My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-03-25

Jin Mori - Leaf Jinchuu Empty Jin Mori - Leaf Jinchuu

Fri Mar 26, 2021 3:11 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Jin Mori
Clan: N/A
Alias/Bingo book name: The Lava Monkey
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Personality: Jin is playful, honest and lighthearted young man that primarily seeks nothing more than a good fight. He is fairly kind and hospitable to strangers, and develops strong bonds of loyalty with his friends. Apparently he is weak against people he has lost to and becoming quite submissive. When angered, Mori usually carries an expressionless face and will mercilessly beat the person responsible for his anger.

Many people who have witnessed his fighting prowess acknowledge his strength and are terrified of ever engaging in battle with him. Despite his tough nature, Mori was shown to easily tear down when someone mentioned his parents, thinking they abandoned him in the mountain. Mori is shown to dislike bullies and manipulators, believing that you don't have to use others for powers, which seems kind of hypocritical as a jinchuuriki, but it isn't like it was his choice.

Though of course his relationship with Son Goku is one born of mutual respect, as the wise old monkey became his guide in alot of things, well once Jin learned that he was there anyways.
Loyalty: His Village, His Friends, His Family
Rank: Genin
Occupation: Shinobi
Village: Konoha

Physical Profile

Appearance: Mori is quite a skinny teenager with a babyface, relaxed teal-coloured hair and big dark eyes with yellow pupils. He wears a white t-shirt over a dark long-sleeve undershirt, denim skinny jeans that he rolls up at the ankles and orange Chucks on his feet. Under the shirt, his body is full of scars.


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130lbs

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Jin prefers to fight up close and personal with a kick based taijutsu reminiscent of real world Taekwondo, using overwhelming speed and strength to subdue his foes. When he has to though, he will break out the ninjutsu, taking advantage of his relationship with Son Goku, to catch foes off guard with the hybrid element, Magma.
Elemental Affinity: Lava, Fire, Earth
Weapons/Ninja Tools: Quarter Staffs, Pole Arms, Standard shinobi tools

Past Profile

History: Jin was born as the second child of a minor family who really didn't have much to their names, in fact it was by pure luck that it turned out that the young Mori was even compatible with the four tailed monkey who had be caught rampaging around the mountains on the edge of the land of fire and land of earth. That alone brought their tiny family up in prestige, well that and it was in fact his father that had initially sealed the beast into a temporary storage vessel.

Unfortunately the ritual that sealed the four tails into Jin's body took the lives of both of his parents to finish, strengthening the binding, but leaving him and his elder sister pretty much orphans. They were taken in by a kindly Jonin, though the man was constantly out on missions, it was a home and they were cared for, trained, and even sent off to school when old enough.

Unfortunately Jin's playful personality turned him into a bit of a class clown, where he was picked on for not taking anything seriously, though he actually did well enough in his studies, and was even far more talented in ninjutsu than he let on.
Side Note: Jinchuuriki to the 4 tailed monkey, Son Goku.
Roleplay Sample:

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