My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 6
Join date : 2021-01-27

Akihiro Vs Mu! A Heated Exchange! Empty Akihiro Vs Mu! A Heated Exchange!

Sun Jan 31, 2021 11:35 am
Akihiro awaited for his opponent as he stretched his body with a completely calm and focused expression on his face. He was excited on the inside that he could fight in his home village. This way he would be able to show the people of the leaf what he can do and let his clan see his potential. He may be a branch member but he never considered himself less talented than any of the Hyuga clan's talents. He looked to the stands to see that not many people from the Hyuga clan actually came to watch other than his grandparents and parents. This both warmed his heart and caused him to feel slight disgust for the Hyuga clan.

He thinks to himself. 'I bet if I was from the main branch they would all be here to cheer me on.... Figures though. Ah well. If I make it deep enough into the Chunin exams then they will have to watch.'

With that last thought he suddenly felt his determination to win grow a lot more. He will force his clan to look at him so that he can be considered by them what he always thought of himself.... A genus. A pride leaf ninja! He turned his white eyes to the opposite end of the arena to where his opponent should be coming out of with anticipation.
Posts : 27
Join date : 2021-01-27

Akihiro Vs Mu! A Heated Exchange! Empty Re: Akihiro Vs Mu! A Heated Exchange!

Sun Jan 31, 2021 7:51 pm
Mu took his time sauntering to the arena after being told he was due in for his bout. Taking deep breaths and rolling his neck as he approached the mouth of the tunnel, he stopped just in view of the crowd and adjusted his hair, let out a deep sigh and step forward, only to turn his back to his opponent and address the crowd.

"My dear spectators, today you shall be treated to a display of skill unlike anything you've ever seen before," then with a cocky smile he turned to face Akihiro, "Now then seeing as you'll be beaten to a pulp within a few moments I'll do you the curtesy of letting you move first."

Still with the same grin me motioned to Akihiro taunting him to come forward.
Posts : 6
Join date : 2021-01-27

Akihiro Vs Mu! A Heated Exchange! Empty Akihiro Hyuga Is Calm and Cool!

Wed Feb 03, 2021 3:57 pm
Akihiro listened to his opponents obviously taught and showboating but instead of getting mad just smiles. He wasn't phased by it at all if anything this made him even more excited. He loved meeting cocky and arrogant people... They always make for a bigger spectacle and add a little spice to every encounter.... Especially when they end up being completely humiliated with their own words in the end.

"That's pretty funny, man. You seem to be having fun trying to rile me up and get me to come in towards you. I just hope your ego survives this battle. Ah yes. I also hope you can uphold your words when I force your teeth down your throat."

He so casually tossed back insults and trash talk that it seemed so lazy. But his smile makes it seem genuine and that he will do what he says he will do. One is cold while the other is overflowing confidentence. How will these opposing force match together?
Posts : 27
Join date : 2021-01-27

Akihiro Vs Mu! A Heated Exchange! Empty Re: Akihiro Vs Mu! A Heated Exchange!

Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:05 pm
"Rile you up? I think you've misunderstood me. I'm not seeking to provoke you, I'm merely seeking to give you a fighting chance " Mu was speaking earnestly, he truly meant every word he had said. Looking his opponent in the eye, he let out a deep sigh and adopted his fighting stance.

"If you've exhausted your expository banter, we should get down to business but if you would rather continue with the empty insults, you could always forfeit." Despite the rather inflammatory words they were delivered with the same calm as before. His feet shuffled slightly as they were planted firmly, his eyes flickering across the arena gauging the distance between the two fighters, then at last a cocksure smile broke out across his face.

"Come then, shall we begin our bout."
Posts : 6
Join date : 2021-01-27

Akihiro Vs Mu! A Heated Exchange! Empty Re: Akihiro Vs Mu! A Heated Exchange!

Sat Feb 06, 2021 11:15 am
Akihiro chuckled a bit at his response. He didn't say much as he got into a low, fighting stance meant for quickness as he prepares for a fast, and fluid assault. He measures the distance between the two which is about 20 ft so he wouldn't be able to close the distance so quickly. So he decided to take a different approach towards Mu. He grabbed two shuriken that he had attached a thin wire, and threw them at Mu, aiming at his left and right sides. He would quickly make the signs for the Fire Style: Dragon Fire Technique. As he spits the flames onto the two wires the flames spread through them and attach to the shuriken as well. This would be a pretty great distraction bit and also a good way to do damage if he decided not to dodge them. The flames would definitely leave some burns and the shuriken would differently cut him deeply. He would now take this chance to dash at him. With his high speed it would be another speed before he would be about to close the gap. But this would put quite a bit of pressure on his opponent. They have a few things to deal with at one time. How will Mu respond to all of this?
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Akihiro Vs Mu! A Heated Exchange! Empty Re: Akihiro Vs Mu! A Heated Exchange!

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