My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

The Dread Villainess, Bower [Yuna Sako] (Adult Villain) Empty The Dread Villainess, Bower [Yuna Sako] (Adult Villain)

Tue Feb 07, 2023 12:20 am


Name: Yuna Sako
Alias: Dread Villainess: Bower
Race: Human
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan
Current Residence: Somewhere in Tokyo, Japan.


Personality: Yuna is overly scheming against society to bring the system that was put into place by heroes. She is happy to be part of her family's crime syndicate, which has been getting into more tussles with other criminal syndicates. Her brutality is heavily induced in what her family is since traitors to the Sako Family are brutally hunted down and killed. Yuna does have a soft side, but only certain people in the Sako Criminal Syndicate get to see it, which are her parents and the base they gave her in Tokyo.

Yuna loves seeing blood since it causes her to get into a sadistic mood in torturing enemies with one arrow at a time shot at them. She uses people as target practice or has daydreams of causing havoc while she is outside wearing her civilian outfit. Yuna knows how to act differently from her Villainess, Crime Family Syndicate Heiress, and the civilian mask she wears outside, away from the Sako Criminal Syndicate Base in Tokyo. She wears these different masks to make her criminal and villain behavior less open on the radar since it isn't good to be caught by those Yuna deems as enemies.

Yuna is awaiting her parents' deaths to run the Sako Crime Family and the Sako Criminal Syndicate alone. She honestly believes her family gave her the Tokyo Branch of their Syndicate to get her out of the way. However, Yuna has no proof and is slightly paranoid about that aspect of her life, as if she can't trust her parents even though she shows them the utmost respect. She would travel back to the Sako Criminal Syndicate Headquarters and kill her parents if she found any evidence that her paranoia was factual.

Yuna has gone crazy since her parents gave her much more responsibility in the Sako Syndicate. She usually hung around her parents and committed crimes in Kyoto, but now she lives in a new city that is the primary location of the one school that creates new heroes, U.A. High School. It is like, her parents want her to handle or deal with that obstacle to their plans. Yuna believes that is the case since they've been asking questions about U.A. High School, etc.
Alignment: Evil (Neutral or Lawful)
Rivals: TBD
Enemies: Heroes, Police Force, and Other Criminal Underworld Families
Obstacles: U.A. High School



Yuna wears clothes that are the opposite of her Villainess costume. Her outfits usually are entirely black, with a White Shirt underneath. She is one of those women who enjoy licking her lips when Yuna sees something to destroy. In addition, her particular style is goth punk rock since she wants that type of music, including grudge rock or anything that gets her in the mood to kill people. She usually hides her mentality from regular people when walking in broad daylight since she is a Criminal Heiress to the Sako Crime Family. Specifically, Yuna wants to cause havoc among the masses that believe in Heroes that will save them from the Villains.

Height and Weight: 5'5" and 120 lbs
Costume Appearance:

Yuna's Villainess Costume resembles a modern interpretation of some of the dreaded pirate women or an alternative to Robin Hood. She has a quiver full of arrows for her Quirk, the Longbow. The Dread Villainess Bower strikes fear in those who are heroes and civilians since they are easier targets for her Quirk. In addition, her outfit has a Sako Crime Family insignia behind her head with an arrow sticking out of her cloak. In addition, Yuna, as her Dread Villainess Bower, also drives a motorcycle that is unmarked and purely untraceable by regular police and not the Hero Variety. She does cover her red eyes by wearing black shades.


Quirk Name: Longbow
Quirk Type: Transformation
Quirk Description: The Quirk allows the user to transform their left hand’s thumb and pinky into a bow, with which they can use to shoot anything with absolute control. Yuna imbues enough power within her arrows to easily penetrate vehicles, and they can navigate through the air to chase opponents.
Quirk Drawbacks: Longbow's main weakness is that Yuna cannot create her own ammunition, putting her at a disadvantage when she runs out of arrows or anything else she can use.


History: Yuna Sako is the only child of Noriko Sako and Kenzou Sako, which are her mother and father, respectively. Her parents run the Sako Criminal Syndicate with twin dragons as its emblem to show they mean business against the other Criminal Families in Japan. Yuna is the Heiress to the Sako Crime Family, and if her parents ever kick the bucket, she'll become the head of her family's crime syndicate. The Sako Criminal Syndicate isn't as prevalent as the Yukazu or the Triad, but they are ruthless. However, the other two use proxies to keep their enterprises secret so the Hero Association won't destroy them. Even though secrets usually can't stay hidden forever since snitches get put in the ditch.

The Sako Family's mentality is similar; they want to rule the underworld in Japan by any means necessary. They have been slowly encroaching on the Yukazu and the Triad's turf. Yuna had been involved in raids against secret Yukazu underground bases or the Triad's stores. Yuna's family could come out on top in the new war that was building up against the underworld. Her parents were impressed with Yuna's Quirk and gave her command of one of the Sako Syndicate's Bases in Tokyo. It would help Yuna get some action since she despises the Tokyo Police Force since they stopped her once or twice for unnecessary joy riding on her motorcycle.

Yuna runs the base as her parents taught her, but lately, she treats the underlings with gentleness since they are human too. Her Syndicate members are all loyal to her because she runs the base in Tokyo, which sells services similar to an Archery Store mixed with fixing cars or motorcycles.

Yuna additionally wants to tear down the Society of Heroes and bring back a different type of Law where the Criminals and Villains are the ones that do that instead of the Heroes. It's such a pitiful existence, and the Sako Crime Syndicate was around for a long time, slowly building up its forces for a good moment to end everything. Yuna enjoys a wealthy lifestyle and disdains anyone with a Hero family or who was accepted to join U.A. High School.
RP Sample: (Write a sample post as your character. Try using your quirk too.)
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

The Dread Villainess, Bower [Yuna Sako] (Adult Villain) Empty Re: The Dread Villainess, Bower [Yuna Sako] (Adult Villain)

Sun Feb 12, 2023 12:47 pm
Approved B with A- potential
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