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Join date : 2019-11-13

Aryen Ascheron - Segunda Espada Empty Aryen Ascheron - Segunda Espada

Mon May 03, 2021 10:34 pm

Name: Aryen "Ari" Ascheron
Apparent Age: 20
True Age: 955
Sex: Male
Personality: Ari is clever and mischievous, fully embodying the personality traits one would expect come with his fox-like appearance. He enjoys misdirection and humor, favoring the kind of jokes that leave others staggered and devoid of words. He isn't ashamed of brutal honesty either, and doesn't mind being rude in situations where decorum is wanted. He's isn't necessarily crass--he's just fond of riling others up.

He is capable of being serious when needed, however. In a way that is to some cowardly and to others pragmatic, in the presence of those who can kill him for his mischief, he straightens right up. And like most Hollows, Ari enjoys combat. He is more than happy to engage his predator instincts and rend the flesh of his opponent. He hides a savage side behind a carefully crafted mask of joviality, and when it comes out, he can become too preoccupied with slaughter to think of anything else.

His aspect of death is Diaspora. After having lived in exile for so long, he has forgotten what "home" feels like, and desperately wishes to find that feeling again.

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 115
Physical Traits:

History: Aryen Ascheron's history is pretty typical, as far as arrancar go. Building his way up the food chain, he rose by journeying from group to group of menos, devouring the ones that were too trusting when they outlived their usefulness. This resulted in him being rather alone, for a hollow, but that never bothered him. He'd been chased up and down Hueco Mundo for his treachery, however, and so unlike other groups of hollows, he had never found a place to build his territory and call home before becoming an arrancar.
Exposition: [Optional. What is your character? This can be beliefs, life views, etc.]
Side Notes: [Anything relevant not listed below goes here.]

General Fighting Style: Ari fights with his head first and foremost. His abilities do not lend themselves to direct combat, and so he has to rely on tactics and misdirection to win the day. He fights like a shinobi--stealthy and deadly. Ari tends to either use his sword, claws, or weapons crafted out of ice that serve as projectiles. With this, he can function effectively in combat at short and mid ranges, but he suffers at long range. He prefers to keep some distance between himself and his opponent if he can help it, and most of his fighting done in short range will be done with the goal of positioning himself further away.
Strengths: Agility, Hand-to-hand, Reiryoku Control
Weaknesses: Strength, Durability

Ability Name: Garra Fría (Cold Tooth)
Ability Description: Ari’s Zanpakuto cutting through living flesh causes first-degree deep frostbite in addition to cutting it open. (First-degree deep frostbite causes numbness in the affected area.) The frostbite emerges almost instantly and covers three inches from all sides of the wound.

Ability Name: Rocío de Pino Blanco  (White Pine Dew)
Ability Description: Ari can create senbon-like needles of ice. While the needles don’t cause much damage superficially, they cause numbness in the affected area due to the sheer cold.

Ability Name: Extreme Cold Resistance
Ability Description: Ari resists frostbite and the effects of cold-based abilities naturally due to his own cold reiatsu. Damage from cold, ice, and snow abilities is halved, and frostbite does not occur. He can survive encased in ice indefinitely.

Sealed Appearance: It appears as an ordinary katana. The guard is violet matching his other accessories, and the hilt is wrapped in cyan.
Zanpakuto Name: Invierno (冬風吠狐 (インビエルノ), Inbieruno; Spanish for “Winter”, Japanese for “Winter Wind Howling Fox”)
Zanpakuto Call Out: Shiver, Invierno

Appearance: The sword becomes a pair of gauntlets which each have wicked sword-like claws. The upper half of Aris’ mask forms a full upper face mask, and the ears begin to resemble actual fox ears.

Ability Name: Garra Fría II
Ability Description: Ari’s Zanpakuto cutting through living flesh causes second-degree deep frostbite in addition to cutting it open. (Second-degree deep frostbite causes necrosis of the affected area.) The frostbite emerges almost instantly and covers three inches from all sides of the wound.

Ability Name: Espejismo Frío (Cold Mirage)
Ability Description: Direct manipulation of moisture in the air causes a lensing effect, allowing Ari to produce images or other effects that seem real. This is limited to visual effects only, other senses are not affected.

Ability Name: Musa Glacial (Glacial Muse)
Ability Description: Ari has the ability to condense moisture in the air within five feet of him, forming ice directly. The ice is roughly tungsten strength, able to form armor, auxiliary weapons, or bindings as needed. He can generate up to 1,000 cubic feet of ice per post. (Equivalent to an amount that would fill a cube with 10-foot sides) Any ice created this way or by any other ability can be move or shot out at up to cero speeds.

Ability Name: Ira Helada (Frozen Wrath)
Ability Description: Ari can overload any ice he has created with reiatsu, causing it to explode. It explodes with cero strength and shoots tungsten strength fragments, each affecting a radius of 10 feet around where the ice was. (CD 3 posts)

Ability Name: Fuego Blanco (White Fire)
Ability Description: Ari can cause a surge of white flame to erupt from his gauntlets, affecting a fifteen foot radius in front of him. The white flame is not hot, but direly cold, and causes first-degree frostbite rather than burning, while also dealing cero damage. (CD 2 posts)

Ability Name: Fuego Blanco: Luces Norteñas (White Fire: Northern Lights)
Ability Description: Ari creates up to 8 spheres of white fire that hover around him. The spheres can be exploded for bala damage within five feet of where they are, and they automatically detonate when a hostile presence enters their range. They can also be ejected at bala speeds toward a target. (CD 3 posts)

Appearance: The gauntlets become large organic claws, and Ari is covered more in silver fur and white bone.

Ability Name: Garra Fría III
Ability Description: Ari’s claws cutting through living flesh cause second-degree deep frostbite in addition to cutting it open. (Second-degree deep frostbite causes necrosis of the affected area.) The frostbite emerges almost instantly and covers five inches from all sides of the wound.

Ability Name: Oleada Glacial (Glacial Surge)
Ability Description: Similar to Glacial Muse, but the maximum volume that of a 10 meter-sided cube.

Ability Name: Agarre de la Muerte (Death’s Grip)
Ability Description: Subjecting oneself to being within near Ari causes them to freeze over. Being within 20 feet of Ari at the end of a character's post will cause them to begin freezing, causing a 20% agility reduction. Ending a post outside of this range will cause the freezing to be removed.

Ability Name: Cero Aurora (Aurora Zero)
Ability Description: Classic Forbidden-Kido level cero, which leaves a frozen wasteland in its wake. (CD 5)

Ability Name: Tormenta de Nieve (Blizzard)
Ability Description: Ari summons a massive hailstorm around him, which obscures visibility massively. Opponents will have 15 feet of vision while in the blizzard. Additionally, this enables the use of Glacial Muse (NOT Glacial Surge) anywhere within the blizzard. The blizzard is 75 ft in radius and lasts for 5 posts (CD 3 posts after ability end)

Optional Roleplay Sample:
Posts : 68
Join date : 2019-11-02

Aryen Ascheron - Segunda Espada Empty Re: Aryen Ascheron - Segunda Espada

Wed May 05, 2021 12:27 am
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