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Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

Johan Dämmerung  Empty Johan Dämmerung

Sat Nov 16, 2019 2:17 pm

Name: Johan Dämmerung
Alias: None
Real Age: 22
Phys. Age: 22
Gender: Male
Personality: Johan has something of a reputation for being a stern individual. This is an attitude he has learned from being raised by a stern man with high expectations, Johan’s adopted father. As a young infant Johan’s parents were killed in a Hollow attack, but his soon-to-be adopted father Joseph noticed that the small baby had survived the attack. Taking pity on the child, Joseph took Johan and brought him into his home where he raised the child along with his wife Petra and older brother Jens. As Johan grew older, Joseph realized that the boy was a Quincy. Gemischt, but a Quincy all the same.

Joseph’s family had a strong pedigree of Echt Quincies, and were well known among the other German families for their skill as Quincy weapon artificers was well known throughout the European Echt families. Quite a few of Joseph's ancestors had gone to improve many of the old Quincy weapons: the Sanrei Glove, Hollow Bait, Seele Schneider, etc.

Backstory detour aside, Joseph began training his adopted son alongside his brother in the family’s Quincy artificing techniques. Knowing of Johan’s Gemischt heritage, he was particularly hard on the boy and never tolerated a quitter’s attitude. Frustrated by his brother Jen’s natural talent at using Quincy techniques and creating Quincy weapons, Johan began to struggle, study, and train far harder than his naturally gifted brother ever would. Because Johan only wished to make his parents proud he hardened his mind and will, forging them with iron discipline.

As such, Johan is a man who is tough on himself and others. He doesn’t tolerate any effort below 100% from anyone. It doesn’t matter if they’re a lackey, an equal, or higher up, Johan will calmly point out that they simply need to work harder. Because of this, Johan comes off as really a preachy dude with a stick up his ass. However, those who come to know him will find that beneath the iron exterior lies a deep compassion for his fellow man and a heart of gold.

Johan is someone who fights because he has to. Though he wouldn’t have necessarily chosen to be born a Quincy for himself, he understands that these are the cards he’s been dealt and therefore seeks to make the absolute most out of them he can. As is the Dämmerung style, Johan approaches combat with a very tactical mindset. In his opinion, people who enjoy bloodshed grow addicted, and an addiction is something that prevents you from giving it your all.  Ironically, Johan is quite fond of alcohol, and beer in particular. He’s not exactly an alcoholic, but if some of the boys say they wanna hit the bar Johan will jump at the chance to have a good time. Being too wound up is bad for your health, after all. Unlike his sober and disciplined self, Johan is a loud and rambunctious drunk who will sing songs and dance till the night gives way to morning.

Height: 6’1
Weight: 172 lbs
Physical Traits:

General Fighting Style: Johan has spent a good chunk of his life forging new support items for the Quincy, and in particular, custom equipment for himself. A maverick, Johan eschews traditional Quincy-style ranged combat for his own artificer close quarters combat defensive style. With a two-handed Seele Schneider and his armor, Johan charges into battle like a fuckin' boss while manifesting arrows as bolts of energy and firing them from his palm/fingertips.
Strengths: Speed, Reflexes, Durability, Reiryoku, Blut, Hoho
Weaknesses: Strength, Hakuda, Reiatsu, Stamina, Control

Ability Name: Göttlichkeit (Divinity)
Ability Description: Johan carries a large zweihander Seele Schneider he has dubbed "Göttlichkeit". Enough said,

Ability Name: Dualität (Duality)
Ability Description: Each turn, Johan can choose between firing 5 Bala-level Heilige Pfeil or 1 Cero-level Heliege Pfeil.

Ability Name: Stehlen
Ability Description: An ability brought about through Johan's observations of the Primarch and Arrancar Hierro, Stehlen is a passive and relatively simple technique that causes one's Reiatsu to loop back into the body, creating a defensive layer equivalent to moderate Hierro.

Quincy Bow: Fingerbang, pew pew!
Quincy Powers: All of them, but i'll write em out for my own convenience: Blut Arterie (offense), Blut Veine (defense) Hirenkyaku, Ransotengai, Heilige Pfeil


Ability Name: Umkehrung (Reversal)
Ability Description: Johan holds up Göttlichkeit, reflecting back an attack up to Hakudo 60 to his opponent. (2 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Blut Veine Anhaben
Ability Description: Johan extends his Blut Veine externally, creating a small forcefield around himself that nullifies up to a Hadou 60 worth of damage from a single attack before breaking. (2 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Sperrfeuer
Ability Description: Johan fires 20 miniature Heilige Pfeil which each deal Hadou 5 damage (1 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Beurteilung
Ability Description: Johan fires a single massive Heilige Pfeil that deals Hadou 80 damage. (3 turn cooldown)


Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Johan Dämmerung  Empty Re: Johan Dämmerung

Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:07 am
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