My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 45
Join date : 2021-02-10
Age : 26

Atou Erinaya, Primera Empty Atou Erinaya, Primera

Mon May 03, 2021 11:01 pm
Name: Atou Erinaya
Apparent Age: 19
True Age: 352
Sex: Male
Personality: Atou can be described very different depending on whether or not you are friends, enemies, or those he considers beneath him. To his friends/comrades, he is a very carefree and jovial Arrancar, though it is exceptionally difficult to gain his trust unless one proves their trustworthiness. Around other Arrancar, he is usually very suspicious and verbally combative, but can easily be put in his place by those he either considers scary, superior in rank, or more powerful. If he decides to spar with a comrade, he will take on a more playful/giddy personality until he realizes he should take things more seriously.

For his enemies, he has an absolute distaste for Shinigami, but Quincy even more so. Their practice of destroying souls not only makes him fear what might happen to him, but also that they waste good food (souls). He may gain a healthy respect for those he deems strong, and always welcomes a challenge in a fight. Fights with enemies are meant to be taken as honorably as possible, and respect on both sides should be observed. If they are not, his temper will flare into a tranquil fury.

Those who are beneath him in rank will be treated as if he is educating them. He would view his fraccion as his younger siblings, and is protective to the point where any insult to them is an insult to him. As for souls he views as too far beneath him to care about, he will actually view them like ants. If they are trampled in his fight time, so be it, they were not strong enough to be more than sustenance anyways.

Pertaining to battle, he is always excited to fight someone who might be strong or stronger than him. Always willing to test his limits. This manifests as more of a time to have 'fun' than out of bloodlust or an adrenaline rush.

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 170lbs
Physical Traits: In combination with being a bit on the short side, Atou has a fairly lean build, but with his uniform, his young appearance hides his physicality. He is not at all physically imposing, and this isn't helped by a smooth, slightly rounded face with only slight angular features. The mess of hair that grew from his head was a light reddish brown color, with streaks of blonde throughout.

His mask fragment took on the form of a segmented and ornate headband, with each segment being some variation of a chevron shape, and the band would circle around his head and merge back with itself just above his eyebrows. His hollow void would be located directly in the center of his abdomen, and would be covered by his uniform. A standard white Arrancar uniform with black trim, with the exception of a black strap that goes across his chest, and his Zanpakuto scabbard hanging from his back.


General Fighting Style: Atou is a primarily close range fighter, relying on the combination of his speed and martial ability to overwhelm his enemies. In his release states, he uses these qualities with his expert use of Shockwave Emission to enhance his damage output. Defensively, he relies again on his martial ability and his Agility to evade rather than tank blows thrown his way.

Attribute: Master Bojutsu Practitioner
Attribute Description: Atou has a particular aptitude for using his manifested bo staff in his released states, and is able to place blows in rapid succession in combination with his Hakuda skills.

Strengths: Hakuda, Reiatsu, Agility
Weaknesses: Strength, Sensing

Sealed Appearance: A short chokuto of wakizashi length, with sky blue wrappings and a gold tsuba in the shape of a feather.
Zanpakuto Name: Mono Emperador
Zanpakuto Call Out: Cover Me in Stone
Cero: Cero, Gran Rey Cero, Cero Oscuras (Segunda Etapa Exclusive), Bala. All are a light orange in color.
Custom Cero: Cero Miríada
Custom Cero Description: Can be added on to each tier of Cero with an additional +1 post cooldown. This Cero splits the power into a large number of focused beams, all of them adding collectively to the original power of the Cero. The advantage of this comes in the added piercing power added on to each of the beams. The wounds created by this cero are puncture wounds instead of energy burn/large beam type wounds.

Appearance: Atou retains much of his physical appearance, only having significant changes in the white armor that manifests around his limbs and shoulders. The armor is form-fitting, and his feet change to a more hand like appearance. The band that makes up his mask fragment becomes more of a circlet scored with wave-like patterns, and his hair extends down to his face, giving him a more monkey-like appearance. Atou manifests a long, prehensile tail as well as a plain white bo staff with rounded ends.


