My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Battle of liked minds Empty Battle of liked minds

Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:48 am
"Really, this is who I am to deal with...some one-on-one fight? alright alright, I will go but I better get praises for letting this match be even a tiny bit entertaining."Said Fumiko to her squad leader in her normal arrogant tone as she sighed walking towards the arena. Fumiko was always high and mighty in her skills as a ninja having some of the top grades in her class amongst the academy, being pegged as a top runner to rise amongst the ranks, or so she been told but she had other plans and they weren't following the kage's orders or be part of this village of all willingness but that was for later exploration and definite later explanation.

Fumiko walked into the arena, whistling, while she did allow two neon blue buns to rest on top of her head, relaxed as she yawned stopping in the middle of the arena sitting down as she waited for her opponent to make their appereance.
4th Division
4th Division
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Battle of liked minds Empty Re: Battle of liked minds

Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:21 am
Shiori walked out into the arena, eager to get this business sorted and out of the way. The sooner she got this done, the sooner she could get home and away from other people. Her long strides took her into the ring where she spotted her opponent. She'd just sat down, so Shiori wasn't exactly late. She stood with her arms crossed across her chest as she eyes the girl that sat before her. She'd heard a thing or two about this girl, so fighting here would have to include a cautious approach

"Alright, let's get this over with. You must be Fumiko."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Battle of liked minds Empty Re: Battle of liked minds

Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:18 pm
Fumiko closed her eyes waiting for her opponent to make it to the arena. She was really hoping they would never show so she could just fly on by but that didn't happen as the sound of feet and a voice rang to her ears "Yes I am she or I wouldn't be sitting in this arena"She said slowly getting up stretching her arms high above her head "Also, you should be excited, this is the life we choose to battle each other for the sake of our villages and our families and friends...this part should be exciting, if it's not then well, you should seek a different occupation" she said with a yawn allowing a smirk to play on her lips
4th Division
4th Division
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Battle of liked minds Empty Re: Battle of liked minds

Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:26 am
"Don't mistake my disposition as just rather get this done and over with so we can both move on." Shiori's eyes were locked into her opponent as she unsheathed her sword, face remaining as neutral as possible. She raised a hand and slid a foot back, not quite in a combat stance, but ready to jump into action if needed. "And if we could save talking about our families for never, I'd appreciate it. Last thing I need right now is thinking about that garbage."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Battle of liked minds Empty Re: Battle of liked minds

Thu Feb 04, 2021 2:53 am
"Oh, you hate your family too...I get it but here is where the difference lies between us...You find your family as garbage, I find mine as nothing but maggots that are barely scraping by with their servitude to our Raikage."She spoke "You are expected to lead and be what they want, so instead of biting the hand that feeds you, you allow them to mend who you are...which makes you pathetic in my book. This life is about forging your own path in life, I will not be who my family wants nor what my Raikage wants. My life is my own, plain and simple, this is the first step in that direction."She replied sliding a foot back bringing her fists up, taking a strong defensive stance. the softness in her aqua eyes hardens and became stern, one with a killing intent of a predator looking on to its prey. "Come at me," she said calmly, ready to either come at Shiori or for Shiori to come at her.
4th Division
4th Division
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Battle of liked minds Empty Re: Battle of liked minds

Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:06 am
"You talk way too damn much. Anyone ever tell you that? Seriously." Shiori sighed, preparing her next Jutsu. The sooner this nonsense was over with, the less she'd have to hear this girl ramble on about fate and family. As if she didn't get enough of that from older family. Now some kid her age was trying it here in the damn arena? "Sorry, forgive my rudeness. Since you like talking so much, allow me to give you more partners for conversation."

The jutsu was now complete, drawing moisture from the air into two semi solid forms identical to Shiori. Both of them held the same unamused scowl, which faded into a smirk before they quickly began circling Fumiko.  Each one's hands began forming an actual Jutsu that Shiori knew, though none copied the one she was preparing for next while lying circling in the back of the formation.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Battle of liked minds Empty Re: Battle of liked minds

Mon Feb 08, 2021 2:34 pm
"Talking means it must be a conversation between two people... It's called banter."She spoke watching Shiori form some hand signs before making some clones that bang to circle around her. She didn't seem too worried about what Shiori and the clones were planning. Fumiko began to knead her chakra through her body while performing some hand seals before she places her hand on the ground which created a surge of electricity that spans out around her, creating a web of electricity reaching the clone circle. Anyone caught within this web is electrocuted by the lightning's effect. Taking the time of distraction she dashed forwards taking out some kunai, sending three towards Shiori while keeping on drawn and ready to use for possible up close encounter.

