My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

Alabaster Acanthaster (WIP) Empty Alabaster Acanthaster (WIP)

Wed Mar 30, 2022 5:09 pm

Name: Alabaster Acanthaster
Apparent Age: 12
True Age: 157
Sex: Male
Personality: Alabaster acts very much like an apathetic and spoiled child, using the minimum amount of words in a conversation when responding to someone. Alabaster also has a bit of a lazy streak to him, preferring to lounge around Las Noches versus getting out and doing as his appointed Espada tells him to. When given a task he will groan and complain, asking why he has to be the one to go out and do whatever it is he has been tasked with. His childlike demeanor also extends to his sweet tooth, as Alabaster has quite the fondness for sweets and candy (though where in Hueco Mundo you'd find something like that is fucking beyond me.)

Though Alabaster rarely ever smiles, he'll make an exception when fighting is involved. It does tend to take him a bit to get warmed up and into the flow of things, but once he does you know Alabaster will have a smile on his face while ripping his opponents' limbs off of their bodies. Someone's going to eventually ask me why I just made a younger, more outwardly innocent Sinan and I'm just gonna say, "Because I fucking can, goddammit." Alabaster revels in bloodshed, shrugging off hits while laying the poisonous beat-down into his enemies while they are slowly drained of strength. Also he hates it when people abbreviate his name. It's his ultimate pet peeve.

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs
Physical Traits:
Alabaster's mask fragment is akin to a large crown of thorns starfish that rests on top of his head, with one arm running over the bridge of his nose and the others draping over his head.

General Fighting Style: Alabaster is deceptively resilient for someone of his size, and uses his tough body in conjunction with his poison-based abilities to slowly wear down his opponent before killing them dead.

Strengths: Strength, Agility, Durability, Hierro, Reiatsu Manipulation
Weaknesses: Pesquisa, Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Cero

Ability Name: Super✰Starfish Surface Tension!
Ability Description: Alabaster possesses an incredibly durable, yet pliable spiritual energy. Any attack qualified by Strength that strikes him deals 50% recoil to the attacker at the expense of spiritual energy

Ability Name: Super✰Starfish Physique!
Ability Description: Alabaster’s body is particularly durable, and he possesses an extra layer of Average Hierro.


Sealed Appearance:

Zanpakuto Name: Veintiuna Muertos
Zanpakuto Call Out: Kill them slowly, Veintiuna Muertos

Appearance: Alabaster takes on the appearance of a boy draped in slithering, spiny, slimy white starfish arms with black spines that hang off of his body and reach down past his knees.

Ability Name: Super✰Starfish
Ability Description:

Ability Name: Super✰Starfish Biology!
Ability Description: As a part of his nature as a Starfish-Arrancar, Alabaster can easily regenerate damage from his body. Surface wounds and blood restoration is half as taxing as restoring vital functions.

Ability Name: Super✰Starfish Evolution!
Ability Description: Alabaster’s arms now possess Zanpakuto-level durability and are tipped with claws that possess Zanpakuto-level cutting and piercing power.

Ability Name: Super✰Starfish Contortion!
Ability Description: Alabaster’s arms are incredibly stretchy, and he is able to stretch, contort, and compress them at will.

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