My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Amaya Nanashi  - Shinigami Empty Amaya Nanashi - Shinigami

Sat Nov 16, 2019 9:54 pm


Name: Amaya Nanashi
Real Age: 976
Gender: Female
Personality: maya has always been considered to be a ordinary every day shinigami when it comes to personality.
Amaya may seem like any typical shinigami in personality on the surface but her reason for her typical looking personality runs deep under the surface.

Amaya can be happy for the most part with a small smile painted on her face. She tends to apologize a lot for things she never did to another. She finds her happiness in making sure others are happy whether it is helping those in her and other squads with errands, battle, etc. She just finds trying to make herself happy is kind of a waste of time but seeing others happy, that makes up for the lack of caring about her own.

Amaya does have her sad moments, and these tend to be when she is alone. She is not one to show her sadness in public as she believed pity is for the weak and to waste it on her isn’t worth its weight in this life. She does take big hits when it comes to killing for two reasons. She hates the side of her that enjoys the thrill of killing whether it is Shinigami, Arrancar or any said race. It didn’t matter if she was the one who ended their existence or someone else. Life is life to end it is the end all the possibilities of that soul’s future. Her second reason is simple, could she have stopped it? Maybe not, but those doubts and regrets of saving or ending that life just brings back the deep wound under the history of her scar shoulder, the human past that haunts her even in her new life. Normally when she is in one of her sad episodes she doesn’t shed many tears more one for each life lost, she can sometimes be found just laying on her back with her hands laced together resting on her stomach with her eyes close, covered by her bangs. She will normally be zoned out and deep in her thoughts. When she does snap out of her sad episodes she does what any other shinigami does, go about her day with the memory buried deep in her mind.

When it comes to Amaya’s anger she tends to keep a leveled head for the most part, she is as flawed as the next shinigami and sometimes loses her temper or mind to the anger of just wanting to end the enemy. Sometimes she can be snapped out of the rage by those who know how to get her to snap back to reality. Her soft eyes become cold and bright with the intent of bloodshed. When it comes to landing a final blow she always asks the victim to forgive her for what she has to do, normally in a whisper as sometimes, there can be caught of a tear falling when she lands her final blow. After wards she will sometimes just stand there for a few seconds before she seems to snap back into her normal happy self.


Height: 5,0
Weight: 100
Physical Traits:


 Strength:  Even with how tiny and fragile Amaya is, She can pack quite a punch as well as quite a bit of damage behind her attacks. Her strength seems nonexistent but it is there, you just need to get close enough to find it, if you live through it that is.

Zajutsu and Hakuda:  Amaya is very diverse in being able to handle and defend herself armed and unarmed. As much as the shinigami need their zanpackuto, She has founds hers works whether she needs to be wielding her blade or not.

Reiryoku :  Being a Nanashi, Her family has been found too have way too much Reiryoku for their own good, nor do they seem to really care of how much of it they use at once. Sometimes it seems Amaya will never fully reach the bottom of her Reiryoku pool in battle. She could only hope that to be true.

Weaknesses: Reiastu, Control/Spirtual Control, Kidou

Reiastu:  Amaya isn't one to have a reiastu that can bring even the strongest to one knee, nor is her reiastu is one to sneeze at. Hers is maybe below average and yes it may tick her off. However, she tends to find that her opponents sometimes let her Reiastu to deceive them, sometimes allowing her to get the upper hand in battle.

Control/Spiritual Control: For one that has so much Reiryoku, She is one who isn't too in control with it let alone controlling how much or little she puts into her attacks, which could be both a bad and good thing depending on the situation.

Kidou:  Unlike her Niece, Amaya isn't the most Fluent in using Kidou. It's not that she can't handle casting Kidou or doing the motions it was more on the fact she forgets the incantations or tends to mess them up, which mostly causes her harm in the end so she has stopped trying to use Kidou in the same way her Aunt tended to.

Ability Name: Water Bearer
Ability Description: Amaya has an affiliation for all things water, from her attacks to her likes having a semblance to water and all things associated with it. Such as her Shunpo ripples the air much like walking on the surface of water or her Kidou having a water effect. She can control water at will whether her zanpackuto is sealed or unsealed, she can control the temperature and form of it being gas, liquid, or solid.


Sealed Appearance:
Zanpakutou Name: Mizuko
Call Out Command: Release your Wave, Mizuko!

Boosts: Your stats are at base level.




Passive Ability Name: Water Manipulation
Description:At will, Amaya can move the water freely as well as increase and decrease the water she uses. She is able to manipulate the water in whatever way she wanted whether it was making a shield, swords, creatures, anything her heart desires and multiple items at one time. The source can be from the air around her or from the earth, plants, animals, etc.

Ability Name: Gigant Water Vortex
Description: Amaya will extend a hand before moving it into a large circle her water will expand and form the circle 5 meters. As it builds up its spinning strength she will push her hand towards the left sending the huge vortex to stream down to the ground in one big cascade, much like a gigantic waterfall. In doing so, it resembles a huge wave, with tremendous power that can hollow out the ground. What remains after that technique's utilization is reminiscent of no less than the aftermath of a natural disaster. It grants one Gran Rey Cero of damage 3 post cooldown.