.Jutsu Name: Lightning Release: Spider Web
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: After kneading chakra in the body and converting it to lightning, the user
4th Division
4th Division
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Battle of liked minds Empty Re: Battle of liked minds

Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:21 am
So much for that plan. The water clones splattered from the opponent's Jutsu, sending water all over the field. With luck some of that water would splash onto her opponent. Mind you this was her fault, allowing her clones to remain in a radius that allowed both of them to be hit at once. An now that left the real Shiori exposed and easier to target.

On the note of being easier to target, there were now kunai headed her way. Shiori bit her lip as she dropped her body to the ground, rolling out of the way of most of them, one of them slicing the surface of her skin on her back as it grazed through her uniform. The Jutsu was complete, however, leaving her free to counterattack with a personal favorite. The chakra in her hands bolted from her hands, lashing out in the shape of a hound. This form darted unpredictability towards her oppontent. With one hand controlling the beast, her other hand pulled out her blade, prepared to get in close should she need to.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Battle of liked minds Empty Re: Battle of liked minds

Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:15 pm
Fumiko watched the hound as she knew that jutsu well having the same one in her arsenal. If she was smart she would have actually prepared that same jutsu in anticipation, however, she was on the attack and didn't feel she would have time to back out and prepare a hound of her own as she needed to focus on just avoiding it and getting to shiori herself. "Get that hound out of here, as long as I can juck it, it won't be anything to me," She said as she activated a hand sign as the explousive tags attached to the kunais went off. she didnt care if those hit, she just needed to distract shiori and or the wolf thinking it is going to happen
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Battle of liked minds Empty Re: Battle of liked minds

Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:45 pm
"What, not much of a dog person?" Shiori smirks as she directed the house around to the back of her oppontent. Things were going fine, though she should have prepared one of her Kenjutsu instead of the water clones. The hound plus water blade Jutsu would make an excellent lightning rod out of her oppontent.

Several explosions sounded from behind her, the force of which pushed her forward, heat washing over her back. "Shit." Shiori tried to use the forward momentum in a lunge forward, a risky option but maybe it wouldn't be expected. Her aim with any subsequent attacks might be a bit off due to the ringing in her ear. The hounds, however, would be spot on as long as her oppontent was focused on her. Shiori jerked her hand back as she moved forward, calling the thunder beast back. Maybe this pincer attack would work, maybe it wouldn't. She just needed to keep Fumiko from completing more Jutsu As long as she didn't enter that damn web...
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Battle of liked minds Empty Re: Battle of liked minds

Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:49 pm
"Nah I am a cat person."She taunted coming at Shiori focusing chakra into her hand before striking it forward with a palm thrust only for her to take the blade to the hand wincing letting out a scream of pain but still pushing forward to occupy one of shirori's hands not paying any mind to the hound coming back at her from behind
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4th Division
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Join date : 2021-01-04

Battle of liked minds Empty Re: Battle of liked minds

Wed Feb 10, 2021 1:34 am
Shiori gritted her teeth as Fumiko effectively restricted her sword hand. She wasn't about to let go of her sword, meaning that her only option she had left was her hound. "Shit!" Shiori swore as she was pushed back, retracting her hand that controlled the beast to bring it back. As a desperate move, she let go of her sword and grabbed at her opponents arm to keep her from escaping as the hound bound towards her, maw open for a deep bite of her shoulder.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Battle of liked minds Empty Re: Battle of liked minds

Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:29 am
"Shit indeed," said Fumiko making sure to keep pushing forward, not realizing the hound coming from behind her till she felt electric teeth sink into her shoulder as she allowed a howl of pain to erupt from her mouth feeling the fangs dig deep into her shoulder. she could feel her skin trying to get cooked from the lightning and pulses of electricity shooting through her body. Her quickly lost ground on the strength aspect from the eletricity flowing through her
4th Division
4th Division
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Join date : 2021-01-04

Battle of liked minds Empty Re: Battle of liked minds

Sat Feb 13, 2021 11:55 pm
While Shiori thought a water Jutsu would do the trick right now, her opponent being electrocuted kind of put that plan on hold. Personally, Shiori was disappointed by her own performance in this battle, having been unsuccessful in dousing her opponent before the electrocution. But the hound had done it's job, effectively stunning her opponent. With one last command she attempted to have it drag her down or knock her off balance.

While her opponent was stunned, Shiori prepared her next strike, an old family favorite. Lightning sheathed her blade, extending out 10 ft like a whip which she lashed out attempting to grab her opponent by the wrists or neck, which ever was easier. From there, the plan was to throw her either to the ground or out of the arena.

Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Battle of liked minds Empty Re: Battle of liked minds

Tue Feb 16, 2021 3:55 am
Fumiko fought the best she could against the electricity rushing through her unable to escape the lightning whip wrapping around her letting out a scream before falling unconscious from the eletricity rushing through her as the proctors ended the match announcingt shiori the winner while the medical team came to tend to the unconious fumiko taking her to the hospital to be tended to
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