My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Noziel Aran
Noziel Aran
Posts : 18
Join date : 2019-10-28

Noziel Aran Empty Noziel Aran

Wed Oct 30, 2019 11:41 pm


Name: Noziel Aran
Real Age: 662
Gender: Male
Personality: Noziel Aran is a man who has a lot of virtues and ideals. He cares a lot for the people that he considers allies, friends, and family, and he will fight to defend them with his life. He can be gentle, or vicious. He can be kind and well-mannered when he needs to be, but doesn't mind letting loose on occasion. All in all, he is a man set on loving those whom need it most, but also enforcing justice on those who stand with blood on their hands.

When it comes to others who need a friend, Noziel will sit and listen to their concerns without hesitation. He has been known to care for complete strangers, and sometimes, has left himself all too vulnerable to avoid being hurt himself. He is a man of intense emotions, but doesn't force those on others. Instead, he would rather see himself hurt than others.


Height: 6'2"
Weight: 174 lbs
Physical Traits:

(When Noziel Aran was a human.)
Noziel Aran 818ac472b04ac5eba3ce393b2a47e94d

(Noziel Aran after joining Gotei.)
Noziel Aran C9fd8d279f8d186f7b538a4e11e295de6c408109_00


Strengths: Speed, Hakuda, Sensing, Hoho
Weaknesses: Reiatsu, Strength, Zanjutsu

Ability Name: Wisping Winds
Ability Description: Noziel Aran has an affinity for the element of wind, and while he cannot directly control it, he can call it to aid his movements as he sees fit.

Ability Name: Attuned Perception
Ability Description: Noziel Aran has a keen ability to observe and sense. If his vision is obscured and he can concentrate, he can see the shapes of objects and terrain, and see an approximation of someone's soul (affinity, emotions, etc.)


Sealed Appearance:
Noziel Aran Katana_7_b89b4f8c-fb05-457c-9ff4-74882dc4ee24_1200x1200
Zanpakutou Name: Quiet Breeze
Call Out Command: urmumgay (or something.)

Boosts: Your stats are at base level.


Noziel Aran 402083_dark_elf_longblade

Ability Name: Palm Flourish
Description: Being a practicioner of Hakuda, Noziel knows how to control his strikes and aim for the most damaging parts of the body. He can also imbue his strikes with reiatsu to inflict internal damage, aiming to either contain, disable, or main his opponent.

Ability Name: Psuedo-Blade
Description: When in combat, Noziel can coat his arm in wind to supplement the force behind a strike. In addition to this it can also make his entire arm as sharp as a blade. (This does not make his arm Zanpakuto-durability, but can be used defensively.)

Ability Name: Aerocade
Description: Using a quick burst of wind, Noziel Aran can create a barrier that can withstand up to a Gran Rey Cero. He can choose to hold this for up to 3 posts or until the GRC total is taken. If ended early, it only cools down for 2 posts, otherwise 3 posts.

Boosts: x2 to all stats.


New Name: Quiet Storm
Noziel Aran Hwstaff3__30998.1554632957

Ability Name: 瞬閧|Shunkō (Wind Release)
Description: Noziel Aran wraps himself in reiatsu with the wind affinity, gaining an additional level of speed (x5 total in Bankai, x6 in Toukai). In doing this, he communes with the element of wind, allowing his reiatsu to behave as both an extension of Hakuda and Kidou. As long as Shunko is active, Noziel's Shikai abilities can be used with greater intensity and control.

Ability Name: 瞬閧|Shunkō (Wind Release) - Eternal Breeze
Description: By pulsing his reiatsu during Shunko, Noziel Aran can knock foes a short distance away, only displacing them. In addition to this, a burst of wind can also function as a second use of Shunpo per post.

Ability Name: 瞬閧|Shunkō (Wind Release) - Air Trigger
Description: While Shunko is active, Noziel can change the way his wind aura interacts when impacted. He has to actively decide this during the post he takes action, and cannot change more that once per post. There are 3 possible uses. To pierce, to repel, or to allow something to pass through.

