My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2019-11-05

Jinnosuke Moriyama - The Divine Hand Empty Jinnosuke Moriyama - The Divine Hand

Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:46 am

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Jinnosuke
Clan: N/A
Alias/Bingo book name: The Divine Hand
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Personality: A quiet man, Jinnosuke tends to keep to himself due to his past and prefers to keep it that way. His life so far having created a number of enemies that would rather see him dead than free to roam as a vagabond and sword for hire. Despite this, he is a reasonably polite young man and is easy enough to get along with even if he can be a little blunt at times.
Loyalty: N/A
Rank: Missing-Ninja
Occupation: Sword for Hire
Village: Previously of the Mist Village

Physical Profile


Physical Traits: The only odd trait seems to be his hair, while generally it takes on a natural enough looking black colour. However this is a natural dye that he needs to apply regularly. With enough time the natural shade of red hair will peak through. As one of his more defining characteristics, he tends to maintain the black dye as often as possible.

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Granted the title 'The Divine Hand' by his peers, Jinno is almost unnaturally gifted with the sword. Utilizing lightning fast strikes with unparalleled accuracy to dispatch his foes. He tends to focus on quickly finish fights with as little suffering as possible, though he has been shown to have a cruel streak to those he deems unworthy of this mercy.
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Weapons/Ninja Tools: - Onimaru (Katana)
- General Ninja Tools (Shuriken, Kunai, Wire, Explosive Tags, Ect)

Past Profile

History: Originally, Jinnosuke was the son of the third Mizukage. The boy proved himself a prodigy and leader in the making. From a young age he proved to be particularly skilled with swords and was a shoe-in to replace any of the Seven Swordsmen should they fall in battle. He took an opposing stance to the way his father had run things, finding the caste system abhorrent and the oppression of the various clans that made up their village to be crossing a line.

One particular issue he had was the genin exams, forcing comrades to fight each other to the death. Against his fathers orders, Jinno would enter this exam. His opponent was a young Yuki clansmen, who had proved herself to be a rather worthy opponent, but was eventually put at his mercy. Instead of killing the girl though, he would instead turn to leave to show his thoughts on the matter. Upon the orders from his father, a chuunin would move in to try and finish the job but was almost immediately dispatched by Jinno. The exam was called off for the year, and all who had proven capable of joining would be passed without incident. He wouldn't know that a number of the 'lesser’ shinobi would be sent to early deaths on suicide missions to cull their numbers just a little more quietly.

Jinnosuke would rise through the ranks, quickly claiming the title of jounin before being approached to take a place among the Seven Swordsmen. It seemed to be a role he was born for, with his skill with a blade earning him the title 'The Divine Hand'. However, he refused. To the point he was challenged to a duel by the de facto leader of the swordsmen. The battle was fierce as it was quick but proved that Jinno was the superior swordsman. Rather than killing his opponent, he would strike through his headband and leave the village to strike it out on his own.

Side Note: 0-5 NPC

Roleplay Sample:

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