My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

Just A Little Disappointed (p) Empty Just A Little Disappointed (p)

Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:08 pm
The Chunin Exams! The day was here to start the next big event within the leaf village walls. Genin from around the world would come to battle it out against each other to prove themselves worth of the title Chunin. It was a rather exciting event and eyes from all over would fill the stands to watch the matches unfold. Who would win? Were there more promising candidates than the rest? Who would be the crowd favorite? There were so many questions and factors that went into such decisions. The energy could be felt crackling through the air and growing as the many voices spoke over one another. It seemed that everyone was having a grand time, except maybe one young genin from the leaf.

Her long brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail with two smaller strands framing her sharp, confident face. Her headband sat directly center on her forehead where it was meant to be. It was obvious she wore it with pride and dignity. However, this also gave way for those around her to see her eyes. They were a dark green almost as rich as the canopy of the forest surrounding their home. Although very beautiful, they seemed rather dull and full of disappointment in this moment of happiness. She stood outside the colosseum staring into the center of the entry way listening to the bustling sound of bodies moving about.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Just A Little Disappointed (p) Empty Re: Just A Little Disappointed (p)

Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:59 am
Ogata wasn't one for disappointments, and at the conclusion of his first round of tournament fighting he was currently bustling with excitement and glee, vigor dripped from every step he took and he was clearly infatuated with all the attention he was getting. He loved being recognized, all these people who'd come from the world around him to watch the Chunin Exams were impressed with his performance and that was a level of approval he'd never really anticipated receiving. His face was fixed into a permanent smile, and as he hung out by the coliseum he spotted an old friend. Ogata leaped from the top of the coliseum, he had a smirk that glimmered in the sunlight as he flew through the air, and right as he was about to land he slammed his hand downwards. "SUMMONING JUTSU!"

As the smoke wafted through the air and began to slowly dissipate it would reveal the leaf's newest tandem in crime. Ogata stood on the shoulders of his toad Gama, arms crossed while Gama struck the same pose. With one step the two stepped sideways, arms stretched out in a 180 as they looked towards their old friend. "Izumi! Did ya see me in there haha?!"
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

Just A Little Disappointed (p) Empty Re: Just A Little Disappointed (p)

Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:57 am
It seemed that a match had recently ended as things weren't quite as loud as they had been a short while ago. She couldn't help but notice a familiar name riding along the whispers of some nearby civilians. As quickly as his name appeared, so did he. A familiar voice to compliment the name she had barely caught would boom loud and obnoxious in her ears. A sigh would escape her mouth as the force of the summoning would whip her hair around briefly covering her face before it would settle into its original place. Her body would turn towards the duo standing before her with a look of pure confusion.

Once again, his loud voice would rain down on her and his infectious smile would cause her to smirk slightly. "Yeah, yeah. I saw you in there," she would confirm before placing her hands on her hips. "Now, would you stop being weird and get down here! What is that pose anyway?!" It was obvious that Ogata's antics were nothing new to her, but they were still just as annoying as the day the two had met. Still, it was nice to see that he hadn't changed and he was still just as happy.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Just A Little Disappointed (p) Empty Re: Just A Little Disappointed (p)

Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:13 am
The confused look on the girls face said it all, but that was never going to deter a duo this committed to their persona and presentation. The girl put a hand on her hip and beckoned him down off his toad, a call he would oblige with a simple reverse summon before approaching her, hands held firmly behind his head. "Oh yeah you saw me? I was pretty cool right? Did you see me celebrate with the giant summon at the end? I think the proctor was kinda mad, I almost crushed him but hey, it was a lotta fun!" Ogata caught himself a bit, stopping himself from stammering on further. "Oh yeah that's our new signature pose, pretty cool right? Here check this one out!"

Ogata stood in front of her for a moment, face serious as he crossed his arms. "GAMA!"

Once he said this the toad appeared beneath him, arms also crossed and it's face was equally as stern. Ogata's face was serious for roughly 3 seconds before breaking back into a mischievous smile. "So whatcha think eh? Pretty cool right? No bandits are gonna wanna deal with me!" Ogata prepared to hop back down before pitching in. "I heard you got injured before the exam, so still 50-50 that you'll get to participate right?.."
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

Just A Little Disappointed (p) Empty Re: Just A Little Disappointed (p)

Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:49 am
Izumi would shake her head at the mention of his victory celebration with hands still on hips. "You know.. I would probably be mad too, if you tried to crush me with a gaint toad. Maybe you should be more careful next time." After reprimanding her friend, Izumi would smile, "Yeah, yeah. I'm sure you'rehaving a blast. It sounds like a lot of fun." It was obvious that she was trying her best to be cheerful for her friend. She was happy for him and everyone doing their best to reach chunin. She really was excited for them, but it also left a bit of a pit in her stomach.

"I don't think cool is the word I'd use," the brunette would mumble before realizing Ogata was about to do something else. She would take the time to take a step back from the boy wondering what crazy idea he had come up with this time. Thankfully, it was a simple intimidation tactic that resulted in Ogata and his toad counterpart to simply stand seriously staring at her. It was much more calm than any idea he had ever had before. Of course, it didn't last very long before he would ask her what she thought. This was always a bad idea because he knew just how openly honest she could be. Izumi would burst out into laughter before grinning, "I think that maybe if I didn't know you, I might be a little intimidated."

