My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2019-11-02

Nubkherek Sekhetaruk Empty Nubkherek Sekhetaruk

Wed Nov 13, 2019 1:41 am


Nubkherek Sekhetaruk 5213afe3bc6d4ee6483629e10bb7ac7d

"To most the light is a symbol good or hope, but through my eyes it is as silent and empty as the void. To look upon this light I see, is to know terror. It drifts above me with slow, liquid grace, and its gaze causes madness and despair wherever it falls. Through my eyes, those it came near took their own lives rather than endure its hellish presence. Through my eyes, it steals away all it stares upon leaving only traces of light that once was. Through my eyes, a machine can only fear one. A light that brings nothing. A light that shows nothing. A light that comes to claim existence itself."

Theme Song


Name: Nubkherekh Sekhetaruk

The Necron Primarch

Age: Late Twenties

True Age: Unknown

Sex: Male

Species: Arrancar

Aspect of Death: The Aspect of Death that Nubkherekh displays is one that is hard to determine, however to say simply it is "Change". His aspect of death is this because he hates repetition, change is the act of evolving, removing weakness and replacing it with strength. In essence change is what makes one better or worse, however to one such as he it is evolution, the way of destroying all those in his way and reaching the pinnacle of existence, the level of a god if you will.

Personality: Nubkherekh's personality, put simply, can only be explained as machine like. He is an emotionally deprived individual, he has never experienced the feeling of being comforted or loved by that of people. He has never been acknowledged by people around him, always traveling alone, thus he has never known what emotions truly are. He shows no emotion to anyone and always logically answers a problem or question, and if he doesn't have an answer for the Problem/Question at hand he won't answer or do anything at all. Nubkherekh however has experienced one occasion of comfort, but this experience wasn't given by that of anyone but by something.  

Nubkherekh's personality can be put into several traits, these Traits Include. Machine, Continuity, Intelligent, Strategist, Calm and Curious.

Machine - Nubkherekh is almost incapable of showing emotions towards others. He is also almost incapable of understanding most emotions from others. He never takes into account other peoples feelings and can often say hurtful things. He doesn't care for emotional and physical pain, disregarding both as simple warning signs. If he is knocked down by force that breaks his bones, cut down to the point of missing limbs, Struck down by words of hate and spite, pushed back by words of profanity and insanity, tethered and chained by the world, left to rot and rust. he will continue fight, he will continue to march forward like that of a juggernaut. He will march untill his heart gives out. He will march until his body completely breaks. He will march forward untill his light itself can shine no more.    

Continuity - Nubkherekh can often be quite repetitive in the way he talks and acts about and around others. while talking with others he will always continue to treat them the same way and talk to them in the same manner. While in the presence of royalty or something similar and around people of a lower stature, he will treat them both equally. He does not see the point in treating someone higher in quality unless they treat him the same. This means he often appears Intimidating for those who cannot handle his metallic personality.  

Intelligent - Nubkherekh is extremely smart and intelligent, this is often shown through his ability to quickly learn and understand complex situations and problem. He has a vast knowledge of materials(e.g. Metals and their capabilities), electronics, robotics, and a vast knowledge of Battle tactics and war strategy. He is also very knowledgeable in the field of Biology and the mental state of beings, but however lacks knowledge and experience on how to use these for medical purposes.  

Strategist - Nubkherekh is a grand strategist, often when it comes to large forces and numbers. When Nubkherekh launches an attack, it is impossible to discern if it is the main thrust of his strategy or simply a decoy, created to bleed enemy reinforcements away from a battle yet to come. All such assaults are carefully weighted to overwhelm enemy forces already in place, requiring the foe to either sacrifice his troops or reinforce them -- and Nubkherekh's plans are always many stages ahead, set to take advantage of either course. Indeed, Nubkherekh's battle plans are incredibly versatile, seeded with feint attacks, counter-strategies and other contingencies enacted automatically should certain circumstances be triggered or thresholds crossed. To the outside observers, there is something almost mystical to Nubkherekh's methodology, for how else could he so flawlessly anticipate the unseen? Yet in truth there is nothing more at play here than the careful application of probabilities and logic, combined with a canny understanding of the foe’s mindset.

