My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2019-11-24

Seralin, The Self-Imposed Exile (W.I.P) Empty Seralin, The Self-Imposed Exile (W.I.P)

Sun Dec 08, 2019 4:34 pm


Name: Seralin Hathenway
Real Age: 3,091 Years Old
Gender: Female
Personality: Seralin is a tactical woman. This trait of hers is something she takes on and off the battlefield. When fighting, anything in her environment or a person's flaws, weaknesses, strengths, ability/technique limitations, and overall level(s) of power are something she takes into account inside her mind, something she would quickly formulate a plan from considering information she knows, or even steps to take into account for factors she is uncertain of. If a strike isn't something she is one hundred percent certain on, she wouldn't risk to make the move. In everyday life, this little bit of her pushes her to learn of someone's likes, dislikes, habits, character traits and flaws, as well as how rounded of a person they are to her, allowing her to better handle a situation either through conversation, or action.

She feels that those who are in a position to help those in need, should. Whether this is to help someone who is homeless find shelter or even helping said person get on their feet financially, to something as little as getting a hungry child something warm to eat and something cool and clean to drink. She feels it is the duty of all those who have more than enough for themselves should help those who aren't in the same situation.

Seralin respects all things, living and nonliving, equally. She will show great respect for someone she thinks as a friend, and show that same respect towards a complete stranger. Anything fragile she owns she handles with outstanding care, and she shows this respect for a tough, durable item that she does not own.

No matter the situation or how her emotions rage inside her, she keeps her mind and body calm so as to not make careless mistakes. She gained such focused control through her many years in solitude, coming to a complete understanding of herself emotionally. To Seralin, everything has his, her, or it's place, and that's where that person or thing should be.  She keeps anything in her care where she can easily find it, not get buried under other things, not get broken, and to keep her work area in a state of overall cleanliness.

What was stated above are Seralin's positive traits. Here are the negative aspects of her personality.

Seralin is a bit paranoid, this trait having developed from leaving the Soul Society. It is something like a sixth sense to get a head start on anyone that was sent to track her down. The slightest sign that a Shinigami is in the area, and she will be seen packing her things to either head for a location to hide out, or to leave the area entirely.

No matter how much she trusts someone, she will never share her feelings. It is not the fault of anyone in particular but she does this to punish herself, thinking that because she doesn't even know who she used to be before joining the Shinigami, she doesn't deserve to share how she feels. This can cause her to bottle up certain emotions, meaning that at times she can be known to snap when especially irritated.

A subconscious fear that came about from her death as a human, Seralin suffers from Minor Claustrophobia. This fear of closed, or tightly packed spaces is something that, at most, causes her minor discomfort. Either through sweating when a group of people are near her, or giving small shivers inside of a room that seems to be boxing her in. She is able to keep control of her actions though, and force herself through the situation without help if needed.

Nyctophobia, the fear of the dark and/or night, was something she carried over from her childhood. She cannot handle being outside at night unless she has a portable source of light in her hands that illuminates at least ten feet around her, like a strong lantern or candles. She will avoid areas entirely that are too dark, and would need the support of someone to hold on to or a strong light source nearby if she is to go into a slightly dark area. At night, she does not fall asleep until she is certain that her source of light is strong enough to illuminate enough of the room to see at least the entire length of her bed.

Ataxophobia, the fear of untidiness, was something Seralin obtained when she had lost the memories of her name and birth date. Thinking that she had forgotten from her lack of effort to keep things in order, she strives to keep her work areas and personal areas in tip-top shape.

Now comes Seralin's Likes and Dislikes, in that order.

Influenced by her nyctophobia, Seralin has a liking of brightly lit areas. An area that is bright fills her with comfort, and a bright sunny day fills her with joy. She likes animals. From the texture of their fur/shin/scales to their habits, to the way they live without anyone telling them what to do or how to live. So not only does she like the animals themselves, she envies their freedom. On the topic of freedom, Seralin likes children. She is no pedophile, since it is the innocence of kids and how oblivious children are to the world that she likes. Along these lines, she also likes humans as a species. A single dominating race that doesn't have worries outside of maintaining their own individual lives.

Ever since becoming a Soul Reaper, Seralin has always loved Kido and it's intricacies. Like riding a motorcycle for a cyclist, Kido was something that requires her entire focus. Nothing else matters to her mind when she is focused on working or developing a new Kido. It is what drove her to finishing her Shōkan-dō, or Way of Summoning. Something that was always good for clearing her head was reading about famous human myths and legends. The stories and theories always fascinated her. Reading and studying historical facts is something she enjoys as a hobby on her off-time when she is alone. she figures that expanding her already vast knowledge couldn't possibly hurt.

