My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain! Empty Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain!

Sat Jan 30, 2021 9:56 am
Suzaku slowly stepped into the ring, his dull eyes scanning his surroundings lazily as his sandals' quiet clacking echoed throughout the arena. The Chuunin Exam Preliminaries. Honestly, he hadn't expected to get this far. Most of the previous tests weren't exactly conducive to his particular skillset, but he managed to scrape by and get to what he was really good at: getting the shit kicked out of him until he won. Pain wasn't something he was particularly afraid of, that notion had been beaten out of him from an early age. Sure, he should avoid dying or crippling himself, but anything else didn't particularly matter. Watching the other side of the arena, Suzaku stood quietly, lifelessly, ready to get this show on the road.
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain! Empty Re: Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain!

Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:10 am
All the training, all the effort, all the bruises had lead to this moment. Yasuhiro uneasily stepped into the arena before him wishing to just get this nonsense over with. Somewhere he'd heard that his opponent had a tendency to ignore pain, so he was going to have to find a way to either bypass that or just debilitate him beyond just pain. It wasn't going to be fun, that was for sure. His opponent didn't exactly look full of life from what he could tell.
Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain! Empty Re: Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain!

Sun Jan 31, 2021 4:03 am
Suzaku stared at his opponent as they entered the ring, and titled his head to the side slightly with his lazy gaze and cracked his knuckles. Likely to the surprise of many of his compatriots watching the fight, he was the first to speak. "I'm Suzaku... Shugami..." He muttered, his voice lacking quite a bit of energy. It was to the point that it made you wonder if he even had the energy to fight at all. He rolled his neck, a quiet crack resounding from his vertebrae. "Your name... What is it?" Suzaku stared dead at his opponent, as if expecting a response. His stance was relaxed and flexible, ready for anything though he seemed to just... want to chat a bit first. Was he that confident, or just friendly? Only time would tell.
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain! Empty Re: Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain!

Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:50 am
Something about this guy made Yasuhiro uncomfortable. He was just kinda off in several ways. Yasuhiro gripped the holt of one of his swords, watching the guy, wondering if he was some kind of robot or puppet. If he gave this guys his name, was he gonna steal Yasuhiro identity somehow like a robot caller? Shit.

"Uh, Yasuhiro Yoshinaga. Nice to meet you?"

Oh god, he was cracking his neck. It was something that bothered him normally, but to hear it from across the room? God that was creepy!
Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain! Empty Re: Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain!

Wed Feb 03, 2021 4:48 pm
Suzaku tilted his head, his gaze unblinking and seeming to almost drill into Yasuhiro. He held his fingers out, twisting his arms so the palms of his hands were facing his opponent and he cracked his fingers, then gave them a little shake. "That's better... Didn't sleep too well last night... Been stiff in the joints... All day..." Suzaku mentally judged he'd done enough fucking around, and that they should probably get on with their test. His opponent used a sword... A close range fighter maybe? Or perhaps it was part of some ninjutus-kenjutsu combination? Only one way to find out. Suzaku suddenly jumped back a few feet while throwing three shuriken Yasuhiro's way. As he landed again, he watched his opponent carefully to gage his reaction.
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain! Empty Re: Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain!

Sat Feb 06, 2021 9:39 am
All the training, all the effort, all the bruises had lead to this moment. Yasuhiro uneasily stepped into the arena before him wishing to just get this nonsense over with. Somewhere he'd heard that his opponent had a tendency to ignore pain, so he was going to have to find a way to either bypass that or just debilitate him beyond just pain. It wasn't going to be fun, that was for sure. His opponent didn't exactly look full of life from what he could tell.

The three shuriken launched his way indicated that the fight had started. The fight needed to end quick, before this guy could decide if he was actually crazy or not. Yasuhiro's body crackled with electricity for a moment as he focused his chakra. Drawing his sword, he deflected the projectiles and launched himself forward, appearing to the right of his opponent, swinging his blade horizontally at his midsection.

Technique Used:

Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain! Empty Re: Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain!

Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:13 am
As Suzaku had thought, this guy was definitely a close range fighter from the way he deflected his shuriken and simply rushed in, blade drawn and crackling with what appeared to be Lightning Chakra. What Suzaku didn't anticipate was how fast this guy was. The difference wasn't too massive, but it was still there. Seeing the sword-swing towards his midsection, Suzaku drew a kunai and met the attack while on the balls of his feet. He wasn't even close to strong enough to meet this guy head on, but he could most certainly use the momentum of the attack against his opponent.

Suzaku timed his light hop just right, his short blade sliding along the edge of Yasuhiro's sword as he was blown back. Sure, the tip of the guy's sword still visibly cut him in the side, but for him? That was nothing. Far better than getting disemboweled. He was tempted to go in right out the gate, but no. It was easier to let his opponent's momentum play out, shift the tide to his favor first. Plus, he was pretty sure using his best techniques right out the gate would more than likely backfire on him. As Suzaku landed on the ground, his sandals skidding from the extra momentum of the blow, he quickly threw the kunai he'd been holding at his opponent's head and performed a Body Flicker a split second after and rushing forward with a hand behind his back.

Appearing right in front of Yasuhiro (hopefully mid-swing), Suzaku performed a leg sweep to try and break his opponent's stance.

Techniques used:
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain! Empty Re: Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain!

Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:59 am
Yasuhiro's feet we now airborne as his opponent's speed was boosted by good ol body flicker. There one of two options that he had available. One was to to try to land safely but be at the mercy of whatever his opponent had planned. The second one was to turn his airborne state to his advantage and pull off a sick move to dice his opponent to shreds. Yeah he was gonna do the second one.

As his body fell, he caught himself with one arm, pushing himself back into the air. His blade surged with Lightning chakra as he began to spin, lashing out with his blade 4 times before landing. Gods be willing, this would do some serious damage.
Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain! Empty Re: Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain!

Wed Feb 10, 2021 4:13 pm
Suzaku mentally marveled at the brainless tenacity of his opponent. Was this what they called a musclehead? Either way, he was pretty skilled and left Suzaku very little room to dodge... Not that he needed to. Suzaku, much to the surprise of any onlookers, just... Took the blade strikes like a boss while signing. A strange symbol began to glow over his eyes as he stared at Yasuhiro. "This was a fun, battle, but it's over for you. Twin Graves Dug." Suzaku channeled the injuries he'd received into the Go'ungan, the raw agony and wove his genjutsu, throwing it over Yasuhiro and then just... aiming a kick at his head.

Techniques Used:
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain! Empty Re: Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain!

Sat Feb 13, 2021 8:50 pm
Even though his opponent didn't seem to try to dodge the blows, the feeling of resistance along the blade was satisfying enough for Yasuhiro. Taking all 4 hits like that had to do something to him. Might not be the desired outcome however as the bastard seemed to be up to something, some kind of Jutsu below the surface. Turns out this was a yes as Yasuhiro's body was wracked with pain, roughly in the same spots as he'd hit his oppontent. As he dropped to his knees, his father's stipulations and warnings seemed less important than winning. Electricity crackled from his blade and body as he pushed Storm stance to the next level. He'd never been formally trained on it, but theoretically he could manage something, right?


In combination with a kick in the head, Yasuhiro's chakra was depleted by the action, causing him to drop face down to the ground, the angry cry of "Fuckin Dumbass!" Coming from the audience.
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Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain! Empty Re: Suzaku VS. Yasuhiro! The Prelims of Pain!

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