Calm - Nubkherekh exerts a calm and collected aura around himself which can sometimes annoy others because he never rarely changes from that state. Nubkherekh is practically resistant towards frustration and pressure in a situation. He never/rarely acts on emotion what so ever, and will always take into account a variety of outcomes before doing/saying something, but only if the outcome is something that will benefit him.  

Curious - Maybe the most interesting aspect of Nubkherekh's personality is his curiosity. He is curios about most things and shows this in a way that most would consider odd. He is always observing his surroundings for things that could catch his interest. When he finds something that catches his interest he will either take or follow the object/person to study it. When he has found out what he was curious about, then his curiosity simply fades. When he has no interest in the object/person he took/followed he simply stops following/throws the object/person away.

When around others Nubkherekh becomes very quiet, yet doesn't act differently from how he normally does. He only talks when he feels it is required and is limited when it comes to questions from others. He finds simple conversation utterly useless and not required. Although he may not talk an awful lot, he definitely listens. He may not care nor need to give input because of how he thinks, yet sometimes he is compelled to give input on the matter at hand. Although he never acts like it, he sometimes doesn't mind the company of others. Granted they're on neutral ground.


Height: 7,3 ft or 2.2 metres

Weight: 692 lbs or 314 Kg

Physical Traits: Nubkherekh has very defined broad shoulders, his body was very muscular which is easy to see even when he is adorned with clothing. This usually gives him a very intimidating appearance, most would probably avoid him or have have trouble talking to him face to face. If people weren't so often under his gaze they probably wouldn't have a problem with him.

It doesn't help that he also has strange cross markings going up his arms and along his chest, these marking are mysterious in nature with Nubkherekh himself having no memories or idea partaking to there purpose. Nubkherekh has had these markings since he was birthed as an Arrancar. Nubkherekh has created his own idea of these markings, believing that they represent his limited understanding of everything else. Giving the markings a name known as the 'hearts secrets'. Nubkherekh painted and scribed the same markings on his temples, which currently reside in Corda Speculo. The markings use several lines and circles to explain a story, the writing is Advanced yet Confusing. To some it would appear primitive, maybe because of the lack of understanding people have of them. Others would most likely think of them as Fascinating.

Nubkherekh also has "cybernetic Implants" and "Robotic" body parts. His left and right arm and whole chest region is all robotic and metal plating, as well as his right leg. The missing organs and vital areas were remade into different more advance machinery which is far more efficient. His brain has had a complete remodel of technology and added Armour for more combat efficiency, and shielding. You can sometimes see a green glowing energy flicker or flash through the metal. The metal/material these body parts are made out of is called Necro-steel and is dark grey in colour. This metal can only be made by Nubkherekh but can be used by anyone given' they can understand it's properties, and it has the ability to self-repair it's structure. It can even regenerate after being reduced to it's separate atoms and molecules. However if the metal sustains too much damage in a short period of time, faster than it can self-repair, then it will cease to self-repair. It will go into a shutdown mode for 1 post before the living metal starts to repair again, or will begin self-repairing when the proper repair are made. It can also be noted that when he becomes active in a fight his machinery can start to glow in certain areas with a Lime Green glow.

Once, Nubkherekh's skin tone was naturally olive, and could clearly be seen, this is probably due to his genetics in his human life. Even with the lack of sunlight while traveling Hueco Mundo, Nubkherekh was surprisingly able to keep his toned appearance and a beautiful young complexion that would have most jealous. The remaining human skin is soft and warm to touch. However his Metal body parts and plating are Dark grey in colour and are Smooth yet, cold, dead, and lifeless to the touch.

Nubkherekh's muscles were very defined. His arm muscles such as the biceps, triceps, and Brachioradialis are all large and show visible raw power. The muscles in his remaining chest area giving him his brute like appearance, as well his legs which could help him most likely outrun an athlete. Until he changed himself.

