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Join date : 2019-11-13

Rex Dantalion Empty Rex Dantalion

Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:00 pm

Rex Dantalion

“Should you curse your own fate, I will welcome you.”

Quincy Application

Name: Rex Dantalion

Alias: Edenskind

Age: 328 (current) / millennia (total over all reincarnations)

Apparent Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: As the Primarch of the Star-Crossed Diocese, Rex was born into a very special circumstance. He spent his early life growing up in a village in southern England, for the first twelve years of his life he was content to live as a normal boy. However, by this point, he had already recovered his memories from his past life and so arranged to have the Diocese pick him up and cover any tenuous legal matters. From there, he resumed his position as Primarch.

As someone who has inherited the past experiences of his predecessors, he has an intellectual background that spans millennia. Rex approaches every situation with a judicious optimism that allows him to evaluate it from many different angles. He is a sure-hearted and charismatic leader and speaks with a wisdom that belies his appearance. His speech can inspire and invigorate armies, and simultaneously he can convey to others doom and despair through simple words.

Rex is an ardent believer of the Holy Mission—a vestige of thought from the original Quincy progenitor. He inherited a searing hatred of Hollows and Sinners from his progenitor, so in addition to securing the might of the Quincy, Rex also teaches to his followers to see Hollows and anything from Hueco Mundo as aberrations that must be vanquished. Any of his solemnity, patience, and tolerance will be extinguished if he stands in front of a Hollow. Although he won’t outright kill a Hollow that dares to do so, he will by no means make them comfortable.

Despite being a reincarnation of a millennia old ego, he does have his own personality, all the way down to the most mundane of things. He take joy in even modern hobbies such as playing guitar and listening to rock music, and he is an ardent reader. He also spends time with Cardinalius Illustratio in order to further research and understand the power he and the other Quincy were blessed with.

Deep down inside, he also has the insecurities of a young man. He feels that there is something wrong with his interpretation of the Holy Mission, but he doesn’t know what, and to a certain degree, he also doubts the legitimacy of his memories and his position.

Character Appearance

Height: 5'9" (155cm)

Weight: 130lbs (40.8kg)

Physical Traits: Rex appears as a red-headed youth, who is commonly dressed in the red, white, and gold regalia of the Diocese. He's much more youthful than his age would suggest: a sure sign of his piece of divinity. Rex continuously emits a subtle golden light, visible to spiritually-aware individuals, as an effect of his Heilige Rüstung.

Combat Information

General Fighting Style: As the reincarnation of the Quincy progenitor, he is proficient in anything a standard Quincy can do. Hirenkyaku, Blut, etc are all under his grasp. Rex fights with a regal aloofness, rarely moving unless forced to do so. He acts deliberately, ensuring that he has a solid strategy. Against a foe he outmatches, he will take pity on them and ensure they have a painless and unhumiliating loss. Despite being part divinity, he is not arrogant enough to assume that he can triumph in every encounter. Rex tries to make peace before bloodshed. In situations where neither diplomacy nor force will prevail, Rex is not afraid of retreating.

Strengths: Reishi Manipulation, Durability, Reiryoku

Weaknesses: Strength, Hakuda, Stamina

Weapons and Abilities

Spirit Weapons: Rex wields a large zweihander called Majestät. It cuts through any mundane object like butter, and is capable of being extended and shrunk via reishi. As his spirit weapon, it is also capable of being transformed into an ornate bow.

Quincy Powers: Hirenkyaku, Blut Vene, Blut Arterie, Ransoutengai, Sklaverei, Letzt Stil, Vollstandig

Unique Quincy Powers:

Ability Name: Kreuzschutz (Cross Protection)
Ability Description: Rex uses Blut externally, creating shields around himself that block a variety of attacks, roughly equal to Danku in protective power. The shields appear to be rectangular stained glass windows. (4 post cooldown)

Ability Name: Heilige Rüstung (Holy Armor)
Ability Description: Rex appears to be continuously emitting a golden light to spiritually-aware individuals. This light is formed of a layer of reishi, and it protects Rex from attacks. (Moderate Hierro, continuous)

Ability Name: Timeless
Ability Description: Rex does not age normally--his aging is slowed by default and he will never progress past the appearance of a young adult. He is immune to death of old age.