Slowly, the grin was wiped from her face and the disappointment she had previously returned. Her eyes would turn towards the coloseum, the sounds of cheering, and the noises of battle commencing inside. "Y-Yeah. I thought I could convince them. I feel much better. I know I could have done it, if they just let me try. They didn't want to risk it. For now, I suppose I'm a back up or a fill in. Maybe... next time though," Izumi would turn back to Ogata with a shrug and a light smile. "You're going to make it though, aren't you?" She believed he could. She knew he could.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Just A Little Disappointed (p) Empty Re: Just A Little Disappointed (p)

Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:28 pm
"Well to be fair I wouldn't try to crush you with a giant toad, and if I did I'd trust you to be smart enough to get the heck outta the way but uh.. anyway aheh." Ogata scratched the back of his neck, his smile still warm but it was clear he was realizing that he had maybe goofed up a bit in nearly killing his proctor. "I suppose some added caution never hurt anyone eh? Oh well. Anyway yeah this whole experience has been a blast! I'm making some new friends, finding some future rivals.." Ogata smirked, leaning forward cupping his hand to her ear. "I even saw some ladies in the stands swooning over me, I think I might hit some of them up after the exams hehe~" A wry wink was what would follow as he stepped back to resume their discussion. It was time to see her reaction to..

Super Toad boy pose #47

Ogata smirked, seeing his friends coy reaction to his pose as she acknowledged how much she'd fear him if she caught him like that. "Hell yeah you'd be scared! Rightfully too!" In all of Ogata's joy and bravado, reading the room was still a skill he'd yet to learn. After that though it seemed like he'd touched a nerve, her once bright face drooped to a more somber pout as she seemed to mourn her chances of passing the exam. A small smirk came over him as he walked over and pulled her in close. "Don't worry about it Izumi alright? Whether they see it or not you're just as good as any Genin in these exams, and you'll pass the minute you get the chance with flying colors!" Ogata gave her a thumbs up and looked ahead. "You know.. I hear me and Takashi are gonna meet up in this tournament if he keeps progressing. Gonna feel weird to fight him like that.."
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

Just A Little Disappointed (p) Empty Re: Just A Little Disappointed (p)

Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:42 pm
A bright red blush would cross her face as he mentioned to her the girls in the stands potentially swooning over him. The moment following would have her red faced with a balled up fist placed in front of her with an angered look in her eyes. "As if any woman would want any part of you!" She would briefly growl at him before being distracted by his antics. He was very proud of his pose completely missing the fact that she told him he was otherwise not intimidating to her unless he was a stranger. Perhaps, she needed to be more simple and blunt about it next time.

In her next moments of utter sadness, Ogata would take the initiative to pull her in closer to him as he would attempt to give her a bit of encouragement. The blush she once had was crossing her face again, as it wasn't always usual for her to be comforted. He was so simple, kind, and warm. After a moment of distraction and listening to his words, Izumi's mind would shift completely around. The redness of her face seemed to become more intense as she would take her fingers and attempt to flick the boy in the forehead with enough chakra behind it to knock him to the ground. "We've been over this already! Don't touch!" The brunette would then take a deep breath and calm herself listening to what Ogata had to say next.

Takashi. She wondered how he was. It had been a while since the two had spoken, but she wasn't nearly as close with him as Ogata was. Of course, she still considered him a friend. "Oh yeah. That probably would be pretty weird, huh? It is an exam after all. I'm sure there wouldn't be any hard feelings and the competition would be fierce! That'd be a match to see!" A glimmer had found its way into Izumi's eyes as she thought about the battle between her old friends. She wouldn't know who to cheer for. Both? Both was good. "Oh, hey. I'm going to be watching all of your matches. So.. You better not make me look like a fool, understand?!" Her words may have been harsh, but it was clear that she was letting him know she was cheering him on.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Just A Little Disappointed (p) Empty Re: Just A Little Disappointed (p)

Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:14 pm
The girl's face seemed to turn a bit blush when Ogata mentioned the prospect of women swooning over him, and this did little more than push his memes and shenanigans up a couple notches. "Oh come on don't be so harsh, ya know maybe if you're nice to me you can be Ms. Hiroyuki eh?.." As Ogata said this, he and his toad both raised their eyebrows mischievously in the direction of the girl even though it wasn't likely to end well. It was around this point that he had decided to pull her close and it was mere moments later that he found himself staring at the clouds. He wasn't down there a second ago and why was his head throbbing.. Don't touch?

Oh right, Izumi was freakishly strong. Just a flick from her finger was enough to send Ogata tumbling towards the ground and Gama was immediately working to resuscitate him, splashing him with water while waving a towel. "Oof.. Didn't need to be that rude about it, yeesh.." Ogata sat up and scratched the back of his head, still looking up at the girl in front of him with a bit of a smile. Her talk about cheering him on was enough to bring a smile to his face, he didn't expect it really. She was always so cold to him so that the idea that she'd be cheering him on, well.. "Oh yeah, there won't be any hard feelings on my end. Hard to feel bad about winning this whole stupid tournament eh? And if beating Takashi's what it'll take well.."

Ogata stood up, a smirk was fixed across his face as he gave the girl a thumbs up. "You can bet he's going down like the rest ofem. It's gonna be great haha!"
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