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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Rinha Clan Empty Rinha Clan

Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:08 pm

The Clan Profile
General Information
Clan Name: Rinha
Clan Symbol: Rinha Clan Latest?cb=20130805171021
Age of Clan: Been around since the First Ninja War
Village of Origin: Sunakagure
Kekkai Genkai: Chakra Absorbtion -Through touch of target, user will take small amount of target's chakra.through mastery of Kekkei Genkai the user can take a target's chakra from up to 7 feet away. User can only steal 4 seperate chakras max each can only be used once before user needs to take more.
Notable appearance: When kekkei genkai is active or being used. The user's left arm gaind markings that tend to follow the line of their veins as the color depends on the source of the stolen chakra or what color that group of markings be ( I.E. - If the ninja uses fire base chakra then then vein like markings will be red etc.)

Kekkei Genkai
Kekkei Genkai Description: Kekkei Genkai - Chakra Absorbtion
Kekkai Genkai Speciality Jutus and Techniques:

Clan History
History: Rinha clan was a great group of ninja's that were specialized in the medical techniques back before the villages even existed. They were paid handsomely for their expertise that saved thousand of lives, no matter the side. Still as the villages started to form the First kazekage started an onslaught against Rinha, for if he couldn't have them, nobody would.
For decades Rinha clan ran and hid in the Land of the wind, unable to escape and their numbers dwindling down to mere pack. With the coming of Second Kazekage, the hunt against Rinha was stopped, but their position in Land of wind didn't change, becoming a mere peasants and branded as practitioners of forbidden techniques and murderers. Their usage of borrowing charka into heir puppets was great taboo, so discrimination toward them continued even during Third kazekage.
Although unchanged in position during the Third Kazekage, the new light appeared after almost hundred of years of discrimination. With Rebellion period over, the chance for political change was met in the Land of Earth as internal struggle started, many battlefields opening and closing in blitzkrieg warfare and finally ending in Kazekage's palace. Although it was not correctly known what happened, the Rinha clan was lead by to be Fourth Kazekage as allies against the regime that oppressed them. They were one of the forces that greatly contributed to the downfall of the old leadership and placed new Kazekage in its place

Current Head of clan: Anna Rinha
Members: Sakoto Rinha - The Puppet branch
Akiko Rinha - Son/Daughter of Anna Rinha and Lucus Griffborne
Akira Rinha - Younger Sister of Anna Rinha

Medical Jutsu:

Kekki Genkai/Puppetry:
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Rinha Clan Empty Re: Rinha Clan

Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:11 pm
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