My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2019-10-30

Rena Lisola Empty Rena Lisola

Wed Oct 30, 2019 2:17 pm

Name: Rena Lisola
Alias: Ice Queen
Real Age: 335
Phys. Age: 27
Gender: Female
Personality: Somewhat cocky but masks it with indepth knowledge and cool. she loves flowers and has no problems trying to help out others. She usually keeps her power level at next to nothing simply to keep others around her from knowing her true strength. She hates taking sides as it gets confusing but will do as she's told by superiors.

She see's the world as a beauty more than an annoyance so she still does not wish it or those who dwell within it any injustice. She believes that whatever she is doing is the correct choice as she always follows her gut in the heat of a situation. She is a severely logical person. If something irrational happens she'll find a logical way to explain it regardless of if it is 100% accurate or not.

She tends to not be very creative and as such would rather read books than paint or draw. She is both playful yet serious as she tends to switch between the two of them. She'll follow her ideals and goals to the letter but she can't help having a playful and cocky attitude during matches. When push comes to shove however she becomes fully serious and gives it her all in order to complete her objective.

She will never back down from a challenge. She will always step up to the plate and fight back whether its mentally, verbally, or Physically. This might be considered being stupid but its one of her more admirable qualities. There is no challenge she won't accept even if she knows she can't win. She is extremely confident..perhaps even OVER confident in her abilities. She is considered very vain in how cocky and somewhat arrogant she can be when talking to others.

She does not have problems formulating plans of her own devices but isn't exactly bright when it comes to mind games. She easily falls for being baited into anger and usually responds extremely hostile to any form of threats. She cares about her subordinates as much as a she should but she doesn't have any strong feelings that would guide her to be overly protective of anyone. She is more of a loner in this respect and doesn't show much affection for anything. She can organize plans well enough but when it comes to keeping her home clean and neat she utterly fails. She cannot maintain any amount of organization within her own life.

Height: 5'8''
Weight: 135 lbs
Physical Traits:
Rena Lisola E3y7sKy


General Fighting Style: Sendo Genkotsu - This style focuses on the fluid motion and constant switching of many different forms, stances, and styles to suit the needs of the situation the fighter is currently in. Making it hard to predict and harder to counter this style encourages growth and change rather than rigid "pattern" and "technique". So you may never see the fighter fight the exact same way twice or you could see her do the same thing many times. It really depends on her opponent. It combines all of ones martial knowledge with tactical analysis and through this refines into a style that cannot become obsolete. One might argue it could be considered the "ultimate" style, but due to how complex and never ending it can get.. It would also be considered impossible to learn and dismissed. The Lisola Blood-line specialize in this "impossibly growing" style.

Strengths: Reiryoku Control, Strength
Weaknesses: Defense, Reiatsu

-Personal Abilities-

Ability Name: Ice/Water Manipulation
Description: The name almost speaks for itself..In essence she is able to control and manipulate ice and water regardless of circumstances. She is able to increase the speed of what the ice and water is doing by double if she uses her hands to guide the actions though. This has a 500 foot range. Once it exits this she has no control over it at all.

Ability Name: Water Creation
Description: she is capable of creating water from essentially nothing using the power of her Zanpaktou and her own spiritual pressure, empowering it with her reiatsu so that it can be used as a weapon..without actually changing the nature of the water itself. She can even turn it into ice and vice versa. She can only create within 150 feet of herself.


Zanpakuto Appearance: A pair of chain gloves modified for Rena specifically
Zanpakuto Name:  Yunibāsaruu~ōtārūra (Universal Water Ruler)
Zanpakuto Call Out:  For I am one with that which creates all, I am the life essence of the cosmos and it's destruction, As I move those in my path become washed away, release all restraints and flow freely, Yunibāsaruu~ōtārūra (Universal Water Ruler)

Appearance: As her Zanpaktou was modified it does not change when released anymore.
Ability Name: Dark Crystal
Description: She is able to create dark crystals that brim with negative energy and are at 10 degree's Fahrenheit in temperature at all time making them extremely cold to the touch. She is able to form these from nothing at a amount of 20 feet total a post and she can't form them more than 100 feet away from her being. She can however create some dark crystal and hurl it at her opponent as a projectile weapon past this 100 range she just can't control it once it leaves the range ( so no homing ). She does not have to touch the crystal herself in order to control it. So it seems like she has telekinetic powers but she really doesn't. She can also hurl said created shards from her blade itself as it is made of the very same material she is creating during shikai. This means of using it is limitless but can only be used to hurl foot long shards at a quantity of 3 per swing..this also means her blade is at 10 degree's and covered in negative energy at all times and is able to leave 1/2 inch of ice on anything within 1 foot of it's swinging arc as long as it can be affected by temperature due to its coldness not enough to really do anything but it would definitely be noticeable. Each projectile shards hardness is increased as if covered in an slightly above average heirro by an arrancar of equal tier to Rena.