Ability Name: Projection Rejection
Description: Noziel can take an object in hand or an object within 3 meters of him and launch it at Bala speed in any direction using the winds. If the object is larger than 500 pounds, it gets launched at Cero speed instead.

Boosts: x3 to all stats.


New Name: Unending Storm
Appearance: Noziel Aran Double-blade-ninja-staff-sword-6293383

Ability Name: 瞬閧|Shunkō (Wind Release) - Phantom Wield
Description: If Shunko is active, Noziel Aran can touch his zanpakuto and give it its own aura, as well as the ability to attack without being held. He still has to control it to attack this way, and as an added bonus, since the aura it has is separate from his own, it can change independently of his as well once per post.

Ability Name: 瞬閧|Shunkō (Wind Release) - Strand of Retention
Description: Noziel Aran can utilize Shunko to create a tangible strand of air particles that extends to his zanpakuto, wherever it is. In the process of this, he can lengthen and shorten it at will, as well as wrap other objects up into it. The force required to break it is a Cero, but it can be fixed.

Ability Name: Eyes of the Storm
Description: Noziel Aran can charge an energy into his palm that leaves his target with a residual trace of energy that is enough for him to see and identify. He can dispel this effect to pull the target closer from that location. This is only allowed to be used once every two posts.

Ability Name: Secret Technique: Vision Without Perception
Description: Noziel Aran consumes a large portion of his remaining reiryoku to perform this ability, and aims to land as many strikes as he is physically able during the course of a single post. These strikes are all made at x6 Speed and x6 Reflexes, after which he will be straining to fight. This isn't technically a finisher, but it may as well be, since he won't be in much fighting shape after.

Boosts: x4 to all stats.


History: In the human world, circa 1307, there was a kingdom in the area now known as the United Kingdom. This kingdom was known as Cassellium. The territory it laid claim to was negligible, but it still remained sovereign due to its open claim of neutrality. Only in situations where accords could be drawn to preserve its peace and independence would it draw blades and assist other kingdoms. This is where Noziel Aran had made his home. He bore the crown of royalty and laid his personal grievances aside for the sake of all under his reign. He was a kind and noble king. For many years, he would uphold the honor and dignity of Cassellium, as well as render a flourishing economy. However, some grew suspicious and jealous of him. Some thought he was 'too good' to be the king they deserved. Plots were formed, and a coup de tat completed. On the night which he was to be silently executed, he was not in bed, but in his throne room, awake. He seemed to have his finger on the pulse of his small nation, and aimed to greet them in his own fashion. The assassins, surprised to find that he was not in his room asked him... "Why do you sit here awaiting your death? Why greet it so openly?" The king looked at them with earnest eyes only to respond with this, "If the people so will it, this night being my last, then so I shall accept it. Who am I to deny them their wishes?"

And just like that, the assassins shrugged, thinking the old man a fool and executing him. To Noziel Aran though.... this would merely seem like a dream. For as he passed, his eyes opened. He awoke in a strange land, much unlike his own. The land felt alive with energy, and it welcomed him. He no longer remembered his life as a king, and nor did he remember his daughter, Minnia. Instead, he felt as though the settlements in the distance were calling him. Onward, he walked to the Rukongai. Though he had no memory, there was a family that took him in as he approached the 74th district. And as he grew, he showed a strong urge to fight, as well as the talent for it. The family he lived with decided to send him off to the Academy, where his skill quickly grew. While his Kidou was passable, and his reiatsu seeming lackluster, his hand to hand combat was more than commendable, and he was given accolades in Hakuda for his skill. Now a full-fledged Shinigami, Noziel Aran has a new cause to fight and die for. He chose to join Squad 1 to serve the Captain Commander and perform their will as quickly and efficiently as possible. It's been shown that Noziel Aran has quite the talent for making use of his weaknesses and strengths. Even his desire to utilize Shunko is an extension of his sense of balance.

Side Notes: Minnia Aran is his daughter, she'll be a human if you see her.

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Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Noziel Aran Empty Re: Noziel Aran

Thu Nov 14, 2019 3:24 pm
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