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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Amaya Nanashi -  Amaya Nanashi Empty Amaya Nanashi

Tue May 04, 2021 4:50 am


Name: Amaya Nanashi
Alias: Amy, Ice Princess

Real Age: 350
Phys. Age: 13

Sex: Female

Personality: Amaya has always been considered to be a ordinary every day shinigami when it comes to personality.
Amaya may seem like any typical shinigami in personality on the surface but her reason for her typical looking personality runs deep under the surface.

Amaya can be happy for the most part with a small smile painted on her face. She tends to apologize a lot for things she never did to another. She finds her happiness in making sure others are happy whether it is helping those in her and other squads with errands, battle, etc. She just finds trying to make herself happy is kind of a waste of time but seeing others happy, that makes up for the lack of caring about her own.

Amaya does have her sad moments, and these tend to be when she is alone. She is not one to show her sadness in public as she believed pity is for the weak and to waste it on her isn’t worth its weight in this life. She does take big hits when it comes to killing for two reasons. She hates the side of her that enjoys the thrill of killing whether it is Shinigami, Arrancar, or any said race. It didn’t matter if she was the one who ended their existence or someone else. Life is life to end, it is the end all the possibilities of that soul’s future. Her second reason is simple, could she have stopped it? Maybe not, but those doubts and regrets of saving or ending that life just brings back the deep wound under the history of her scar shoulder, the human past that haunts her even in her new life. Normally when she is in one of her sad episodes she doesn’t shed many tears, more one for each life lost, she can sometimes be found just laying on her back with her hands laced together resting on her stomach with her eyes closed, covered by her bangs. She will normally be zoned out and deep in her thoughts. When she does snap out of her sad episodes she does what any other shinigami does, goes about her day with the memory buried deep in her mind.

When it comes to Amaya’s anger she tends to keep a leveled head, for the most part, she is as flawed as the next shinigami and sometimes loses her temper or mind to the anger of just wanting to end the enemy. Sometimes she can be snapped out of the rage by those who know how to get her to snap back to reality. Her soft eyes become cold and bright with the intent of bloodshed. When it comes to landing a final blow she always asks the victim to forgive her for what she has to do, normally in a whisper as sometimes, there can be caught of a tear falling when she lands her final blow. Afterward, she will sometimes just stand there for a few seconds before she seems to snap back into her normal happy self.


Height: 4’9”
Weight: 90lbs

Physical Traits:


1. Daughter of Eleanor
2.Granddaughter of Seishin
3.Plans to be the best Nanashi around.
Exposition: N/A
Side Notes: N/A


General Fighting Style:  Amaya is very much a preferred backline fighter but she will get in close if she absolutely needs to just to get the hits rolling and heads popping.

Strengths: Reiatsu Control, Durability, Speed, Zanjutsu
Weaknesses: Hand to Hand, Kido, Stamina

Ability Name: Ice Manipulation
Ability Description: Amaya has an unnatural control over all forms and making of ice allowing her to create it from nothing or use various sources rather it be her own aura, existing ice around her or even the air. She can create anything and everything she could want from her ice with a single thought. Her ice has a clear blue color to them based on the amount and any damage inflicted from them can cause up to second Degree Frostbite on beings with spiritual pressure. The highest damage attacks created with this can do is equal to that of a Hado 40.


Sealed Appearance: Her zanpakuto holds a light blue hilt that occasionally glistens in the light as the blade itself glistens and looks to be pure ice.

Zanpakutou Name: Ushinawareta

Call Out Command: I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate; To know that for destruction ice is also great, Ushinawareta

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Posts : 68
Join date : 2019-11-02

Amaya Nanashi -  Amaya Nanashi Empty Re: Amaya Nanashi

Tue May 04, 2021 5:26 am
Approved 2-5
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Amaya Nanashi -  Amaya Nanashi Empty Re: Amaya Nanashi

Sat Oct 23, 2021 11:40 am
Approved 2-5
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