Shockwave Emission: Atou in this form can use his Reiatsu to create strong, kinetic bursts of shockwave based energy. These are most effective when put through a solid/densely packed medium (bodies, weapons, the ground, etc.). Atou uses them in conjuction with his Hakuda and Bojutsu skills in order to enhance his blunt damage by sending shockwaves through his opponent's body, causing significant internal damage. Of course, this can be used in other ways, but this is the primary combat usage. Emission does an extra balas worth of damage in conjunction with physical blows.

Shockwave Enhancement: Atou can empower his usual Hakuda and staff blows with cero level shockwaves, limit one blow (Must be stated) per post, 1 post CD. This is the more powerful verson of the above ability.

Counter Shockwave: When Atou blocks a blow with his body, he can channel a shockwave through his enemy when the blow hits. This shockwave is cero level, and has a two post cooldown.

Shockwave Pulse: By stabbing his staff into the ground, Atou generates a shockwave that breaks apart the ground and opens up cracks within a large radius. After a post, these cracks will cave in on themselves, dealing a gran rey level of damage to anyone trapped within. Atou can also throw his staff to start this ability. 4 post cooldown after the cracks cave in.

Hoja Luna: Sweeping the tip of his staff at his feet, a line of Reishi follows that launches a slicing shockwave that deals Gran Rey Damage. (3 Post CD)

Flor De Loto: One of the endcap's of Atou's staff opens into the shape of a lotus, and eight beams of bala strength shoot towards the intended target. These beams have a high piercing strength and once they do, they burst with an internal shockwave at bala strength. Can pierce Cero Level Barriers and has a 4 post cooldown.


Appearance: This change is more dramatic, having the fur extend down his limbs to resemble more of a monkey. His uniform would be replaced by an elaborate light armor primarily made of a leather-type substance. His circlet had two thin feather-like plumes trailing off of the top of the circlet. His plain staff changes into a deep black with gold inlays and ornate endcaps. Dark tattoos cover his limbs and can be seen down through his fur. The fur is short and the same color as his hair.


Anillo de Sujeción: Atou uses his staff to draw an orange ring of Reishi in the air, flinging it at the intended target. The ring then clasps around the target's torso and shoulders, immobilizing and constricting them slightly. Bakudo 63 Level and a 3 Post Cooldown.

Atou's Shockwave Emission Becomes more refined, granting him extra abilities on top of the ones he has in Resurreccion. These must be used individually and cannot stack.

Rebanar Loto: Atou empowers a chosen staff it/hakuda blow with a much more focused shockwave, which instead of a pulse, cuts vertically and deals Cero damage with a 1 post cooldown.

Origen Loto: Atou's right hand glows as he attempts to land a blow with it. If he hands it, a seal in the shape of the 源 character appears on the affected area, and after one post the seal detonates in a massive shockwave, dealing Gran Rey Damage with a 6 post cooldown after the mark detonates. If the blow doesn't land, the cooldown still starts.

Loto Nulo: Atou's left hand glows as he attempts to land a blow. If the blow lands, a seal in the shape of the 虚 character appears on the affected area, and after one post, consumes itself to send four streaks of light in the four cardinal directions that stay connected to the user. These lines form the faces of a cube that persists for two posts. On the second post, the faces of the box will each send a slicing shockwave towards the center of the box. Each of these 6 shockwaves is cero level, and can pierce targets trapped within. The size of the box is 20 feet by 20 feet by 20 feet. Each face of the cube can be destroyed with cero levels of force, each must be destroyed individually. 8 post cooldown after the seal detonates. If Atou misses the blow, the attack goes on cooldown for 8 posts.

History: [History goes here.]
Side Notes: Very fond of food, especially sweets and fruits. Prospective Fraccion/Comrades should use this to their advantage.
Roleplay Sample: [This helps us determine your character's tier. Roleplay in this character, please.]
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Atou Erinaya, Primera Empty Re: Atou Erinaya, Primera

Mon May 03, 2021 11:03 pm
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