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Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

Willow, the Vengeful Phoenix Empty Willow, the Vengeful Phoenix

Sun May 09, 2021 5:19 pm

Name: Willow
Apparent Age: 17
True Age: 346
Sex: Male
Personality: Similar to his namesake, Willow has a generally gentle and flexible demeanor about him. While not exactly what you might call the silent type, Willow is normally a rather soft-spoken individual around fellow subjects of the Cero King. This of course means that when the Cero King is holding court, Willow is often overshadowed by his more out-spoken brothers and sisters.
  Contrary to how he seems on the surface, however; Willow shares the usual streaks of arrogance and brutality so common among his kind. He doesn't try to hide these traits per se, instead he opts to direct these particular emotions towards what he refers to as "The Lesser". Even with the memories of his previous life as a human and later a Plus hopelessly scrambled for unknown reasons, Willow bears a near-fanatic grudge against Shinigami, Visored, and Quincy; with a sharper focus on the latter two. This hatred is lessened slightly for Fullbringers, as Willow claims he can "Smell the beautiful taint of a Hollow" upon them. On the flip side, Willow holds a deep dislike for Visored, seeing them as pretenders and wannabes.
  Willow is generally very gung-ho about fighting any of the Lesser, no matter the reason. Especially in the case of Quincy, he flies into a rage and will not stop unless he kills the Quincy in question, is detained somehow, or dies himself. Overall, Willow is very keen on bloodshed and can be seen grinning or giggling at the thought of harm coming to a "Lesser".

Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 151 lbs
Physical Traits:

General Fighting Style: Willow opts for a mid-close range combat style. He uses his carpet-bombing flames to keep the pressure up while being equally proficient in close-combat encounters, making him a deadly foe indeed.

Strengths: Agility, Strength, Reiryoku Control, Reiatsu, Cero
Weaknesses: Pesquisa, Zanjutsu, Hakudo, Durability

Ability Name: Ashes to Ashes
Ability Description: Once per turn, Willow fires off a Cero-level blast of flames. Is treated as a Hadou 60 for Bala Bombardment.

Ability Name: Dust to Dust
Ability Description: Willow’s weapon is wreathed in a powerful aura of fire. At the end of each turn, any wounds inflicted by his weapon on his opponent explode for an extra Cero’s worth of damage in total.

Ability Name: Bala Bombardment
Ability Description: Willow can compress down and encase any of his offensive flames he slings within a Bala before firing them off, granting the technique Bala speed and an extra Bala’s worth of damage upon initial impact. In addition, the intense compression of fire means that any explosion upon impact of a Bala-shelled technique gains a blast radius equal to the damage value of the technique:
Bala: 50 feet
Cero: 100 feet

Sealed Appearance:

Zanpakuto Name: Vengador Fénix
Zanpakuto Call Out: Arise and conflagrate, Vengador Fénix
Cero: Cero, Bala, Gran Rey


Ability Name: Phoenix Counter
Ability Description: Willow spins his staff rapidly, allowing him to block an attack of Cero or lower. He then fires a burst of flame equal to the damage level of the blast he just defended back at his opponent. Compatible with Bala Bombardment.
(1 turn cooldown.)

Ability Name: Born of Ashes
Ability Description: Willow is immune to his own flames. Additionally, he takes less damage from fire-based attacks.

Ability Name: Phoenix Inferno
Ability Description: Willow fires off a blast of flames equal to a Gran Rey.
(3 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Phoenix Squall
Ability Description: Willow calls down a massive torrent of flames from above which rain down a Gran Rey’s worth of damage at a 100 foot radius with him as the epicenter for a turn. (Not compatible with Bala Bombardment)
(3 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Immortal Phoenix
Ability Description: While in Resurrection, Willow can easily regenerate from damage to his body. Surface wounds and blood restoration is half as taxing as restoring vital functions.

Ability Name: Fire and Brimstone
Ability Description: When this ability is activated, Willow’s “Dust to Dust” is treated as dealing a Gran Rey of damage this turn instead.
(3 turn cooldown)

Appearance: [What do you look like in segunda?]
Abilities: [What abilities do you gain?]

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Willow, the Vengeful Phoenix Empty Re: Willow, the Vengeful Phoenix

Wed May 12, 2021 1:43 am
Approved 1-5
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