My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 38
Join date : 2019-11-13

Site Rules Empty Site Rules

Mon Jan 04, 2021 7:02 pm

Site Rules

1 - Personal Conduct

We permit all kinds of discussion on the site and on Discord, and from this we can have some questionable discussion arise. We're all mature adults, and we can handle objective discussion of sensitive matters, or jokes about sensitive matters, with no issue. It becomes a problem when things become personal and/or agenda based.

1.1 - No Flaming/Rudeness/Harassment
Simply put, don't be rude. If someone reasonably tells you to stop doing something, stop doing it. If you must cease contact with them, do it. We expect each member to manage their problems in a mature way, and under no circumstances will we let conversations devolve into flaming or fighting. If you must fight, take it to DMs and let no one be the wiser. However, do not harass, stalk, or follow anyone on the site in the server or via DMs, ever. Violating this will result in a ban.

1.2 - No Racism/Sexism/Homophobia etc.
Do not ever use slurs of any kind (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.) in your speech directed at another person. Doing so will result in a permanent ban. That said, we are capable of discussing sensitive matters like this in an objective and/or joking context as long as it is handled maturely, and everyone in the conversation is comfortable discussing the matter. If it becomes problematic, or if someone is uncomfortable with the subject matter, you are not allowed to continue discussing it, nor are you allowed to shame anyone for being uncomfortable. If any discussion that is taking place makes you feel uncomfortable, you may also report it to staff anonymously, and we will take care of it.

1.3 - No Disallowed Content
Do not post any of the following content on the site or Discord server:

  • Pornographic content, text, images, etc.
  • Illegal content, including links to pirated content.

Doing so will result in a warning and removal of the content.

1.4 - No Spamming
Spamming in any context, except for #off-topic on the Discord server, is not allowed. Failure to adhere to this will result in a warning.

2 - Posting Rules

2.1 - Proofread Your Posts
In role play contexts, to ensure maximum clarity, your posts must be proofread for spelling and grammar before they are posted. We will overlook typos and minor misspellings--this rule is intended to prevent egregious lack of effort from making its way onto posts. Failure to adhere to this will result in a warning. If you need help, please contact a member of staff, or use a tool such as Grammarly or Google Docs to perform a grammar check.

2.2 - No Double Posting
This rule is relatively simple: please do not double post; edit your posts instead. Bumping a thread is not allowed. Failure to adhere to this will result in a warning.

3 - Roleplay Rules

3.1 - No Godmodding
Do not godmod. Godmodding is defined as taking control of another player's character in role play, or performing actions that are beyond the scope of a player's character. The following define some cases that count as godmodding (but the list is not exhaustive, and other things may count as godmodding, too).

  • Metagaming: Metagaming is the act of failing to separate player knowledge and character knowledge, and having the character utilize feats of knowledge that are out of bounds for them.
  • Auto-Hit: Auto-hits are posts that do not account for the possibility for the target of an attack to dodge. In general, you should give opponents the opportunity to react by including conditional language such as "would" as well as including words or phrases such as "try to," "in the process of," or "aimed at" that indicate that the action is not yet complete. In certain cases, there may be situations where it is feasible to perform an auto-hit, but those MUST be discussed with the target's player prior to being posted.
  • Auto-Dodge: No character can dodge/negate every single attack. In the spirit of balanced RP, you should allow a hit on your character every now and then, even if your character has a speed advantage. Like auto-hit, you may auto-dodge if you discuss the matter with the attacker's player beforehand.

Incidents of suspected godmodding should be reported to staff. Upon review, if staff determine that godmodding has occurred, a warning will be given to the player.

3.2 - Player Death Is Disabled By Default
Character death is disabled by default. However, in certain contexts, like events or threads tagged with death enabled, a character can die. Please be sure you know what you are doing when you post in a death-enabled thread.

4 - Application Rules

4.1 - Use the Template
Applications for characters, agencies, etc must use the appropriate template. You may add fields to the templates as appropriate if you feel they don’t cover every facet of your creation.

4.2 - Balance Your Abilities
Custom abilities and techniques will be checked for balance. If staff have any issues with this, we will work with you to improve the concept to fit balance standards. As abilities come in many forms, no list will ever be exhaustive, you must make satisfactory changes to your application or it will not be approved.

5 - Enforcement

NOTE: Egregious violations of the rules may result in an immediate permaban, at the staff's discretion. Additionally, staff reserve the right to issue punishments for any form of poor personal conduct, even if such conduct is not explicitly listed on this page.

Enforcement of the rules is handled on a case-by-case basis. Generally, the first offense will result in a warning from the moderators. After a warning has been issued, further violations will result in a temporary ban, followed by a permanent ban. If you feel a judgment has been made unfairly, you may appeal to another member of staff and state your case. If the punishment is upheld though, that's it; further complaints will not be tolerated.

Last updated 12/4/2021
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