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Join date : 2019-11-18

Tomoe Shinigami Empty Tomoe Shinigami

Mon Nov 18, 2019 7:54 pm


Name: Tomoe. 
Real Age: 300+.
Gender: M.
Personality: Moral values, much like samurai were engraved in Tomoe as soon as he was introduced to a blade. He had been expected to follow a code of honor; Bushidō (武士道, "The way of warriors.") He lived by eight virtues: Rectitude, Courage, Benevolence, Politeness, Sincerity, Honor, Loyalty, and Self-control. While portions of the code have since been core traits of his personality, some have been convoluted to align with his own personal goals in recent years. Abandoning the old code. He believes that every one of his actions, no matter what, will always be morally justifiable for what he believes in. No matter how cruel. He'll rarely display penitence. The righteousness of a code he once followed, twisted. 

He has impenetrable self control and emotional fortitude; always calm. Forcing Tomoe into any other emotional state is a challenge of its own. Never is there enjoyment in inflicting pain upon others, and he operates on a clear state of mind. He's unwaveringly loyal to his superior, just as samurai are to their masters. While somewhat aloof, he's never disinclined to form relationships. Undeniably wise as well, thick skinned, and resilient. Traits picked up with age. He's not exactly reticent, but speaks only when necessary and extremely polite generally. Often He'll use honorifics when addressing others, no matter their status and whether friend or foe. 

Tomoe Shinigami OuTz2DL
Height: 6'0
Weight: 210lbs. 
Physical Traits: 

Tomoe Shinigami 2iahVjI
Strengths: Perhaps Tomoe's greatest strength isn't his raw power or innate speed, but his mind. He's considered above average in intellect, making him a brilliant tactician. His speed is no laughing matter either, nor his skills with a blade. Overall he's not a jack of all trades, but an effective combatant nonetheless. 

Weaknesses: Physical strength, Hand to Hand combat.

Ability Name: [Characters are allowed 1-2 personal abilities.]
Ability Description: [These can be combat oriented or roleplay oriented.]

Tomoe Shinigami 2Qw1cK2
Sealed Appearance: Look at the fucking pic.
Zanpakutou Name: Baku'Oni["Blast demon / Ogre."]
Call Out Command: "Obliterate em' Baku'Oni." 

Boosts: Your stats are at base level.

Appearance: There are no notable changes in Baku'oni's general appearance. 
Abilities: It's Shikai form gives its user a wide range of explosive abilities. Each one more unique than the last. These explosive forces can be used in a variety of situations, defensive, offensive, area denial, as well creative gimmicks here and there. 

Ability Name: Bōryoku no sekai.
Description: Compared to the arsenal of techniques Baku'Oni grants its wielder, Bōryoku no sekai is an oddball. Once the Zanpaktou is swung, most reminiscent of a basic attack, the slash will leave an "exploding trail." While simple on the surface, the repetitive explosions do not cease; it acts as a formidable defensive ability. Much like a wall. Incoming reitsu-based attacks are swallowed up and destroyed, so long as Tomoe can replicate the approximate scale with his own technique. Only when something is destroyed does the trail cease to exist. In terms of limitations, it can only destroy anything that scales up to a Cero or weaker. The ability cannot be be used rapidly. The technique can only negate one opposing ability per wall. [One per post]. 

Ability Name: Infection.
Description: True to its name, Baku'oni's fluorescent serrated blade can infect any solid surface; whether flesh or granite. The only prerequisite being a successful cut into said material, giving the infection a means of spreading. The infection slowly spreads across any surface with its fluorescent hue. It's to be noted, the infection has trouble spreading through organics, and will not spread as quickly. Only when the command "Explode Baku'Oni," is said will it ignite. The explosions are generally small in scale if an organic substance is tagged, and are incapable of destroying entire limbs alone; however, there is significant enough damage from each initial blast to render said limb useless in some cases. Its damage can be comparable to a Cero.

