character as quickly as he can. If they are someone "interesting", then he'll continue to interact with them. If they aren't, he'll make it all too clear that he really doesn't care for them. Social status and rank doesn't matter. If you're an idiot, you're an idiot.

Fighting is one of Shane's favorite pastimes, along with a few other things that start with the letter F. He doesn't necessarily want to get into something long and drawn out, considering that it gets boring after a while, but he gets disappointed if his opponents don't last more than thirty seconds. Surprisingly, however, when he's fighting is when he's most respectful, showing the part of his personality that is closest to his guarded heart. He loves the sense of brotherhood that comes along with the thrill of combat, and baring his heart to his opponent and challenging himself. If someone he cares about is hurt, however, all of that is thrown out the window, and he becomes a brutal, sadistic combatant that will only stop when the enemy is dead.

Around women, Shane gets a bit funny. He respects them greatly, and doesn't necessarily have a type, preferring to think of every woman as a unique work of art. He is a bit of a romantic (read hopeless), and can come across as quite flirtatious with anyone that has caught his eye.


Height: 6'1.6"
Weight: 172lbs
Physical Traits:

Casual Wear:
Combat Attire:


History: Shane is an Echt Quincy, and a direct descendant of the original Quincy Emperor. As such, he's been training his whole life to master his abilities, and has been through constant lessons in how to act like a member of royal blood.

Doesn't act like it, does he?

Exposition: I am the bone of my sword.
Side Notes: Nope.


General Fighting Style: Shane's fighting style is almost cold and methodical, typical of the Quincy. He is skilled at both ranged and melee combat, and uses his abilities in conjuction with both bow and blade in a manner that would make his ancestors proud.

Strengths: Racial Powers (Quincy Techniques are stronger and faster), Archery.
Weaknesses: Hakuda, Durability.

Ability Name: Reishi Blades
Ability Description: Shane is capable of forming various swords and daggers out of the reishi he collects. One of them may be Zanpakuto-strength, up to three of them may act as a Seele Schneider (up to ten per thread), and the rest are as strong as tool steel. There is a set maximum of ten blades at any given time, and each of them are able to be controlled using thin steel threads or fired at Bala-level speed from his bow.

Ability Name: Mondlose Licht
Ability Description: This ability is Shane's pride and joy, his final technique, a pitch-black arrow capable of an untold amount of destruction. It takes the appearance of a long, thin spiral when formed, and upon impact erupts into a blast that does two Forbidden Kido's worth of damage to everything within one hundred meters. Afterwards, Shane's ability to gather reishi is far too taxed, and he is rendered unable to fight.


Quincy Bow:

Shane's Bow:
Quincy Powers: Hirenkyaku, Ransotengai, Licht Regen, Blut Arterie
Quincy Items: Improved Sanrei Glove, Quincy Cross

Final Form/Letzt Stil [Unlocked at 2-1:

Vollstandig [Unlocked at 1-1:

Roleplay Sample [Optional:

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Shane Wolfe, The Royal Archer Empty Re: Shane Wolfe, The Royal Archer

Sun Mar 27, 2022 8:53 pm
Approved 1-5
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