My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

[Private] Dangerously Stupid. [Colbolt/Willow] Empty [Private] Dangerously Stupid. [Colbolt/Willow]

Sat Jun 19, 2021 6:44 pm
Selica had made her way towards her gardens that were protected within the walls of Las Noches. It was her own realm that she had created for a sense of comfort as she didn't much enjoy being outside of the Menos Forest considering the area was surrounded by sand. The lands were drab and barren, which wasn't Selica's style. She enjoyed the flourishing of plant life and the liveliness of her children. She could feel her children growing, she could feel the happiness, and she could feel the calm nature with absolutely no worries to burden them. Of course, it was the one place she could think and feel secure. It was the one place nobody dared bother and the one place she felt confident knowing she could speak her mind.

Selica had made it before her Fraccion. She had sent for them the moment she awoke from her slumber of rejuvenation. Of course, Selica was still quite sore and some of her wounds hadn't completely healed yet, so she would find her place among a throne of vines as she would run her hands across her children as they flicked around her dancing with joy. A small smile would be placed on her face before she would begin to whisper, "Alright. Alright, Children. Settle down. My loves will be here soon, so save some energy for them." She knew the energy wouldn't last long. She knew things wouldn't stay this way simply because of her plans and the state of her current health. She suspected her two beloved darlings would be certainly concerned for her.
Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

[Private] Dangerously Stupid. [Colbolt/Willow] Empty Re: [Private] Dangerously Stupid. [Colbolt/Willow]

Sat Jun 19, 2021 6:53 pm
Hack. Slash. Blast. Hack. Slash. Blast. After some time, Willow was surrounded by the sizzling meat of weaker hollows as sweat dripped down his cheek while his chest rose and fell. A disconcerting effect with the hole in his chest, to be sure. The Arrancar cursed his own weakness silently, with none but the doubly-damned to witness him venting his frustrations... briefly. As one of Selica's subordinates, it was his job to back her up. However, she had gently turned him down before leaving to perform her task. When she returned battered and beaten as he had, Willow's eyebrow had visibly twitched.

Fire was relentless, destructive, all consuming. Knowing this on a very personal level, Willow prided himself on his ability to control himself. His emotions, his movements, his etiquette, all was tightly guided and directed. Lately though, he'd been slipping. First that shinigami tapping into memories of his human life, now this?! Pathetic, pathetic! Willow's ear twitched as he felt the call of Selica. She had awoken, it seemed. Turning nad zipping forward on Sonido as fast as his spiritual energy would carry him, Willow eventually appeared with a telltale static crackle right in front of Selica in a kneeling position. Head down, on one knee, right fist pressed to the ground while his left hand rested on his back. "Lady Selica, I am pleased to see you are awake and well. Since you called for... The two of us, I hope I am not overstepping my station in assuming you may need something?"
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Dangerously Stupid. [Colbolt/Willow] Empty Re: [Private] Dangerously Stupid. [Colbolt/Willow]

Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:43 am
"There we go! You all are growing so much! Mother Selica will be so happy to see your beautiful colors when you grow bigger!"Spoke a gentle voice softly as a pink-haired girl around the age of 11. Her pink eyes watched the flowers with a bored expression before she looked up hearing the call "Oh? Mother is awake already? Well, I must go now! I will be back to give you more food when it's dinner time" She said with a smile standing up tapping the tip of her boots a few times Before She sondio forward leaving light pink pedals after her.

She stopped on a dime in front of Selica with her hands folded behind her back allowing her bored expressed face to show "Mother! I am so happy you are awake and I hope you are feeling much better! Mother Nakita has been by a few times to check in on your recovery while you were resting!"she said in her usual bored voice even though she was happy inside, her expressions never really showed anything other than boredom.
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

[Private] Dangerously Stupid. [Colbolt/Willow] Empty Re: [Private] Dangerously Stupid. [Colbolt/Willow]

Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:17 pm
As expected, Willow was within her sight in just a moment after she had called for the children and she could see the wear of his frustrations on his person. She could tell he had been doing some sort of training or perhaps letting off some steam. Her little fire user had few tantrums, however the atmosphere was highly tense as he arrived. He was immediately kneeling before her with the formalities she had known him to use, although she always reminded him that they weren't necessary. Selica would reach out to place her hand upon the boy's head just as her sweet flower would arrive.

