My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2019-10-28

Hollow Information Empty Hollow Information

Fri Nov 01, 2019 4:43 pm

完現術者・Advent Human, the Evolved Mankind

[Hollow] are a race of creatures which are born from Human souls who, for various reasons, do not cross over to Soul Society after their death and stay in the Human World for too long. They are corrupt spirits with supernatural powers that devour the souls of both living and deceased Humans. Hollows are the principal antagonists at the beginning of the story and remain a primary threat beyond that point. Hollows settle in Hueco Mundo, but can cross over to the Human World and Soul Society.

Hollows are former Pluses (deceased human souls) that lose their hearts to despair or remain in the real world for too long. In the anime, non-human spirits can also transform into Hollows. Any spirit that is not guided to the Soul Society by a Shinigami via Soul Burial may eventually descend into a Hollow.

The process by which a soul becomes a Hollow usually takes a year, reflected by the length of the soul's Chain of Fate, which resides in the center of their chest. The Chain of Fate slowly corrodes over time, reflecting the degradation of the soul's ties to the living world. The process can be accelerated under certain conditions, such as being attacked by a Hollow, giving into extreme despair or through the use of certain spiritual powers. When the chain completely decays, they become a Hollow when a hole opens up on their chest, where the chain was attached (signifying that they have lost their heart).

完現術者・Shinigami Abilities and Releases

Their ability, called [Fullbring], enables them to manipulate the souls contained within matter. Everything, even rudimentary objects such as lampposts and chairs possess a soul, however small. By using their power to “pull” on this soul, Fullbringers can manipulate the object's movement or even alter its physical characteristics. For example, Fullbringers could have a beverage assist them in drinking it by pulling on its soul, drawing it into their mouth. Likewise, by pulling on the soul of water, Fullbringers can walk across its surface without falling through.[4][5] Many more feats are possible, making the technique highly versatile. Unlike other spiritual beings, Fullbringers use their power with their physical bodies. Because of this, they must train extensively to build up their stamina so they can use it properly.

While all Fullbringers are born with this power, the age at which they come to realize it varies. When Fullbringers die, all traces of their abilities disappear from the world. However, they do carry their abilities into the afterlife.

Having Fullbring doesn't necessarily make you stronger. There are no extra boosts for it and you can't use your normal powers while wielding a fullbring and it's abilities. The only real difference is a fullbring gives you an object much like a Bount's doll and gives YOU powers instead of the Doll keeping the powers. It's basically there for RP purpose..and doesn't make any difference on your humans total power potential. With or Without it you could still be 2-2 tier and fight on par with 2-2's that are at their full power. (Strengths and weaknesses would apply and make the battle turn out this way or that..but you get my point )

However.. A second stage of powers for a human enhances the power that is already there. Unlike Fullbring you would get boosts for it though..making this debatably better if it comes down to an opponent your powers are already good against and you need that extra jump in power. it increases all of your natural primary stage powers to new heights and new limits. making it in some cases and some ways more superior to fullbring. But unlike Fullbring you can't get an entirely new set of powers that don't match your primary powers from Second stage.

[Hyper Mode]  This is the equivalent to Quincy Final Form, Shinigami's Ultimate Release, Full Hollow Form, and Segunda. This is the highest absolute maximum output of a humans powers..this is as close to a god-like state that any human can attain..the only problem only lasts a short time. The human soul is capable of such power but the human body is not ment to handle it. This is very taxing..putting one into fatigue state upon reaching the time limit of this ability. This is basically a humans third and final stage of power.

完現術者・Human Releases

[Object Affinity] By developing an affinity for a particular object, a Fullbringer can alter its form, granting powers that vary greatly among individuals. This affinity can be defined by one’s love for the object in question, or simply by an overall fondness for it. As such, this power is usually awakened through a strong emotion associated with the object, such as pride. Using this affinity, Fullbringers pull out the object’s soul and boost it with their own, transforming it in the process. For example, Kūgo Ginjō can change the saltire pendant on his necklace into a large claymore. While Fullbringers typically have an affinity with one such object, it is possible to have many. While all Fullbrings are unique, they can be defined by different types. For example, Fullbrings that shroud their users with their power are called Clad-Type Fullbrings.

[High Speed Movement] Fullbringers can induce states of high-speed movement through Fullbring. Such movements are accompanied by the flickering of a green luminescence called Bringer Light, which is the preliminary for each high-speed movement. This speed is achieved through a variety of different uses of Fullbring. By pulling on the soul of the ground beneath their feet, Fullbringers can increase its elasticity, greatly enhancing their jumping ability as a result. In addition, by Fullbringing the air around them, they can accelerate their movements. Doing so can consequentially strengthen the force of their blows. The ability to use this technique signifies that one is beginning to master Fullbring.

Once a Fullbringer has fully realized this power, its abilities cannot and do not change through growth. However, Fullbringers must progress to a certain level before they can use their unique abilities to their fullest. As such, a Fullbring's various developmental stages can look radically different from its final form, and can thus be considered “incomplete.” When the Fullbring's potential is fully realized and it progresses to its final form, it releases a violent burst of energy that can potentially damage its user’s body. Because of this, another Fullbringer is typically required to oversee the process, and to prevent the recently completed Fullbring from injuring its user by suppressing the explosion. In addition, a Fullbring's growth can be promoted by exposure to the atmosphere of Hueco Mundo, as a result of its Hollow nature.

A Fullbring's unique power largely depends on the object that is used as a focus. In addition to souls, material objects also possess memories. As its holder experiences various events, the object experiences them as well; the memories are engraved onto its soul each time it is touched. Because of this, Fullbringers who had a considerable amount of battle experience prior to awakening their power have stronger Fullbrings.

[Blur]  This is the human/non-fullbring equivalent of shunpo. They mastered this technique to keep up with the spiritual beings.

[Airwalk]  In case it wasn't clear, most humans can't airwalk. The ones that can use an ability that does it for them. Or uses the Floater Device. The only exception is when using fullbring, as it does allow it.

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