My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-02-12

Aoto Kamomori Empty Aoto Kamomori

Tue Feb 16, 2021 5:14 pm


The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Aoto Kamomori
Alias/Bingo book name:
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Personality: From the outset, Aoto seems very one note and single minded and can be characterized by the casual onlooker as being motivated by a misguided pursuit of women primarily stemming from his nature as an immature boy. When asked about why he became a ninja, he answers very bluntly: So that he could get girls. One doesn't even have to ask why he learned medical ninjitsu- it's because that's where all the women were. From an onlooker perspective, Aoto might seem flirty, going after women up to four times his age if they look good enough.

Still, Aoto's motivation of getting girls can be compared to a dog chasing a car. He doesn't know what he'll actually do once he has it. Even if he seems to flirt, when he's doing a mission, he seems to prioritize the mission first with cute girls second, and someone doesn't gain his aptitude in medical ninjitsu as a genin for women alone. Perhaps it is due to his family's name; the fact that in a village of ninja, Aoto was not born into a family of them, that gave him a chip on his shoulder. When pressed on it, however, Aoto prefers not to answer and might even get uncomfortable about the question.
Loyalty: Aoto has a very loose allegiance to his village, with the only reason he hasn't turned away from it being that it's simply easier for him to stay as a Leaf Ninja than anything else.
Rank: Genin
Occupation: Ninja
Village: Konohagakure

Physical Profile


Character Appearance:

Height: 4'11"
Weight: 85 lbs

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Aoto doesn't like fighting the exact same way twice. Or at least, he doesn't like to show his opponent the exact same string of moves two fights in a row. As a ninja, Aoto understands that information is one of his strongest assets and to keep the advantage of information in his favor, he likes to switch up his fighting style so as to remain unpredictable. This of course requires Aoto to memorize several different fighting styles, but also compensates for his mediocre skills in ninjutsu and taijutsu.
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Weapons/Ninja Tools: Standard ninja fair; smoke bombs, caltrops, and kunai most commonly.

Past Profile

Side Note:
Roleplay Sample:

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Aoto Kamomori Empty Re: Aoto Kamomori

Tue Feb 16, 2021 6:02 pm
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