My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

#ToadLivesMatter Empty #ToadLivesMatter

Sat Jan 30, 2021 1:28 am
To say that Ogata was enraptured with the current moment would be a gross understatement. He was a bit of a protag-kun at heart and the idea that a crowd was cheering in his general direction was enough that he wanted to put on a show. Ogata had already summoned his toad and they walked into the arena with smiles firmly etched across their faces. "Alright Gama, you know what we've practiced.."

As he said this the toad sprung up on one leg with it's arms outstretched both directions, it's eyes locked with the crowd and to it's left was a moderately shorter Genin with a similar disposition and matching stylish pose. Their eyes gleamed with excitement, and whether the crowd was cheering them or the violence that was to come for the first time in Ogata's life he felt alive. "Alright, let's put on a show Gama!" As Ogata said this, he jumped on the toads back and crossed his arms. The pair glared forward at their opponent with an air of confidence to them. "Let's get this show on the road!"
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

#ToadLivesMatter Empty Re: #ToadLivesMatter

Sat Jan 30, 2021 5:31 am
Keiko sighed walking into the stadium with her hands folded behind her head. She was confident in herself and as much as she would like to say that she was the best around and that no one was going to bring her down. She didn't like who she was to face. It was loudmouth Ogata that could be a poster boy for being all about his weird feeling froggy friends. Keiko herself hated the thoughts of summons but she wasn't on to judge, those things were not her style.

Keiko watched the two blankly seeing they made it first to the arena and once again having that goofy charisma and grins on their face. Such oddballs that the whole team was. Keiko honestly was not too happy dealing with one of the first squad since all three had some ties to a summon. She had to get the loudest of the three. "Yeah, Not much of a show having your friend there Ogata."Spoke Keiko stopping a few feet from him looking towards him "Pretty annoying to be honest but, your team has always been the boring oddballs relying on your summons but hey, to each ninja their own. Let's just have fun ya?" asked Keiko as her large emerald eyes glowed as she removed her arms from her oversized shirt allowing it to rest around her waist before she stretched her bare arms some as her bra like shirt revealed itself. As much as she hated showing skin, it was kinda something she had to do for what she inherited.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

#ToadLivesMatter Empty Re: #ToadLivesMatter

Sun Jan 31, 2021 9:41 pm
Ogata's opponent appeared to be.. aloof about the proceedings that were about to unfold. Her hands were cocked firmly behind her head and she had an air of unearned confidence written in her posture and being. Her confidence was clear, she believed herself to be the favorite in this matchup and Ogata was going to have to do everything he could to show her that this wasn't the case. Her blank appearance as Ogata finished his routine was enough for him to realize that the fight needed to start, otherwise this was going to get stale as shit quickly.

She tried to taunt him, making fun of his squad and their summons but he simply wasn't buying into it. He and Gama stood firm, arms crossed with a cheeky grin etched across their face. "Yeah yeah you're one to talk about being lame. Guess we'll have to see how long it takes for me to win this eh? Alright here we go!" Ogata lept into the air on his mount, getting the air advantage before inhaling. "Toad Oil Bullet!" Once they were at the apex of their jump the oil would begin to cover the battlefield beneath him, allowing him to brace for his next move.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

#ToadLivesMatter Empty Re: #ToadLivesMatter

Thu Feb 04, 2021 8:56 am
"I'm not the one dancing with a frog...It's more creepy than anything else the attachment you all have."She said "borrowing their strength to use up so much more chakra...such weird tactics," She said letting her hands unfold from behind her hair only to fire some bullets of bone towards him from her index fingers as he took to the air. Seeing him in the air she listened to his announced Jutsu. "Only one thing to do, "She said forming some hand signs before slamming her hands against the ground under her. "Earth Release: Earth Shore Return" She called out as the ground around her shifted and turned in front of her before curving over her into a partial open dome of sorts. The fact she heard oil told her fire was going to be next as it made no sense to use a Jutsu that is just spitting oil for no reason. "Now what..."She said thinking out loud trying to think of a way to possibly get the upper hand against a frog and a teen. Getting to Ogata himself would be a pain cause of that damn frog, nor could she even try taking the frog out as Ogata would surely stop her if the frog didn't itself.

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Join date : 2019-10-28

#ToadLivesMatter Empty Re: #ToadLivesMatter

Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:16 pm
Ogata by now knew what he had to do to make this work and to secure a flashy victory, and he was positive that there was basically nothing Keiko could do to stand in the way of it. As Ogata flew through the air, the bone bullets were narrowly avoided and some were outright caught in the sticky oil. Ogata took a deep breath "Fire Release, Great Fireball Technique!" The ball of fire immediately erupted against the wall Keiko was standing behind, flames burned around her on all sides by this point seemingly trapping her to some degree. "Now for the main event haha! Barrier! Toad Gourd Prison!"

It was unlikely that Amaya even knew what she was dealing with presently, as this was such an obscure choice of jutsu that many wouldn't know off the top of their head until, well.. "Ribbit"

The toad approached her, looking vaguely dim and daft until its tongue lashed out in her direction, swallowing her up if she didn't get out of the way. If this technique worked, the fight was almost certain to be over and she was in a very, very long night.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

#ToadLivesMatter Empty Re: #ToadLivesMatter

Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:25 am
The girl had kept hiding and at the end of the day, she found herself swallowed up much to the apparent chagrin of the crowd. It wasn't quite the finish they were hoping for, that much was obvious from the grossed out look on many of their faces as the girl disappeared. The proctor frowned, whispering for Ogata to bring her back before she was dissolved and so he obliged, spawning her back into the arena covered in acid as a small smirk crossed his face. "Nice try, better luck next time eh? Haha!"

Ogata was still by this point standing on his toad, and he quickly nudged the toad towards his plan. Ogata threw his hand down "BRING DOWN THE HOUSE JUTSU!"

As Ogata said this, a giant toad spawned beneath him nearly crushing his unfortunate exam proctor and his former opponent. It's arms were crossed at it's chest, Gama emulated the same pose and atop this pyramid of buffoonery was Ogata, arms also crossed wearing a wry smirk as he glared out at the crowd. They erupted, seemingly grossly impressed with what he'd been able to pull off. "Thanks for coming out folks!"

-Thread end-
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

#ToadLivesMatter Empty Re: #ToadLivesMatter

Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:18 pm
The girl had kept hiding and at the end of the day, she found herself swallowed up much to the apparent chagrin of the crowd. It wasn't quite the finish they were hoping for, that much was obvious from the grossed out look on many of their faces as the girl disappeared. The proctor frowned, whispering for Ogata to bring her back before she was dissolved and so he obliged, spawning her back into the arena covered in acid as a small smirk crossed his face. "Nice try, better luck next time eh? Haha!"

Ogata was still by this point standing on his toad, and he quickly nudged the toad towards his plan. Ogata threw his hand down "BRING DOWN THE HOUSE JUTSU!"

As Ogata said this, a giant toad spawned beneath him nearly crushing his unfortunate exam proctor and his former opponent. It's arms were crossed at it's chest, Gama emulated the same pose and atop this pyramid of buffoonery was Ogata, arms also crossed wearing a wry smirk as he glared out at the crowd. They erupted, seemingly grossly impressed with what he'd been able to pull off. "Thanks for coming out folks!"

-Thread end-
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#ToadLivesMatter Empty Re: #ToadLivesMatter

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