There are only two physical things she likes to keep around her. One is something she can't exactly leave without anyway, her flower-styled body tattoo. It is her one link to her very foggy past that she can never seem to place. The second is Egyptian Musk Incense, the scent something she has grown to enjoy from her many, many years in Egypt.


Height: 5’ 4”
Weight: 121 lbs. 8 ounces
Physical Traits: Seralin has long earthy brown hair, flowing like a waterfall. Her locks reach down to just barely lick at her shoulder blades. Her eyebrows are a slight shade darker than her hair, crowning bright hazel eyes that have an experienced and childish shine. Despite all the time she will spend outside, her skin remains a bright and untanned. She's pretty flat chested, unsure of what her measurements are since she could care less about her bust. Or lack thereof. As if to make up for not being more top-heavy, she has a curvaceous backside which leads to slender, smooth and tight thighs and calves.

When in her gigai Seralin will dress for whatever season it is, and for whatever region she currently finds herself in. In the summer, she will wear a mix of long skirts and jeans with bright tees, or summer dresses. In the spring she favors more long skirts and long sleeved shirts. In the fall she will wear a lot of the same, taking to wear a jacket as the days get colder and colder. In the winter she will always wear a coat while outside, a long black trench coat that she likes to wear to keep her whole body warm in the cold season. Otherwise, she likes to wear a lot of thick jeans and sweaters. For Christmas, she will pick out a new ugly Christmas sweater to wear.
When not in her gigai, aka when in her Shinigami form, Seralin wears the typical Shinigami's black shihakusho, white undergarments, with wooden and straw sandals upon her feet. To prevent chafing, she wears socks inside of the sandals. She wears socks in sandals. Lastly, is her Captain's Hiori. It is kept neat and wrinkle free, though was customized to only have the left sleeve to allow ease of movement for her right arm. Her Hiori is greatly outdated, coming from a time when there were many other Squads.


Strengths: Speed, Spirit Energy, Spirit Pressure, Kidou
Weaknesses: Hoho, Strength, Durability

Ability Name: Atlantean Body Tattoo
Ability Description: Seralin’s body tattoo, which is spiritual in nature, gives her a small bit of protection against attacks using spiritual energy. Examples being Heilig Pfeil(Quincy Arrows), Bala, Kidou and even some Zanpakutou abilities that use raw Spirit Energy(like Ichigo’s Getsuga Tensho). This ability is passive and drains none of Seralin’s own Spirit Energy to work. The amount it makes it weaker is by 2 tiers (Hadou number 30 cast from someone that is ranked 1-3 will be as damaging as if it was cast by someone who was 2-1).

Unique Ability

”Unique Kidou”:

Sealed Appearance:
Zanpakutou Name: Chikyū no Hōseki (Earthly Gems)
Call Out Command: “Dig yourself from the earth, Chikyū no Hōseki!”

Boosts: Base Level Stats


Appearance: Seralin's Zanpakuto remains the same in terms of shape. The blade of her Zanpakuto changes material entirely, however. The metal shimmers before crystallizing and sections of the blade becoming one of five well known gemstones; Ruby, Sapphire, Garnet, Amethyst and Diamond. The colors constantly shift across the surface of the blade.

Ruby Burst: A short ranged attack, Ruby Burst releases a blast of fire within 4 yards in every direction. The heat of this attack can reach up to 1650 degrees Fahrenheit, the max temperature which a Ruby can take. This ability has a 2 post cooldown, and is as strong as a level 45 Kido.

Sapphire Spear: While it lacks Ruby Burst's capacity for raw damage and definite range of impact, Sapphire Spear makes up for this by having more range and speed. Sapphire Spear is an ability in which Seralin releases a spear-like projectile made entirely of ice from anywhere along the length of her sword's blade. This ability has a 1 post cooldown, and is as powerful as an average Cero.

Crushing Garnet: For this ability, Seralin would have to rely upon her hand-to-hand skills. Crushing Garnet forms stone or hard earth(whichever is available) over either or both of her hands, which she can use for thick gauntlets to help shield her from blows or enhance a physical strike to a target. This ability has a 1 post cooldown, and is as strong as a strong Cero.

Amethyst Lash: This ability is the one of Seralin's two defensive Shikai abilities. To use this, Seralin would have to first charge her blade with the right enough spiritual energy. Once set, she forces the energy to form along the blade's edge. The attack forms into what looks like a long and slim purple tentacle. It doesn't take much to form, needing a second or two at most. Once formed properly Seralin would release the attack with a swing, sending the tentacle to wrap around and bind the target. This ability can only be attempted once per post.

Diamond Barricade: This is Seralin's ultimate defensive ability while in Shikai. She tries to avoid using this when possible so that the ability doesn't get too well known or expected. This ability would, as the name implies, create a 2-foot thick barrier of diamond to protect her from one attack. She controls the size of the barricade only while it’s being made, and once set cannot be altered. This ability can only be used once per post, and is strong enough to block attacks up to a level 50 Kido.

