My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 52
Join date : 2019-11-05

Reunion [Cl0sed] Empty Reunion [Cl0sed]

Mon Apr 18, 2022 12:53 pm
Fumiko sat behind a desk that site to the side of a set of heavy doors that lead toward the Commander's office. She typed away idly, her eyes glancing over her monitor as she noted the elevator doors dinging in alarm shortly before opening to reveal a white haired youth approaching. The young woman glanced back to her calendar, noting that this must have been the next meeting. Odd though, it wasn't normal to have an outsider inside the base like this. Particularly one she had never heard of. Regardless, she would stand to greet this newcomer with a polite bow before she met his gaze.

"Good morning, S-..."

Within moments, she felt feint. Somehow recognizing this boy from somewhere but being unable to place him. Like she was being denied a memory she knew she could recall. Before she knew it she was falling forward to barely brace on the desk only to black out.

It took only a second of stillness for the girl to move again however, her expression twisting into a smile as her crystal blue eyes seemed to shift to a deeper red. With little more than a flourish she revealed a pistol which she swiftly leveled at him. "Accelerator? Really.. Did they trick you here?" She smirks, drawing the hammer as she tested the weight of her trigger. "You're not getting away this time, nowhere to run"
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Reunion [Cl0sed] Empty Re: Reunion [Cl0sed]

Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:45 pm
It was a bit embarrassing to say, but if Accelerator kept track of every average looking sorta-white but also definitely asian woman who had tried to kill him in the last five years, he probably wouldn't have much room for anything else in his brain. It was this type of self-induced amnesia that allowed him to for the most part ignore the pair of prying eyes that worked their way over him. That was of course, until she spoke to him and jogged his memory that he should, in fact, take notice. She aimed a gun at him, prompting him to lazily raise his hand and place it over the barrel of the gun. "Save it would you, the last thing I want to do right now is turn you into a blood stain on your desk."

He glared at her, clearly unamused and undeterred by her antics before glancing at the door. "If this was some lame trap so you and some cronies can try and fail to kill me for the 12000th time I'm gonna go ahead and leave, and I'm gonna kill the first person who walks out the door after me."
Posts : 52
Join date : 2019-11-05

Reunion [Cl0sed] Empty Re: Reunion [Cl0sed]

Fri Apr 22, 2022 11:07 am
"How about you both cool it before I have to step in?" A stern voice called out from the now open door moments before Rei was going to begin her attack. She holstered her pistol and sighed, the weapon vanishing in a light blue glow. "Fine... Why is he here?" The girl turned to face the new-comer. Viktor Iscariot, the man in charge of this particular organization at the very least. A quincy of some renown, at least in certain circles, in the human world it was unlikely that he was particularly well known.

"Both of you, in my office" The quincy commanded, turning on the spot to lead them both away so long as they didn't make a mess in the lobby. Rei shot Accelerator a cold glare before heading inside, letting him follow along to get this meeting underway. Viktor had already taken to his desk, with a number of papers shuffled into a neat pile between his hands. "Take a seat" He broadly gestures while placing the documents to one side before clasping his hands while resting his elbows on the edge of the desk. Rei was quick to take a seat opposite to wait for Accelerator. It seemed unlikely to be an assassination plot at this point.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

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Sat Apr 30, 2022 10:11 pm
Accelerator glared at the Quincy he had seen a few times before, slightly raising an eyebrow before acquiescing to the obvious situation. Even if he wasn't curious and wanted to leave, there were two of them and one of him. Worse than that, the Quincy appeared to be stronger than he was. A small sigh would part Accelerators lips for a moment, and then he would move to reenter the premises whilst slowly perusing the location for any other would-be assassins.

Sure enough there were none, only a fairly direct order for him to take a seat that he would oblige begrudgingly. He turned to face the man, somehow both amused and bewildered by the situation he found himself in. "Well if this is an assassination plot this is potentially the lousiest one I've ever seen, but kudos for creativity.."

He would lean back in his seat, head propped in his hands as he looked forward. "So what is this about, I doubt you pulled me off the street out of the kindness of your heart."
Posts : 52
Join date : 2019-11-05

Reunion [Cl0sed] Empty Re: Reunion [Cl0sed]

Sun May 01, 2022 10:29 am
"You aren't useful to me dead, and I wouldn't have invited someone like you into my own office for a fight... The cleanup would be a nightmare" It was hard to tell if that was a joke, or a sincere concern of Viktor's. Though he quickly moved on from there. "I'm not sure how knowledgable you might be about the subject, but the Human World is changing. More and more people are being born with an inherent ability to see hollows and very soon I believe that attempting to hide their existence will only cause panic if handled incorrectly" he paused, thinking a moment.

"Worse, there are those awakening certain abilities... Much like yourself I suppose, but it seems to vary in potency. Both of these situations together need a solution, which is why I have asked you here today" Viktor gave a moment for all this to settle in before continuing. "Right now, we have facilities over the globe that are studying these changes, and assisting in training 'Advent Humans' to properly hone their power, and hopefully reign in anyone getting any ideas."

It was pretty clear where this was going. "I'm hoping, that this is going to help prevent anyone having to deal with what you've had to deal with ever again. Both of you, in fact. To do that, I am going to need your help"
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Reunion [Cl0sed] Empty Re: Reunion [Cl0sed]

Tue May 03, 2022 7:49 pm
The mans comments unfortunately made a lot of sense even if they weren't what Accelerator was interested in hearing. If they cornered him they could probably over time kill him, and cleaning up the mess from a fight like that would've been a pain no matter how it went. Even with that being said, he was hopeful that the man before him would quickly get to the point and much to Accelerators less than apparent glee, he did so. Basically humans becoming spiritually aware was a problem on a variety of fronts, that much made sense to Accelerator and was something that he had briefly theorized about in his own spare time when he wasn't busy being shot at by some of the other parties present.

The man finally got around to his sales pitch and Accelerator just kinda stared on blank-faced, wearing his typical look of mild irritation and teenage angst as he took a deep breath. "Yeah this all sounds great, save the world and all that but what's in it for me? How can I know that my own security is assured when I can't bypass your secretary without her deciding I'm a shooting range? Sure, it's never going to work but it's still a bit of a nuisance."
Posts : 52
Join date : 2019-11-05

Reunion [Cl0sed] Empty Re: Reunion [Cl0sed]

Fri May 13, 2022 12:32 pm
"I am not his secretary" The assassin huffed, requiring every bit of control to simply allow this kid to throw his little jabs. Viktor raised a hand to pause any rising hostilities, as one sided as they may be. "Obviously the first benefit is less assassins. I understand there is some history here, but I can attest that Rei no longer acts in such a capacity... for her former employers." The quincy leans back into his chair somewhat, resting his arms forward on his desk.

"Formally though, employment here will provide a number of bonuses." He reaches aside and pushes a small stack of papers across to Accelerator. While a lot of it was legal jargon, there were a few important and very intersting figures. Perhaps a zero too many, but it was certainly nothing to scoff at. "Along with access to our facilities, you'll be provided personal accomodation as well as transportation as required. We intend for any operatives to be able to independantly put these assets to work in their favour" Given time to read the rest, it seemed this was essentially just a get out of jail free card that he was getting paid to hold.
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