My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Noziel Aran
Noziel Aran
Posts : 18
Join date : 2019-10-28

Minnia Aran  Empty Minnia Aran

Mon Nov 04, 2019 5:20 pm


Name: Minnia Aran
True Age: 721. (looks 14)
Sex: Female
Personality: Minnia is a sweetheart at her core, particularly to those that go out of their way to appease her and meet her needs. However, if she is ever sleighted, she will absolutely go out of her way to seek vengeance. She has some social anxieties, as well as a weakening personal strength should she ever think she's in the wrong. Personally, she feels responsible should anyone she love come under harm, even if she isn't remotely involved. She's always trying to see to the needs of the few she lets in, and will always find a way to help them.

Her sense of commitment, loyalty, and compassion for the few she loves knows no bounds, and the rage and hatred for those who hurt her or her loved ones sees no end. She is vengeance, and she will never cease.


Height: 4'10"
Weight: 90 lbs
Physical Traits:

(Minnia before her father's death.)
Minnia Aran  Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSsLdxpCKY90WMSWORqNUaAy3AqjyD0NNNdMhXY5U2IybPTYHxl&s

(Minnia after her father's death.)
Minnia Aran  DrF_SuvU8AA2-LO


Strengths: Reiatsu, Reiryoku, Control
Weaknesses: Speed, Strength, Zanjutsu


Fullbring Item: Noziel Aran's Coffin.
Fullbring Appearance: See Profile picture.

Ability Name: Death is in the Air
Description: When sealed, Minnia has full control over the coffin, can throw it around with ease, even cause it to fly. It's her soul weapon, so it's indestructible. Seeing as it can be used as a blunt weapon or a shield, I'd say her powers while sealed are pretty limited.

Ability Name: Self-Containment
Description: When the coffin is touching her, Minnia can fly effortlessly.

Boosts: x2 to all stats while sealed.


Fullbring Appearance: In sealed, there is an apparent glow around the coffin to those that can detect reiatsu. In released, the coffin pulses a dark purple, and a large glob of something eldritch in appearance spills out of it.

Ability Name: Eldritch Torment
Description: While released, a purple ooze spills out and can be controlled by Minnia. There can be no more than an approximate 10 square meters of the stuff at any given time.

Ability Name: Varicose Viscosity
Description: Using tendrils of the purple ooze, Minnia can wrap objects up and throw them, as well as bind targets with them. If in contact with skin they can cause mild chemical burns over the duration of more than one post. Otherwise, a Cero is enough to blast enough away to escape.

Ability Name: Nightmare
Description: Once per post, Minnia can harden her purple ooze and sharpen it, making an attempt to cut, carve, slice or stab an opponent.

Boosts: x3 to all stats. up to x4 if you are 0-5, or with staff's stamp of approval.


History: Around 1703, there was a kingdom that controlled a very small portion of land by the name of "Cassellium". This kingdom was a quiet and peaceful land that prospered under its king, Noziel Aran. It was also able to prosper without annexation due to the strict policy of neutrality that it prided itself on. Noziel Aran, king of this nation had a single daughter who would be named Princess of this land, and eventually Queen, should her father ever pass. On the eve of her 14th birthday, her father was murdered in cold blood by a small group of assassins that decided to carry out the will of what they felt was the people. In reality, this could not have been further from the truth. Their reason for killing him was merely rumor, in that all the kingdom's wealth and prosperity, he hid nothing from them. His transparency in fact, was not a facade, nor was his kingdom's neutrality a tightly lipped conspiracy. This would become apparent in the coming weeks, as the kingdom's prosperity faded, and other border scuffles which would never have occurred previously began, as if only a small measure of what would come. On the day of Minnia's 14th birthday, her father was laid to rest, and she attended, despite countless warnings from various servants who wished to groom her. Before he could be settled into the ground, those in attendance gave the fallen king their wishes, and Minnia did so as well, the last to walk up to the coffin which bore him. She touched the casing, closed her eyes, and a wish she did make. "My father will be live again, and I will wait for him to come back to me." At that very moment, she felt a surge of energy, and the coffin lifted up, apparently responding to her plea.

As she left the funeral, the coffin followed her, causing those present to show mixed reactions, some with horror, some with fear, some calling out to her and berating her for defiling the king's sanctity. As she heard this, she turned around and collected the coffin in her arms, realizing that to her it weighed nothing. Touching it made her feel powerful. Touching it gave her courage. She spoke, her eyes sparking with red light. "None of you will ever understand the sacrifices my father made. Nor will you understand the sacrifice that I make to bear his death. Let this be a warning to all of you. Never again shall any king or queen sit upon his throne, not until my father returns. And if they do, they will answer to me." The very last word where she referenced herself echoed out to the far reaches of their land. Any who tried to sit on the throne were reported to have been eaten by shadows. As Minnia reached 18 years of age, her body did not age. Instead, her words rang to be true, and despite many cries of agony, she refused to take the role of queen, since she had not come of age. She still bore the royal crown, for no other reason than to show all of them what she was.

As the years passed, the kingdom fell into disarray. Many died. Many fled. The entire territory itself was rendered fruitful and bountiful, but no one dared enter. In fact, it was abandoned. There came a day where the sole resident was Minnia herself. Hollows were common, in fact, they were the only beings that deigned to cross into that land on the fact that they had no capacity to understand that their life would be short. The moment they crossed into the castle walls, they were eradicated. Seven hundred years had passed. That many. And she felt a familiar presence. "Father. I always knew you'd come back to this world."

Side Notes: Noziel Aran's *human* daughter.

Roleplay Sample: Noz the grey and powerful

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Minnia Aran  Empty Re: Minnia Aran

Thu Nov 14, 2019 3:25 pm
Approved 3-1
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