My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu) Empty Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu)

Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:48 am
"Konoha is so big! So nice and cool."Spoke Chinatsu in an amazed town "So much different from Suna"She spoke to herself walking towards the kage's office in her traditional robes. She had decided to join in on the chunin celebration as well as confirm Suna was finally safe and mostly rebuilt to hold it's refugees once again. She owed it to the other Kage's for offering to give her people a home till Suna was once again safe and stable from the near disaster.

Her first stop was to tell Kaishi know so he can send the word out to his people as well as any other Kage's she happen to not get to. She tipped her hat to the positioned Jounin as she was escorted in through the Hokage's administration building to Kaishi's office "This place is so cool"she spoke watching the lined pictures of the previous Kages move past her before she thanked the Jounin for their help before moving into Kaishi's office.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu) Empty Re: Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu)

Tue Feb 16, 2021 2:11 pm
Kaishi was happy that the Kazekage had opted to attend the festival even if her current crop of Genin weren't exactly up to snuff. The one or two that had participated had by and large sputtered out but in years past they'd been formidable, in all actuality this was an anomaly for their village and it simply was something that happened from time to time. He had been given advanced notice that the Kazekage had intended to meet with him and he was thrilled with that. A meeting of the minds could lead to a more prosperous relationship between the two, and that was something Kaishi wanted to foster as best he could. As the Jonin outside announced her appearance, Kaishi would take a drag off his pipe before beckoning out the door.

"Come in lord Kazekage, have a seat. If you're in need of spirits make your request and I'll have them brought out at once. Were your travels pleasant?"
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu) Empty Re: Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu)

Tue Feb 16, 2021 3:19 pm
"Thank you for allowing those of my village and I to be allowed into your village for these exams. I am happy to see so many still happy even though our hard time of relocating so many while I tended to some, unneeded territorial disputes. As much as I like spirits, I am going to have to decline, I do have a busy day meeting with the other pages to let them know Suna is once again secure and ready for her people to return to the place they call home if they haven't wanted to adjust to their new villages, that is."She replied

Chinatsu taking a seat, adjusting her robes some, as she looked towards him "I found the travels really relaxing with the small few that decided to follow me from Suna, Interesting company a Lizard child and a weaponsmith tend to be. I did enjoy the bandits we occasionally ran into on the way, seems you have ensured they haven't grown to even be able to be approved at genin rank so I applaud you with that."She said removing her hat resting it in her lap as her snow-white hair moved some, finally free from the restraints of the hat. Her upper mask showed itself as she scratched the back of her head "I do love what you have done with your village."she added
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu) Empty Re: Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu)

Tue Feb 16, 2021 4:24 pm
The woman seemed rather gracious about the whole affair, and given the state of the Sand village in recent times Kaishi would be lying if he said he was at all surprised by this. It was rare that the Sand were treated as honored guests, historically they'd had the most trouble acclimating to the new ninja world but Kaishi hoped to bring a more prosperous and friendly relationship to them. "I'm sure while they've enjoyed their stay here they'll all be ready to return home as soon as the exams have concluded. I understand the busy schedule, no spirits for her Shinobu thank you." Kaishi waved off his security and leaned back, returning to his pipe as the woman spoke.

"A lizard child you say? And yes, the bandits have been occupying the territories around our village more and more recently. We'll have to deal with it eventually before something genuinely tragic occurs beyond our control. As for the village itself, I have my forefathers to thank. I inherited the village in a period of growth and have simply done my best not to fuck it up. I'm thankful for how things are going here, and I only hope to sew the seeds for future prosperity for whoever comes after."

As Kaishi finished speaking, he returned to his pipe and let the smoke cloud his face for a moment. "But enough about the Leaf, how is the sand faring in these times."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu) Empty Re: Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu)

Tue Feb 16, 2021 4:47 pm
"Yes We have a new interesting Child that is more of the lizard breed and has been interesting in teaching," she spoke with a smile "Suna is growing slowly we have fairly decent trade routes but the monsters of the desert make it hard for those routes to stay open and clear for safe travel, even our nomadic neighbors are having to move more then they have needed to over the years. We are finding old ruins and seeing old ruins disappearing in the vast desert over night so we dont know what they hold with the limited window that we find them along with the bandits that attack the travelers and merchants that move amongest our village and the tinier ones amongest the sand."She said scratching her head in thought of the annoying situtation "but we will be fine I believe, we faired this long just fine, I am sure we will faire long after yourself and I are buried within the dirt."She said with a optimistic look on the future "It is hard getting ourselves genin that are worth their salt let alone keep our ranks up within the dangers of the desert."She added
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu) Empty Re: Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu)

Thu Feb 18, 2021 2:26 am
The girl mentioned a lizard child which brought Kaishi memories of some of the crocodilian creatures he'd seen up that way in the past. "And you say he's domesticated eh? Interesting, between the shark men of the Mist and your apparent lizard population the Leaf's going to need to train the baboons to keep up at this point eh?"