Ability Name: Schöpfung (Creation)
Ability Description: Reishi particles can be manipulated into a variety of shapes. This results in two distinct abilities:
  • Weapons, such as swords, polearms, etc. No greater than one of Tungsten strength/post
  • Bindings, such as chains and bars, no greater in strength than bakudo 50/3 posts

Ability Name: Lay on Hands
Ability Description: By placing his hand on an individual and imbuing them with his reishi, he can cure them of any mundane disease and heal most wounds. This ability cannot be used on himself. (5 post cooldown)

Ability Name: Seeking Shot
Ability Description: Arrows fired from Rex's bow can curve around surfaces and obstacles, no matter how he aims. He can use this to alter the trajectory of a shot in the air should it miss the first time, but only once per arrow.

Ability Name: Himmelstor (Heaven's Gate)
Ability Description: Rex creates a gate to another plane of existence (e.g. Soul Society, Hueco Mundo). The gate appears as a golden door embossed with the Quincy cross which, when opened, links directly to the area in question.

Quincy Items: None

Quincy: Letzt Stil

Letzt Stil increses Rex's physicals and massively increases the potency of his arrows. A pair of golden wings appear on his back, which are a tide of extraneous reishi generated by his power.

New Quincy Powers:

Ability Name: Schlagenpfeil (Smiting Arrow)
Ability Description: Rex fires an arrow of extraordinary speed and power. (Bala level speed, 2x cero power, 4 post cooldown)

Ability Name: Zorn des Vorläufers (Progenitorial Wrath)
Ability Description: An explosion of force rushes from Rex's being, dealing Gran Rey damage to foes up to five feet from him and launching them up to thirty feet away. (3 post cooldown)

Ability Name: Lichtmine (Lightmine)
Ability Description: Rex summons a speck of light which hovers in place. When an opponent comes within a foot of it, it explodes at bala level damage. Rex can summon up to five per post and there can be up to twenty present at any time.


Quincy: Vollständig

When Rex enters Vollständig, he gains six golden reishi wings and a standard Heiligeschein (Vollständig Halo) over his head. Using Eden unlocks the powerful and ancient abilities of his progenitors. Their age is reflected in their nomenclature--they come from a time before that of the Holy Roman Quincy order.

New Quincy Powers:

Ability Name: Flight
Ability Description: Like with most Vollständig, Rex grows massive wings made of controlled reishi.

Ability Name: Deus Lux (Light of God)
Ability Description: Enhanced Heilige Rüstung. Such a bright light emanates from Eden that it's hard not to look away. Functions as medium hierro and imposes 25% blindness. (Passive)

Ability Name: Sagitta Judicii (Judgment Arrow)
Ability Description: A massive arrow called down from the heavens that lands with a single massive explosion. Capable of inflicting Cero Obscuras damage over a wide radius. (5 post cooldown)

Ability Name: Seraphim Oculo (Seraph's Eye)
Ability Description: Enhanced Lichtminen. Rex can summon up to five spheres which either hover in place or float near him. The spheres can also shoot Quincy arrows from them. If an opponent comes close, they automatically detonate and deal a cero of damage each. (Cooldown: 1 post per sphere)

Ability Name: Dies Irae (Day of Wrath)
Ability Description: Enhanced Zorn des Vorläufers. There is a momentary buildup of crushing pressure before a wave of titanic force deals forbidden-kido level damage in a indefinitely high cylinder of radius of fifty feet at a point of Rex's choosing. This expends what reishi surplus Rex had pooled at this point, and it forces him to end his Vollständig. Once per thread.

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Rex Dantalion Empty Re: Rex Dantalion

Fri Nov 15, 2019 1:14 am
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