Nubkherekh's amazingly enough rarely did training on most his body, maybe running, climbing, or lifting the occasional sand dunes, fissures, and trees, yet is still able to keep him amazingly muscular appearance. Although one thing Nubkherekh does aspire towards is the occasional hand-to-hand combat with hostile Hollows and Arrancar that attack him, not to mention Shinigami that he finds while traveling to the human world via his Corda Speculo. Though through recent years he has been training himself with the surrounding environments getting used to wide open spaces and enclosed areas, for combat.

Nubkherekh's head is averagely sized and shaped with the rest of his body. his eyes are Lime Green, and often have people look away from him, but he has no threatening glance, only a glance given' by what people say as a "Machine". His eyes hold no emotions apart from maybe the occasional curious look of a person with amnesia, or the look the of a child homeless and alone. Nubkherekh never smiles which is noticeable because he has no crinkles around his oral region. His hair is a beautiful charcoal Black that in terms of length is rather short, but looks clean yet ragged at the same time.

Nubkherekh wears black boots, cargo pants and a belt which all have been patched in certain areas with metal plating due to tears and wear. Nubkherekh's Clothing usually gives him the appearance of an Aggressive ruffian or bandit. Nubkherekh's Zanpukto used to be a strange sword being very unique in appearance, it being Completely made of Metal, even the Grip was metal. Until Nubkherekh lost his right arm during a battle with another Arrancar. In his loss he turned to the only thing he knew, even from birth, "robotics" and "cybernetics" and melted down his Zanpakto to recreate his lost arm, also Infusing Necro-steel with it so it could regenerate like the rest of his robotic/cybernetic parts.

Nubkherekh is young in appearance, ranging around 20's to early 30's. Although Nubkherekh's age should give him more persona, it simply doesn't. It is noted that Nubkherekh does let off a very tall, dark and handsome aura. Although to some more of a Giant, brute, I'm gonna rip of your arms and legs appearance. Although it should be more noted that women find his tallness quite attractive, however due to his current understanding of the world he can't seem to grasp the term "sexual attraction" and usually becomes quiet when too many questions are asked. He becomes especially quiet when someone tries to flirt with him, he might give them a stare or two.

Nubkherekh's reiatsu is Lime Green and flares straight up, however when Nubkherekh releases a sufficient amount by flaring it or going into resurrection, it starts to swirl around his feet like a void and flare upwards at a lightning fast rate, It can give the appearance of electricity spiking and sparking around him. Sometimes when he releases enough reiatsu around himself you can see the faces of skeletal machines flicker through his reiatsu like the dead screaming silently from the abyss. This being very unique to Nubkherekh.


List of 'Innate' Skills:

General Fighting Style: ...  

Strengths: Strength, Reiryoku, Defense.  

Weaknesses: Speed, Hand-to-hand.


Sealed Appearance: His Zanpakto is now his right arm, although it used to be a sword made completely of metal. His Zanpakto used to be strange in appearance, a very unique looking sword.

Zanpakto Name: Metarueboryūshon/メタルエボリューション/Metal Evolution

Zanpakto Call Out: Punish the Flesh. Metal in Mind and Body.

Personal Abilities:

[Passive] Necro-Steel Body - Nubkherekh body is made to deal with extreme conditions and stress that it may endure. Parts of Nubkherekh's Body are made from the unique metal Necro-Steel (This changes during Resurreccion and Segunda Etapa, When Nubkherekh's Whole body is made from Necro-Steel)

While In his Sealed form, Necrones' Necro-Steel is as strong as an Strong Hierro.

While In his Ressurection, Necrones' Necro-Steel is as strong as a Highly Strong Hierro.

While in His Segunda Etapa, Necrones' Necro-Steel is as Strong as an Overly Strong Hierro.  

[Passive] Armoured Automaton - Nubkherekh takes 50% less damage from all sources.  

[Passive] Electromagnetic Field - Nubkherekh has a magnetic field around his body, a bubble which extends 2 metres around him. This field is special, only affecting Necro-steel. The Ability itself allows Nubkherekh to Manipulation the metal parts of his body, if any parts are detached, they will not go outside the field, instead they will return to their original position on his body, allowing for Self-repair. (Ability will not work when Nubkherekh is Incapacitated.) This body also leaves his body unaffected by other outward magnetic forces.  

