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Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

The Joki Clan  Empty The Joki Clan

Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:01 pm
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The Clan Profile
General Information

Clan Name: Joki
Clan Symbol:
Age of Clan: 400 Years, give or take
Village of Origin: Kirigakure
Kekkai Genkai: Steam Release

Kekki Genkai

Kekkei Genkai Description: Steam Release is a nature-transformation Kekkei Genkai that mixes fire and water chakra to create heated vapor. The Joki clan in particular are known for their emulation of the Hyuga's Gentle Fist techniques with their own abilities to create unique and explosive Taijutsu style

Kekkei Genkai Speciality Jutus and Techniques:

Jutsu Name: Heat Haze
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Description: The Joki clan variation of the famous Kirigakure Mist technique. The added heat can sap the energy of those unused to such high temperatures, as being in the mist has been compared to entering a sauna. In addition, the heated nature of the mist makes it spread faster.

Jutsu Name: Boiling Point
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Jutsu Rank: C/A
Jutsu Description: The foundation of the Joki clan's fighting style. The user superheats their chakra, "boiling" it within their bodies and speeding up how it circulates throughout the body which grants the user a small increase in speed. This jutsu has the tell-tale sign of the user beginning to exhale hot vapor whenever it is in use. While this jutsu is in active, the user can combine this jutsu with the Steam-Burst Strike for incredibly powerful blows. As a side note, this jutsu has the added side benefit of keeping the body internally warmed. At A rank, this increase in speed is much greater.

Jutsu Name: Burst Point - Steam Rush
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Description: The user creates a powerful burst stream of pressurized steam from their hands or feet to create a burst of linear movement.

Jutsu Name: Burst Point - Wide Shelling
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Description: The user creates a wide, conical burst of heated steam from the hands or feet to create increased impact force. The strength of the steam is more spread out, however; this strike is useful for blinding opponents and messing with their sense of smell. The location that is struck receives strong burns.

Jutsu Name: Burst Point - Geyser Burst
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Description: The user creates a cylindrical burst of heated steam from their hands or feet to create increased impact force. This burst of steam's increased impact force grants it a degree of increased knockback force. The location that is struck receives strong burns.

Jutsu Name: Burst Point - Drilling Burst
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Description: The user creates a tight, concentrated burst of steam from their hands or feet to create increased penetrating force. This penetrative power is focused on a small point for increased penetrative power. The location that is struck receives strong burns.

Jutsu Name: Geyser Blast
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Description: The user creates a large stream of heated steam from their hands to scald their opponents. An opponent struck by this technique recieves strong burns.

Clan History

History: The current Joki clan is the remnants of an older clan who's name has been lost to time after they were annihilated during a fierce battle with the Hyuga. The survivors gathered and chose to learn from their enemies, creating the current Joki clan fighting style. Currently, the Joki clan lives in a small area of volcanic activity within the land of water, famous for it's geysers and hot springs. In fact, the Joki fund a lot of their ninja money stuffs by running a hot spring resort village.

Current Head of clan: [Who runs it?]
Members: Shingo Joki
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Joki Clan  Empty Re: The Joki Clan

Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:09 pm
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