Ability Name: Water Prison
Description: By Allowing her water to form bubbles and grow in size and volume as well as letting the waves crash in a frenzy. She will attempt to encase and imprison her opponent. by encasing them in a water-filled bubble or wave they will be lifted several meters off the ground before slammed back down granting Bala damage.

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

[bAbility Name:[/b]Crashing dragons
[bAbility Description:[/b] Amaya's water will spread out around her and her opponent seeming tired. As her opponent gets close or an attack is sent at her. One of two things happen.

A stream of water will pop up sending a volley of water bullets going at Bala speeds will be sent at the opponent granting Bala damage per bullet.

The second is if an opponent attacks another stream will move up in front. If this attack is energy or projectile the stream will direct it right back at Bala speeds. but if physical a stream will pop up from the pool redirecting the opponent's aim while protecting Amaya. Has a 3 post duration with a post cooldown.

Boosts: x2 to all stats.


New Name: Sōdaina mizuko

Passive Ability Name: Water Manipulation
Description:At will, Amaya can move the water freely as well as increase and decrease the water she uses. She is able to manipulate the water in whatever way she wanted whether it was making a shield, swords, creatures, anything her heart desires and multiple items at one time. The source can be from the air around her or from the earth, plants, animals, etc.

Ability Name: Rain fall
Description:  By manipulating the water in the air a storm will form before rain droplets will fall straight at her opponent at bala speeds homing down at it for a duration of 2 posts.

Ability Name: Tidal Dragon
Description: Amaya's Water will move inward towards her before flying up,  consuming her, before forming a massive serpent-like dragon. From this dragon, it was rise high above the battlefield before crashing down at her opponent flooding the field again before Amaya will be in striking distance shooting her hand forwards. From this motion, the water will flow back inward again encasing her opponent before crashing back down one more time.

Ability Name: Water shot
Description: Ten water mirrors will form around herself and her opponent before she herself will absorb into the mirrors. Form them She can manipulate them to fire projectiles or make rod poles come out restricting her opponent's movements,( basically making them play a weird game of standing twister before she will close the mirrors in more and more. She will form outside the ring before the mirrors and all the water come crashing at her opponent presenting  cero damage

Boosts: x3 to all stats.


New Name: Sōdaina kōri no otome, mizuko

Passive Ability Name: Water/Ice Manipulation
Description:At will, Amaya can move the Ice freely as well as increase and decrease the ice she uses. She is able to manipulate the Ice in whatever way she wanted whether it was making a shield, swords, creatures, anything her heart desires and multiple items at one time. The source can be from the air around her or from the earth, plants, animals, etc or from her frozen field

Passive Ability Name: Ice terrain
Passive Ability Description: By simply stomping a heel on the frozen battlefield a wave of spikes will erupt from the ice in the direction she is moving deforming and reforming further and further with each step. Making fighting her up close nearly impossible unless you want to fight both her and spikes

Ability Name: Blizzard arsenal
Ability Description: BY freezing and unfreezing the air around her ice rink rapidly she will form a blizzard of sorts that will shroud her from sight allowing her to blind in. from anywhere in this blizzard she can form up to 300 weapons if various shapes and sizes sending them at her opponent while keeping her distance. She can move in using some of the weapons as they fly at her opponent, any touch of them causes a patch of ice to form and by weapons hitting those patches, they will form more and more restricting the Enemies movements for a post for each successful attack lasting the duration of 3 posts.

Ability Name: Feather replacement
Ability Description: Once every two posts Amaya can create a feather clone of herself that will take her place allowing her to become cloaked like a bakudo 26 for the remained of the post. If the clone is physically attack it will harden around what attacked it before explouding to a volley of feathers in every direction presenting cero damage on explousion sending the feathers at bala speeds.if the attack is from a projectile it will still exploude but send the attack back at the caster with additional feathers sent with it.

Ability Name: Feather Storm
Ability Description: Amaya will send a feather into the air before a shower of feathers will come down at bala speeds striking at her enemy. Any cuts or strikes the manage to hit will cause a patch of ice to form for a post before explouding presenting bala damage per patch. 1 post cd.

Ability Name: Total Recall malfunction
Ability Description: The weapons and Ice projectiles that are left out and around the field can be called back to her. These projectiles will rush to her and aren't afraid to go through her enemies or barriers. Each presents cuts and patches of ice if stuck having the freezing effect of a blizzard. Upon her terms gathering infront of her they will form into a ball infront of her before being fired like a ice beam sent at cero speed presenting gran rey Damage. 3 post cd.

Boosts: x4 to all stats.


History: [Optional]
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [Optional]

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Amaya Nanashi  - Shinigami Empty Re: Amaya Nanashi - Shinigami

Sun Nov 17, 2019 10:26 pm
Approved 1-3
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