Corda Speculo -



Appearance: Nubkherekh Takes on the form of a Robotic Skeletal Warrior, Armed with a Necro-Steel stave at which he can Materialize and un-Materialize at will. Changing to a weight of 1.2  tons and standing at 9 foot tall.   



[Passive] Phylactery - A Unique High-speed regeneration, that can repair Nubkherekh even when he has been reduce to his separate atoms and molecules. Although it can repair organs, it can only do so if they haven't been outright destroyed.  

[Passive] Reinforced Necron Exodermis - Nubkherekh is as sturdy as they come, bolstering a x6 Defense.

Void Control -  Nubkherekh can manipulate the energies of the void. Nubkherekh is capable of creating singularities,  nullifying/projecting occupied space, and creating waves of energy. Nubkherekh can also shoot beams of energy comparable to that of up to Cero damage.

Solid-State Void Energy - A black metal substance that is emitted From Nubkherekh at 5m3 per post. Nubkherekh also being able to liquify and solidify it at will. The black metal will also cause damage similar to second-degree burns on contact.

Solid-State Void Manipulation - Nubkherekh can control and gather together 'Solid-State Void Energy'. He can create structures or extensions of himself from the substance, allowing control of the battlefield area. (100m manipulation radius)

Force Singularity - Once per post, Nubkherekh can create a 20m Cero zone of force that will pull enemies towards Nubkherekh.

[Passive]Heavy-Void Armour - Nubkherekh can coat himself in Reiatsu Armour, protecting himself from damage for 1 post, after which an equal cooldown will be set for what durability the armour was. Notably the armour will not break unless the precise amount of damage is met.

Double Cero Durability - 2 post cooldown
Gran Rey Cero Durability - 3 post cooldown
Cero Oscuras Durability - 4 post cooldown

Light Singularity -Sort of similar to 'Dark Singularity', Nubkherekh launches a White Sun above him. It cannot be destroyed. After 1 post, the Star will emit intense waves of Void energy for 2 posts, causing 1st-2nd degree burns on contact and shoot bolts of green void electricity of bala damage constantly on the ground area around Nubkherekh. 3 post cooldown.

Dark Singularity -  Nubkherekh creates a Black Hole (with a green hue). Which has two effects. While active Nubkherekh gains a x1 boost to all of his physical stats. While active it gains power every post, up to five posts. If Destroyed/prematurely activated, or if it reaches it's ending lifespan, it will shoot a beam of concentrated energy at the opponent. It starts at Cero power, and goes up in intervals of Cero's. 1 post Cero, 2 post double Cero, 3 post Gran Rey Cero, 4 post Cero Oscuras, 5 post Forbidden Kido. Depending on the power accumulated, a cooldown is given to the amount of time the Dark Singularity remained on the battlefield. (It follows just above Nubkherekh like an orb sentinel)

Nullified/Projected Space - Nukherekh can create or delete the space between matter. Making two things closer or, vice versa, apart. However this must be done with a physical Que like a flick on the wrist, arm swing, leg kick, ETC. Also this cannot be done to people. 3 post cooldown.

Tesseract Labyrinth - Nubkherekh teleports/and or transports Ally(s) and/or enemy(s) and himself into a Void Realm/Domain. A shadowy reflection of the current surroundings which lasts 3 posts. There is no escaping, unless Nubkherekh is Incapacitated or the ability ends. (Nubkherekh chooses who enters and who stays out.)


Appearance: A more Armored Version of his Resurreccion, Nubkherekh still holds the form of a Robotic Skeletal Warrior. Giving him a sharded cloak. Armed with a Necro-Steel Stave, at which he can Materialize and un-Materialize at will.         


Unstoppable Terror of the Silent Legion - Nubkherekh upon becoming Incapacitated will be revived to full capacity for 6 posts, before becoming decommissioned. (Once per thread, Causes fatigue)



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