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Join date : 2019-10-28

Quincy Information  Empty Quincy Information

Fri Nov 01, 2019 1:47 am

滅却師・The Monks of Destruction, Quincy

The [Quincy] are a line of spiritually aware human warriors. Originally a mixture of survivors of Hollow attacks and those who had lost loved ones to Hollows, the Quincy developed a variety of supernatural powers to hunt and kill Hollows before they attacked humans (and to destroy those who already had), including the ability to control Spiritual Energy. The Quincy are unique as far as races go in Bleach, because unlike the Hollow or Shinigami, Quincy are still technically human and reside in the world of the living.

Unlike the Shinigami, who use a sword as their primary weapon, the Quincy's weapon of choice is a bow. It is constructed from spiritual particles drawn from their surroundings, also unlike the Shinigami, who rely on their own innate spiritual energy (as a reflection of this, Quincies have white spirit threads like normal humans, while Shinigami have red spirit threads). Quincy bows are summoned using an artifact called a Quincy Cross. The only limit to a Quincy's ability to create and fire arrows is their own stamina and ability to absorb ambient spirit particles. Quincies also have various tools and battle aides that can increase their power or serve as secondary weapons.

滅却師・Quincy Abilities and Releases

[Spirit Bow] -- All Quincies have the ability to create a unique spirit bow, and subsequently generate spirit arrows for the bow, using a Quincy Cross or pentacle. The bow and arrows are both made up completely of reiryoku from the users surroundings, and last as long as the wielder's stamina and reiryoku reserves allow.

[Reiryoku Absorption] Unlike Shinigami, who use their inner Reiryoku to fight, the Quincy fuel their abilities by absorbing the Reiryoku of their surroundings in the form of spirit particles. They primarily absorb them from the atmosphere, and have an easier time collecting this energy in environments with higher concentrations of spiritual particles, such as Soul Society or Hueco Mundo. To a sufficiently powerful Quincy, there is no difference between spiritual particles and spiritual energy as a source of power. A Quincy in HM or SS gain a single tier in power, starting at 1-5. So a 1-5 Quincy who went to either place would be 1-4 for the duration of their stay, returning to 1-5 when they go back to earth. Quincy's below this tier or who have not acquired Letzt Stil do not get this benefit.

Reiryoku Manipulation:  One can manipulate spiritual energy for offensive purposes. They most commonly reshapes spiritual particles into various types of bow and arrows, but can also concentrate spiritual energy into the form of swords or explosives. The Quincy can also use the energy they gather, or use silver tubes filled with spiritual energy (see below), to perform various offensive, supportive, and defensive techniques similar to the Shinigami Kidō.

散霊手套・Sanrei Glove Releases

[Sanrei Glove] A Quincy's power can be significantly enhanced using the Sanrei glove. A Quincy needs to complete a week of intense training in order to be able to use the glove. The glove operates by repelling spirit particles, making it far more difficult for the Quincy to summon their bow. Any Quincy who is able to successfully utilize their powers while wearing the glove can thus reach much higher levels of power. This training is also the basis for the Letzt Stil.

Later, when a Quincy becomes stronger they can take a more intense training regime using a second more powerful Sanrei glove. When complete, the Quincy gains access to Vollständig. The Quincy must wear this Sanrei glove at all times. As soon as they remove it they enter Vollständig and transform. When they revert from this form they must put the glove back on and regain power before entering Vollständig again, though another training session is not needed.

A Quincy who wears the Sanrei glove may remove it in desperate cases, entering a state known as the:

[Letz Stil] The Letzt Stil gives the user a tremendous amount of power, equaling a shinigami in bankai, but at the price of their powers upon it's completion. See main article for more information. After they lose their powers once, and regain them, they can use this form at any time, and do not need to wear or remove a senrai glove to enter this form.

[Vollständig] Vollständig is a quincy’s final form. It is equal to Toukai, Resurrection Segunda and so on. It grants Quincy access to a unique spirit weapon/s to use in place of their bow. They May also go through a slight transformation. They always gain a pair of Reiatsu wings.

The only way for a Quincy to regain their powers after using the Letzt Stil is to first exhaust themselves both mentally and physically, then be hit exactly 19 mm to the right of their heart with a spirit arrow. After this, a pentacle-shaped scar will form on the point of impact, and their powers will be restored. Quincies who enter Vollstandig do not lose their powers afterwards. Going through the trail of regaining their powers after Letzt stil is enough to train their body for this form.

List of Quincy Items and sub powers:

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