My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

Selica Aciles (Adult Villain) Empty Selica Aciles (Adult Villain)

Tue Feb 07, 2023 1:27 pm


Name: Selica Aciles
Alias: Gaia
Race: Plant
Age: 19
Gender: Female


Selica tends to be a rather energetic and playful individual. She is hardly ever seen sitting still and is usually described as very loud. She finds fun in teasing others and toying with her prey. She can easily be considered psychotic with the way she believes she can speak to plants. In her mind, they whisper to her and tell her secrets. They express themselves just as normal people would, which is why she considers them family.

Selica enjoys fighting and chaos. She enjoys hearing people scream and she enjoys seeing hopelessness. She hates heroes and wants them all to fall in the face of despair. Selica hates humanity in general. She hates how destructive and cruel they are. She hates how they think only of themselves and step all over the very earth that gives them life. They trample the weak and pretend they have done no wrong. Her goal is to replenish the world with their blood and make it a more selfless place.

Alignment: Evil
Rivals, Enemies, and Obstacles:
Rivals: TBD
Enemies: Heroes
Obstacles: UA



Selica Aciles (Adult Villain) A8a395998c14f51f9eff08e336e19e11

This. Except, green tinted skin and keep the wooden horns.

Height and Weight: 5’2” 125lbs

Selica Aciles (Adult Villain) Outfit

This except made out of completely 100% plant material and probably just one dark green color.


Quirk Name: Vines
Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Description: Users can create, shape and manipulate vines, tendrils, stems or runners of the plant with a growth habit of trailing or climbing stems or runners, the specialized stems, leaves or petioles with a threadlike shape that is used by climbing plants for support, attachment and cellular invasion by parasitic plants, generally by twining around suitable hosts. The user can cause vines to grow, develop thorns, move/attack or even rise from the soil and "walk", mutate vines by rearranging DNA structure and revive withered or dead vines. These can also be used to sense individuals when stepped upon.
Quirk Drawbacks:
Weak to fire quirks
Weaker at night
Overuse can cause dehydration and fatigue


TBD (Is secret)
RP Sample: Nah. Plant lady here to murderize.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Selica Aciles (Adult Villain) Empty Re: Selica Aciles (Adult Villain)

Tue Feb 07, 2023 2:29 pm
Approved B+ with A potential
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