Ability Name: Bone Shards
Description: All of her bones in shikai become shards of the very dark crystal she uses to attack with. Making her just as cold and giving her a more defensible body that regular bone. She is able to repair these shards if damaged fairly quick but can only regenerate them 50 at a time. There are 206 bones in the body thus she has 206 shards in her body during shikai. She is able to spike out dark crystal from her skin at any point in her body without pain to herself and is capable of covering herself in a thick layer of Dark crystal allowing for even more defense. however..the full body cover uses more than her body can regenerate in one post..thus is only usable once per 4 to 5 posts. ( technically 4 and a half for full regeneration ) However a limitation to this is she cannot make the dark shards within her body leave bodily contact (So she can't shoot crystals out of her body.) When used as a full body armor it can last up to 2 posts ( which doesn't start her CD til it's over ) and during this amount of time it is like she has a arrancar hierro on an high level for her tier.

Ability Name: Danger Reflex
Description: Rena has a combat aura which tells her mentally when an attack is coming even if she can't see, hear, smell, taste, feel or detect it by any other means. This "Aura' extends to roughly 3-4 feet around her (Essentially her Hand to hand combat range.) For best mental imaging of this "Aura" just picture a sphere around Rena that is said length from every part of her body. This means that even if the attacker is faster than her. She can use her enhanced reflexes to more effectively deal with them.

Ability Name: Complete Body Strikes
Description: Rena can attack in a way that causes strikes on one part of the body to cause damage to the whole body. The strike spreads around the whole body, bring the same effect and damage to all parts rather than just what was struck alone. So if the head of an opponent were struck, the whole body would feel the same amount of damage and feel pain despite not being hit.

Name: Kiai
Effect: Rena is able to enhance her yells or words to such extents that they cause massive concussive damage and even effect large areas due to the sheer volume involved. Damage dealt would be equal to a bala but the disorientating effects and temporary damage to motorskills, 25% loss to both cuz thats how bodies work, can last up 2 posts. This ability does not refresh it's effects but can be used once per post. Deaf, slightly-deaf, or non-hearing characters would be immune to this skill.

Name: Fist of Destruction
Effect: By channeling her spiritual energy into one of her fists she is capable of doing anything within the following range: Attempt to break another person's bones or otherwise severely injure them "almost" regardless of their durability, Create a massive 20m crater from an explosion of the same range of pure force, or divert an incoming attack in the direction correlating to being hit by her fist without injuring her hand. Regardless of how this technique is used it has a four post CD. (As such it cannot divert things stronger than Cero Oscuras)

Ability Name: Ankoku Shuuha
Description: This power allows the user to fire an overbearingly giant wave of black spiritual power from the weapon. Equal in strength to a level 80 kidou and covers an 80 by 80 area in a "wave" shape. This ability has a three post cooldown.


Ability Name: Weather Manifestation
Description: Using her high levels of spiritual power she is able to create rainstorms and blizzards of varying degree's in the "Battle" area she is in. From simple rain and just light snow falling around the place to gallons of water at a time pouring from the sky and vision obscuring Blizzard madness. However each time she activates this ability she cannot change it for eight posts. This power lasts between 2-5 posts depending on how much energy Rena expends to cause it and whether or not Rena turns the weather off herself prematurely.

[瞬閧]Shunkou (Water Release) - Hīringuōra Tsuyome no Ken
Ability Description: An advanced battle technique which combines the physical techniques of Hakuda and the spell-based techniques of Kidou, Shunkou is the peak of Hakuda and Hohou techniques. Shunkou comes in natural elements such as lightning or wind, based on the user's personality and reiatsu - Rena's Shunkou is water-based. When active, the technique rips apart the fabric on the user's back and arms as they're flooded with Kidou. This technique lasts for 2 posts and has a 4 post cooldown.

Ability Name: Arctic Eulogy
Description: Rena focuses her spiritual energy and causes snow to fall around her opponent, as long as she has "any" means to track this target the snow falling will be transfixed on them and move to where they are. Once this is done Rena converts all of the snow and stops half-way through the process by force leaving nothing but unstable half-altered snowflakes. Pumping her spiritual power into these causes them all to explode at the same power as a Hadou 4 for a few feet per snowflake. This can deal a total damage limit of Two Forbidden Kidou in a rather short time frame to any target caught in her ability. This does not spread the damage between targets. Each target can take up to two forbidden kidou in damage if they don't defend themselves somehow.. Rena is not able to use her Zanpaktou powers again during the thread this is used and what remained of her spiritual energy is completely tapped for the thread as well. She can only do this once per thread as a result.

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Join date : 2019-10-28

Rena Lisola Empty Re: Rena Lisola

Fri Nov 15, 2019 9:44 am
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