Ability Name: Demon's Bombardment. 
Description: Orbs varying in size and density scatter across a 100m radius at most, and the immediate atmosphere of a target on its smallest scale. Bundled orbs allow for a more focused explosion around an intended target, thus grants greater damage output. Scattered orbs are only 25% of it's true power, not as devastating on a spectrum of raw destructive potential, but shouldn't be taken lightly. The scattered orbs are meant to prevent a target from escaping via Sonido, flash step, etc. It can be most comparable to a minefield, denoting once one's spiritual pressure is closest to the aforementioned orbs. Due to this, Tomoe has no jurisdiction over who can and cannot trip said mines, thus the technique is generally dangerous around allies just as much a foe. 

Ability Name:Zanjutsu Blast
Description: Zanjutsu being one of Tomoe's biggest strengths makes fighting with a Katana second nature to him. Zanjutsu blast adds a certain level of unpredictability to his arsenal of abilities. What may be foolishly perceived as simple slashes with his Zanpaktou, are in fact destructive. Zanjutsu blast generates explosions at the users' leisure, adding another level of danger to the raw potential of his sword. Tomoe in most scenarios, generate these explosions randomly, and due to the short range of the ability, it is best used in close combat. Anything more and it cripples its power. Most comparable to TnT in raw force, and a Cero in damage potential. The explosions themselves originate from the blade itself, and are tied into his fighting style. [One post cooldown after every use.]

Ability Name: Reitsu Wires
Description: Materialised glowing wires originate from the tip of the blade, generally fifty depending on the given situation, and no longer than forty meters at a given time. These wires can be directly manipulated to form various nets, patterns, or simply enclose upon a target. The nets, befitting to the Zanpaktou's theme, of course explode on command. There are varying degrees of damage depending on how many successfully land; from a burn to the potential of a limp limb or beyond. 

Boosts: x2 to all stats.

Tomoe Shinigami Qjg0bLs
New Name: Sukei BakuOni.
Appearance: After chanting "Bankai," explosive red spiritual energy creates a collection of debris. A manifestation of the Zanpaktou's spirit is summoned to aid its wielder in their most desperate times, the Oni itself rises from the boundaries of their world. Her snow locks flow with the temporary violent winds, and fiery hues pierce the soul of enemies. As if prepared for war, she's suited in armored samurai-styled garments. Her fabrics stained crimson and torn, loosely clinging to the buxom brute. She towers over several story structures in terms of height alone, and her muscular form proves resistant to attacks. Notably, she appears with no weapon; Tomoe gives his unarmed companion his Katana, it takes on a different appearance, a gigantic spiked club decorated in ornaments -- The Sukei Bakuoni. Essentially, the process leaves Tomoe unarmed, as most of the Bankai's abilities originate from his brute.

Ability Name: Intelligent Blast. 
Description: Sukei BakuOni points the spiked concoction at a given target, firing a condensed bullet of pure energy. A longer ranged attack. Initially small in size(about the size of a fairly bulky human), once contact is made with solid material it ignites into an explosion. Unrivaled in its magnitude as well speed. If caught within its core, it has the potential to separate flesh from bone and body parts from the respective regions of their anatomy. Its intentions are to obliterate said target. Outside of the core its significantly less powerful, capable of severe burns at the minimum and, or internal damage. [Damage: Comparable to a Gran Rey Cero. Three post Cool Down.]

Ability Name: Proximity Wave.
Description: The Mythical creature will first swing its weapon, she then grunts, casting a shadow over the land beneath its soles. Like a storm the winds will rapidly increase, as a wave of reiatsu lay waste to structures in its path. At its core the technique is defensive, protecting its master from potentially fatal attacks; however it can be instead slammed into the earth, and its wave will spread outward for twenty meters. Offensively it deals Gran Rey Cero Damage, and Defensively it will negate anything up to Gran Rey Cero as well. [Three post cool down.]

Boosts: x3 to all stats.

New Name: [What's your zanpakuto's new name?]
Appearance: [What does your bankai look like? Character appearance changes, weapon changes, etc.]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Boosts: x4 to all stats.


History: Lul.
Side Notes: Rubber Duckies.
Roleplay Sample: *Rp like pro.*
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Tomoe Shinigami Empty Re: Tomoe Shinigami

Tue Nov 19, 2019 10:44 pm
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