Boosts: x2 to all stats.


New Name: Tengoku no Hōseki (Heaven Gems)
Appearance: Seralin's Zanpakuto would take to a new form entirely. Her Shikai would break apart, most of the zanpakuto fading away until all but the sword blade is left. The remaining blade breaks apart into five pieces, each one being a seperate gemstone. All five are rough and come to very sharp points, like spearheads. The diamond alone has a dull glow to it, lighting up a short five foot area in white light. The five hover around Seralin, able to be manipulated with control over her Spiritual Energy and intent. As with all Zanpakutou, it is still a sword and as such, she can call one over to her hand. Much like Byakuya’s Zanpakutou, the one she calls to her will take the shape of her usual Zanpakutou, though it will be the color of whichever gem she decides to hold. Her normal Shinigami garb is temporarily replaced by thick blue robes, much like one would expect of a mage or scholar of fantasy. She retains all her Shikai abilities when ascending. The gems not being used in hand can be used as ranged projectiles.
”For the robe. Ignore accessories, staff and the one wearing them in the image.”:

Blazing Vortex: This ability comes from the Ruby gem. For this attack, roaring flames would pour out in the shape of an expanding cone in the direction of the target, reaching out to a max of fifty feet and reaching a max radius of ten feet. Seralin is partial to using this ability with the Ruby gem moving, having flames rushing in from all sides. This ability has a 3 post cooldown, and is as strong as an average Gran Rey Cero.

Frozen Sky: Seralin sends her Sapphire gem up into the sky, gathering clouds to form above them. Once enough of them are overhead, a hail of sharp pointed icicles would rain down at the target's location to pelt it/them with icy spikes. This ability requires an open sky, as such it cannot be used inside a building. It has a 4 post cooldown, and is as strong as a strong Gran Rey Cero.

Dominating Earth: This Garnet ability is a defensive ability. Seralin sends her Garnet gem slamming into the ground, the gemstone radiating Spiritual Energy into the stone below. She uses this link to send hands made of stone rushing up through the earth to grab tightly onto the legs of her target in order to bind them in place. This ability requires open ground, and can only be attempted once per post. This ability is as strong as a level 60 Kidou.

Submissive Lashes: The Amethyst gem would be able to create a writhing purple tendril covered in a numbing poison. Lashing out, it would numb whatever limb it strikes to the point of nearly losing nerve control. This ability can only be used once per post. The effect last three posts, with a three post cooldown after the effect has worn off.

Diamond Skin: This ability is her second Defensive ability for Bankai. This ability is rather simple, however super effective. Her Diamond gem covers her in a 1 inch thick layer of transparent diamond to protect her from physical harm. This ability has a duration of 2 posts, and has a 3 post cooldown. This ability is comparable with a strong Hierro.

Boosts: x3 to all stats.


New Name: Hōseki no Hashira (Gemstone Pillar)
Appearance: Her appearance changes depend on the aspect she embraces. For each gemstone she will have her body coated in the smooth mineral, covering every bit of skin, regenerating on its own if damaged. Her Bankai robe is replaced with her standard Shinigami attire. She chooses the aspect by bringing the desired gem to her hand, and holding it close to her chest followed by activating her final release.

-Ruby Aspect Abilities-
In this state Seralin retains use of Ruby Burst and Blazing Vortex.

-Sapphire Aspect Abilities-
In this state Seralin retains use of Sapphire Spear and Frozen Sky.

-Garnet Aspect Abilities-
In this state Seralin retains use of Crushing Garnet and Dominating Earth.

-Amethyst Aspect Abilities-
In this state Seralin retains use of Amethyst Lash and Submissive Lashes.

-Diamond Aspect Abilities-
In this state Seralin retains use of Diamond Barricade and Diamond Skin.

Boosts: x4 to all stats.

Posts : 4
Join date : 2019-11-24

Seralin, The Self-Imposed Exile (W.I.P) Empty History pt. 1

Sun Dec 08, 2019 4:37 pm

”Beware, Long History”:
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Join date : 2019-11-24

Seralin, The Self-Imposed Exile (W.I.P) Empty History pt. 2

Sun Dec 08, 2019 4:39 pm
Side Notes:
Roleplay Sample:

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Join date : 2019-10-28

Seralin, The Self-Imposed Exile (W.I.P) Empty Re: Seralin, The Self-Imposed Exile (W.I.P)

Sun Dec 15, 2019 8:39 am
Approved 1-5
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Seralin, The Self-Imposed Exile (W.I.P) Empty Re: Seralin, The Self-Imposed Exile (W.I.P)

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