Her flower child was much more cheerful and informal, however Selica didn't mind. She saw them as her family and she certainly didn't mind if they saw her in the same respect. At the mention of Nakita coming to visit her in her recovery, Selica would blink absentmindedly at Colbolt, "That's quite interesting." Her eyes would set back on Willow's head as she would remove her hand from his vicinity. "Now, now. I am more than glad to see that you're both perfectly healthy. I wouldn't know what to do with myself, if my darling children were harmed," the espada would smile at the two before her. Every word she spoke was truth. "I suppose I owe you both some explanation."

Selica would lean forward on her makeshift throne before sighing, "Last I left, I had no intention of fighting anyone. I nearly left to meet with Nakita. We were ambushed in the forest by someone we couldn't quite handle, even together. We thought we could and we did, until he brought himself back from a broken neck. I'm so sorry that I made you both worry, but I promised I would return to you." Her eyes would glance to Colbolt, who never showed much emotion. Although, Selica knew that she had feelings and she could normally sense what it was that was in the girl's heart. Looking back to Willow, the arrancar would speak ever so earnestly, "Forgive me, Willow. I didn't rely on you this time because I didn't know what was going to happen. I do have a task for you two, if you're willing to accept it. I'm better than I was, but a little more time will do me well."
Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

[Private] Dangerously Stupid. [Colbolt/Willow] Empty Re: [Private] Dangerously Stupid. [Colbolt/Willow]

Thu Jun 24, 2021 7:25 pm
Willow's ears perked up at his comrade's mention of Lady Nakita visiting Lady Selica in recovery. It was rather out of character for the Lady of Webs to visit her proclaimed nemesis. Well, to be fair, Willow was of the opinion that the two women should just hate-fuck and get it over with. Their hatred for each other was too passionate not to have at least some sexual tension... But being the model subordinate he was, the Phoenix Arrancar kept those thoughts very much to himself.

His eyes went wide, however; when Selica said that she encountered a foe her and Nakita couldn't defeat, even with their might combined. A terrifying thought, that. "Please, Lady Selica. I am unworthy of your kind words, it is my own fault for lacking the strength to support you as I pledged to do." Willow pursed his lips for a moment, cursing his own powerlessness. He was fire! Destruction! Rebirth! And yet he was done in by a little smoke and ash. Absolutely shameful. "Please, allow me to accept this task posthaste, Lady Selica."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Dangerously Stupid. [Colbolt/Willow] Empty Re: [Private] Dangerously Stupid. [Colbolt/Willow]

Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:52 am
"I am only healthy cause I remain here in the safety of your garden Mother Selica, only adventuring out when it best suits me as I wished not to worry you while you were recovering."Spoke Colbolt in a boring monotone voice with a bored look on her face. She listened to selica's explanation as it was intriguing indeed. A shinigami that could literally bring itself back from the dead? There was no way that was anything but impossible along with even the combined might of her mothers couldn't take it down, or more keep it down. Her mothers were the strongest beings she knew and respected, they could never be beaten, which was not possible in her world.

She allowed her mind to snap back to reality hearing selica speak of a mission for them both. Colbolt would go to hell and back if selica told her to. That was her duty that they left to her. "Only say what you wish and I will see it done personally without fail mother."She spoke gently as her pink eyes locked on Selica's face. her mind blocked out the entire world around her just leaving her to only notice and see Selica alone.
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[Private] Dangerously Stupid. [Colbolt/Willow] Empty Re: [Private] Dangerously Stupid. [Colbolt/Willow]

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