A small chuckle escaped Kaishi's lips as he returned his pipe to his lips. She spoke to the geography of the location and given some past crusades he was more intimately familiar with it than he wished to be. "Yes I'm aware the geography of that region can be.. messy to say the least. Hard to map it out due to the harshness of the sandstorms and the temperatures a night. Nonetheless I have to wonder if there'd be a way to carve some sort of path through their and perhaps map out the area to better enable trade and to perhaps dissuade some of these bandit attacks." Kaishi let a puff of smoke escape his pipe as he pondered the issue.

"Nonetheless I'm sure you'll be fine, and as for your Genin crop I wouldn't worry. Greatness will find it's way as it always does, every village has a down year every so often and most villages have years where they're a bit stronger than one might expect. Why it was what, five years ago the Cloud occupied 3 of the top 4 slots in the exams? These things just tend to happen. Nothing worth writing home about." The answer would illicit yet another small chuckle from Kaishi before he'd continue. "Nonetheless my worries about Sunagakure are nearly nonexistent. After-all, the village is in your capable hands and I'm sure they'll continue to thrive while that's the case, isn't that right Chinatsu?"
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu) Empty Re: Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu)

Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:05 pm
"I wouldn't say he is domesticated, more just a lost soul that had no place to go other then my village. However I am sure you got this, you have a good streak of genin so training anything should be a breeze." She said with a small smile hoping little Nakai was behaving himself while she was tending to this meeting.

I do hope we can get villages to form a path of sorts which would make it easier to travel from one of the other countries, it would make it easier to maintain and protect ourselves from bandits and the monsters in the desert but that would be hard as our smaller villages are set around mines, oasis etc. Those are things we can't move or allow to not fall into others hands."she said thinking out loud of how to better protect her territory. "That you are right. Only time will tell when suna takes the grand stage. I believe next year will be interesting for us."she spoke with a smile looking towards him before placing her hat on top of her head while standing up "As much as I enjoy nostalgic talk of funner days, I do have to get with my teams and see what they plan to do while representing us of Suna"She said.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu) Empty Re: Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu)

Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:59 am
Kaishi laughed as the girl talked about her newly adopted pet. "Well I'm sure you'll make a fine crocnobi out of him with or without my input, though he'd better be trained in dispatching baboons if you want to be able to deal with my village in the coming years." Kaishi let out a wry wink before returning to the more serious matters they'd been discussing.

"Forming a path hm?.." Kaishi stroked his beard for a moment, letting the thought permeate in his mind. "A path between our villages is something a bit more tricky, it could be used for trade but could also be seen as an avenue to attack us, to be honest I'd need us to be allies before I'd ever consider lending a hand to something like that."

Kaishi returned to his pipe, watching as the girl stood. "Before you go, what is your opinion on an alliance between the Leaf and the Sand?.. Could a relationship such as that be advantageous enough for you to consider it readily?" Kaishi leaned forward, a stern look etched on his face. "After-all, that would certainly pave this path you want built much more quickly if that truly is a desire you possess.. speak candidly, Lord Kazekage."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu) Empty Re: Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu)

Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:51 pm
Chinatsu laughed, adjusting her hat "I am sure he will be more proficient enough to strike fear in any baboons in the coming years."She said before turning back to him listening to his view on the possibility of making a path of sorts. "As fun as a war might sound, I don't see us possibly wanting such a thing, given the natural issue for both sides which would be crossing the desert and the untold horrors it tends to hold whether you are a native-born or foreigner. I would like a possibility of an Alliance between our villages as an option given the various resources that our village can benefit from trading with each other as well as the bonds we can form if a declaration of war was ever called from the other villages." She spoke "However, those serious discussions should be set at a later date as it is a festive time of peace and hopefully showmanship of the shinobi we hold dear in our villages. wouldn't you say, Lord Hokage?"She spoke
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu) Empty Re: Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu)

Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:59 am
Kaishi listened with eager ears as the girl made a sly quip before postulating about the potential of an alliance between the two villages. She wasn't willing to commit to it now, which was more than a bit concerning but on the other hand she seemed absolutely willing to commit to reconvening on the matter. It seemed that a resolution was absolutely in arms-reach, but she simply hadn't come to visit for politics and that prompted a knowing nod from Kaishi as he once again returned his pipe to his mouth. "Very well then, we will reconvene before you leave the village to discuss the more intimate details of this encounter. I hope you enjoy yourself in the meantime."

Kaishi took a drag of his pipe and waved as the young Kazekage made her exit. A small smile formed across his face as he quickly came to realize that he was yet one step closer to realizing his goal. A position of peace and prosperity for his village was within his grasp, and now was the time to seize it.

-thread end-
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Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu) Empty Re: Building from Scratch (Kaishi/Chinatsu)

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