My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

Kuro Yanagi Empty Kuro Yanagi

Sat Nov 02, 2019 12:14 pm

Name: Kuro Yanagi
Apparent Age: 20
True Age: 546
Sex: Male
Personality: Just like his name sake, Kuro is a very flexible person, able to adapt to the situation at hand with relative ease... As well as ignite quickly when sparked. Strangely enough for someone who uses fire, Kuro regards his surroundings and the world at large with a calm and relaxed detachment which leaves him generally at ease with his fellow Arrancar. Kuro avoids combat with other Arrancar whenever possible but will jump at the chance to do battle with Shinigami, Quincy, and other such non-Hollow spiritual entities.

Kuro harbors deep feelings of hate and mistrust towards non-Hollows, his own past having lead him to believe that Hollows are the perfect final form of the spirit, the Apotheosis of mortal-kind. To him, Shinigami corrupt it and Quincies outright reject what he considers to be enlightenment of the soul. For the concept of humanity itself is flawed in Kuro's eyes, and only by becoming a Hollow, an apex predator of mortal-kind, is one truly "perfect".

Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 151 lbs
Physical Traits:

General Fighting Style: Kuro opts for a mid-close range combat style. He uses his carpet-bombing flames to keep the pressure up while being equally proficient in close-combat encounters, making him a deadly foe indeed.
Strengths: Speed, Reiatsu, Reiryoku, Hoho,
Weaknesses: Stamina, Hakuda, Durability

Ability Name: Fire Manipulation
Ability Description: By drawing upon his elemental nature and Hollow abilities, Kuro can create and control flames that aren't under the control of another to his will. Flames created or controlled by this ability (and any of his other fire-based techniques) can easily melt steel, but only inflict second-degree burns on beings with spiritual pressure. Attacks created with this ability deal damage equal to a Hadou 20.

Ability Name: Bala Bombardment
Ability Description: Kuro can compress down and encase any of his offensive flames he slings within a Bala before firing them off, granting the technique Bala speed and an extra Bala’s worth of damage upon initial impact. In addition, the intense compression of fire means that any explosion upon impact of a Bala-shelled technique gains a blast radius equal to the Hadou value of the technique times 5.

Ability Name: Phoenix Squall
Ability Description: Kuro fires a compressed bolt of flame which splits off into 20 separate Hadou 5 bolts of fire. Compatible with Bala Bombardment, however; the extra Bala's worth of damage is lost upon splitting.

Ability Name: Soulbound Blade
Ability Description: IfKuro 's Zanpakuto is dropped or thrown, he can call to his link with it and have it travel at Sonido speed back into his hand.
(1 turn cooldown)

Sealed Appearance:
Zanpakuto Name: Vengador Fénix
Zanpakuto Call Out: Rise from the ashes
Cero: Cero, Bala, Gran Rey


Ability Name: Phoenix Counter
Ability Description: Kuro spins his staff rapidly, allowing him to block an attack of Cero or lower. He then fires a burst of flame equal to the damage level of the blast he just defended back at his opponent. Compatible with Bala Bombardment.
(1 turn cooldown.)

Ability Name: Phoenix Affinity
Ability Description: Kuro is immune to his own flames. I mean, duh, but better safe than sorry.

Ability Name: Phoenix Blaze
Ability Description: Kuro fires off a Hadou 60 blast of flame that normally moves at Cero speeds.
(2 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Phoenix Inferno
Ability Description: Kuro fires off a Hadou 80 blast of flame that normally moves at Cero speeds.
(3 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Phoenix Wingbeat
Ability Description: Kuro calls down a massive torrent of flames from above which rain down a Gran Rey’s worth of damage at a 100 foot radius with him as the epicenter for a turn. Not compatible with Bala Bombardment.
(3 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Immortal Phoenix
Ability Description: While in Resurrection, Kuro can easily regenerate from damage to his body. Surface wounds and blood restoration is half as taxing as restoring vital functions.

Ability Name: Phoenix Fire Prison
Ability Description: Kuro fires off a spiraling torrent of flame which upon contact with an opponent begins to swirl and spin into a pair of concentric rings around the opponent which act as a Bakudo 60.
(2 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Phoenix Guard
Ability Description: Kuro sprouts massive flaming wings from his back which wrap around his entire body and defend him from a single attack of Gran Rey Level or lower.
(3 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Phoenix Blast-Spear
Ability Description: For 3 turns, Kuro encases his spear in flames that deal an extra Hadou 20 of damage per hit and the flames dissipate after the 3 turns are up. At any point before the flames dissipate, Kuro is able to end the technique early and fire the flames off of any point on his weapon for a Cero’s worth of damage.
(2 turn cooldown)

Appearance: [What do you look like in segunda?]
Abilities: [What abilities do you gain?]

History: While he was alive, Kuro was born and raised in a small village in the Japanese countryside which was a locus of spiritual activity due to it being one of those areas with high Reishi density. As such, Hollow attacks were frequent and over the generations almost everyone in the village was a latent Fullbringer. To this day the details are still a bit fuzzy: It could have been a Shinigami, or a Quincy, but all Kuro remembers is that he woke to his home, his village, being burned to the ground and everyone killed by some inhumanly fast spiritual entity. Kuro ran for his life, watching as his parents were slaughtered right behind him. He took shelter in a nearby cave, but the flames from the village had spread unnaturally quickly and a burning tree crashed at the entrance, trapping him inside and suppressing all his available oxygen until he died.

Here, Kuro's life as a spiritual being began. As the dust settled, the spirits of everyone in his village howled with pain, grief, and loss as they looked at the smoldering wreck of their homes, their bodies, their lives. Needless to say, everyone Hollowfied pretty fast and Kuro set to wander, his mind dulled for a time by hunger. After a stretch of time, Kuro began to learn of the mechanics of the spirit world. He was considered monster, vermin even, by pretty much everything that saw him and yet... He felt more free than he ever had as a human. Deeper he delved, to escape the constant harassment, all the way to Hueco Mundo, where he fed. Kuro ate, and ate, growing in power until eventually he was able to rip off part of his mask and ascend into Arrancar-hood. With his sentience fully restored, Kuro began to contemplate all the things he'd learned of the Shinigami and Quincy in his travels.

It wasn't as if people sat down to give him lectures on the topic, but with little scraps of info he'd gathered over the centuries he was able to put together a picture of sorts. The Shinigami and Quincy were meant to be guardians of humanity, to hunt Hollows and protect regular mortals... And they hadn't done a damn thing to help him and his family. They were too invested in fighting each other to do their jobs. What was the point of their war, their conquests, against each other then? There was none, Kuro decided. They were blinded by their own human nature. Hollows were true to themselves, and had no such problems. And weren't they better for it? Weren't they stronger because of it? Kuro decided they were.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Kuro Yanagi Empty Re: Kuro Yanagi

Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:09 am
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