My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-01-27

Tessa Hyuuga, The Leafy White Eye Gril Empty Tessa Hyuuga, The Leafy White Eye Gril

Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:01 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Tessa Hyuuga
Clan: Hyuuga
Alias/Bingo book name:
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Tessa is a flirtatious girl who loves to socialize with others.  She tends to find boys to be too brash, and therefore focuses her efforts on other girls as both friends and significant others.  She has a rather sarcastic sense of humor, often making well-intended jokes at the expense of others.  She has an air of self-confidence that is enough to make any girl her age envious, as she tends to give very few fucks about what others think about her.  She can be cynical as well, always assuming the worst of human nature, but not to any extremist point - it just makes her seem like somewhat of a pessimist.

As far as her general outlook on life, Tessa is a very motivated, determined girl, and aims, above all else, to protect those who cannot protect themselves.  Tessa goes down, a lot - But she never fails to stand again.  Part of her charm, in fact, is that to her, her body and current pain are trivial to her end goals, whether it be to master a new jutsu or find a new girlfriend. Tessa does not entirely like being a part of her clan.  She finds them far too pretentious and would prefer to spend time with people who are more down to earth.
Loyalty: Family First, Clan Second, Village Third
Rank: Genin
Occupation: Genin
Village: Konohagakure

Physical Profile


Character Appearance:

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 135 lb.

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Tessa absolutely has no fighting style.  She has no skills because she's a tier 4-5 for fucks' sake.
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Weapons/Ninja Tools: Basic Wakizashi
Basic Katana
Basic Kunais
Basic Shuriken

Past Profile

History: Tessa Hyuuga was born of the main family of the Hyuuga clan.  As a possible heir, in fact.  From age 4, Tessa was trained in Taijutsu and in the art of the Gentle Fist by her relatives.  She became known around the clan as a true prodigy, learning extremely high level techniques before even being allowed into the academy.  Tessa was celebrated as a child, known for one of the most acute natural Byakugan in the history of the clan.  Tessa passed the academy at age 8, graduating after only 6 months in classes.  She became a Genin, but the timing was awkward - she graduated during the Chuunin exams.  Because of this, she wasn't able to participate in them for about three years.  

At age 11, during the train up for the Chuunin exams, Tessa was training with some advanced Hyuuga Jounin, trying to learn to advance her skills.  Unbeknownst to Tessa, she had created some political rivals out of other main family members who wanted to set up their children as the heirs to the clan.  So, during her training, she was assaulted by an attacker she has never been able to identify.  She was beat nearly to death by users of the Gentle Fist, and by all accounts, absolutely should have died.  Her heart actually stopped for far longer than was the typical window for being able to revive someone.

As it turned out, her unknown assailant had taken his time.  He'd hit and destroyed every tenketsu in Tessa's body.  She was lucky enough to be found by the Hyuuga's extremely talented medical ninja, but there was no saving her body.  She spent years in agonizing surgeries, having to have her tenketsu manually rebuilt individually.  She was totally paralyzed until age 15, when the last of her surgeries were rebuilt.  Until age 17, Tessa had to re-learn how to use chakra, and more than that, basic motor functions, because the chakra network intertwines with all of the body's organs and muscles.  Finally, at age 17, she was able to walk, talk, run, and more importantly, train.  Today, at age 18, she has been given the all-clear to return to duty as a Genin.  Whether out of pity or true medical opinion, she was unsure.  All this said, it was as if she were returning to the beginning - if put against one, she was likely to even lose spars to fresh Genin and Academy Students.
Side Note:
Roleplay Sample:

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