My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Ken (Gib Grade) Empty Ken (Gib Grade)

Tue May 04, 2021 5:19 pm


Name: Ken
Apparent Age: 19
True Age: 19
Sex: Male
Personality: Ken is a pretty lazy person day to day, not really getting overly excited by any trivial matters in his day to day life. He prefers to keep things as emotionally distant as he possibly can, and the only two real emotions one can usually draw out of him are either anger or passion. Nonetheless he does have motivations, he wants to collect all the swords he can and use them for his own. He wants to collect Zanpakuto from the top Shinigami, Arrancar, and Human Swordsman around the world so that he may prove to himself that he is the greatest swordsman of the lot, and to that noble end he will pretty much do whatever it takes.

Ken doesn't provoke fights against people he doesn't think can defend themselves, but if he feels the fight is fair he will set out to start it because he enjoys the thrill of battle. He is confident in his abilities yet it is a quiet, less pronounced confidence than one might expect of a Human his age. He doesn't really say too much, and tends to avoid the comical exchanges one might associate with some of the other characters currently occupying the verse. He is known to be incredibly loyal to whatever cause he is serving, and often sets goals for himself to achieve in order to help further the cause of his friends and allies.

One might describe Ken as rugged and tough, shaped by a poor upbringing and a fighting style that requires a near masochistic addiction to pain and machismo. He is a single-minded individual, and when he isn't sleeping he is either training or fighting and spends very little time socializing with others.


Height: 5'11
Weight: 170 pounds
Physical Traits: Ken (Gib Grade) Latest?cb=20141117193126


General Fighting Style: He uses his swords to cut shit. Blitzes, very limited ranged options and relies on physical superiority to get shit done.
Strengths: Agility, Sword to Sword, Durability, Reiryoku, Reiatsu
Weaknesses: Sensing, Reiryoku Control, Hand to Hand


*Ken has 3 Zan Steel level blades, one in his mouth and one in each hand.*

Ability Name: Oni Giri
Description:  Ken's signature technique. A three-way simultaneous slashing attack. Ken crosses his two swords across his chest and places the blade in his mouth horizontally behind them. Ken then approaches the target (usually at high speed) and cuts through by swinging the swords across his chest, resulting in a descending diagonal-crossing slash from both swords while the mouth blade performs a horizontal cut from either the left or right, depending on which side of his mouth he positioned the sword's main blade at.

Ken must take the proper position then Blur forward to execute this technique. It has the force of a Cero and a one post CD.

Ability Name: Physical Superiority
Description: Ken gets a 1 x boost to Strength and Speed in all forms.

Ability Name: Damage reduction
Description: In Primary Stage Ken reduces 25% of damage inflicted on him, in secondary stage it is 35% and in Hyper Mode he reduces 45%.

Ability Name: Shishi Sonson
Description: Ken can dash forward and unsheathe his blade at Shunpo speeds, making two cuts at their stationary position before resheathing his blade. 2 post Cooldown.

Ability Name: Santoryu Ogi: Sanzen Sekai
Description: Ken holds two of his swords at an angle against each other and rotates them rapidly while running towards his opponent to create momentum; he then slices up the foe with full speed and power with all three of his swords at once. This ability does double Cero damage and has a 2 post CD.

Ability Name: Tatsu Maki
Description: Ken spins with his swords to create a dragon-like tornado that both slashes and blows away the target(s). Can deal Cero damage or deflect up to a Cero, 1 post CD.


Ability Name: Enbima Yonezu Oni Giri
Description: A stronger variation of "Oni Giri" where the swords are twisted during the slash for added force, resulting in this attack striking multiple opponents instead of one if need be. This attack requires Ken to Blur forward and has Gran Rey level force. 3 post CD.

Ability Name: Nigiri: Toro Samon

Description: Ken assumes a stance with two of his swords held horizontally across his body, before launching himself at his opponent at an insane speed. He then launches a diagonal air slash at the target. This requires Ken to move his body using Blur and the attack itself is capable of Cero Oscuras levels of damage. 4 post CD.

Ability Name: Santoryu Ogi: Rokudo no Tsuji
Description: Ken once again places Wado Ichimongi in his mouth and it begins to glow. As he begins to unsheathe his remaining swords, they also begin to glow brightly. He then performs a quick draw before twisting sharply to provide a curved effect to each of the slashes. This attack completely demolishes whatever it comes into contact with, dealing Gran Rey level damage and 6 different slashes in one direction covering a 100 meter area. This is one of his greatest AOE attacks and as such the Cooldown is a wopping 4 posts.

Ability Name: Senhachijū Pondo Hō
Description: For this version, Ken jumps into the air and, while air born, he raises two swords above shoulder height as he begins to twist his body, before unleashing three curved, air slashes. These three slashes fly through the air and as they eventually combine into one giant slash before striking the target. 3 Separate Cero level blasts that can combine to eviscerate anything up to a Gran Rey, or deflect three cero level blasts or simply cut you asshole to appetite. 3 post CD.


Ability Name: Kiki Kyutoryu: Asura
Description: Ken begins to emit a demonic aura. As he channels it more and more, his surrounding becomes darker and the atmosphere, more ominous. Ken raises two swords above shoulder height with his final sword in his mouth. As he continues to channel Asura, four more arms and two heads appear out of nowhere. Only one of these heads is a practical kill shot, and Ken can use all 9 swords at once for any techniques he uses in various ways. This lasts 5 posts before wearing off.

Ability Name: Ittoryu Daishinkan
Description: To use this technique, Ken runs up to an opponent with one sword in hand before grabbing it with both hands, then making a vertical slash right down the center of his opponent. Forbidden Kidou damage due to the output of force, 5 post CD.

Ability Name: Santoryu Ogi: Ichidai Sanzen Daisen Sekai
Description: This is Ken's strongest attack and was first used back in Dressrosa in the lead up to Pica's defeat. Ken, after being propelled in the air at an insane speed, begins to spin the swords in arms around, interchanging them between hands, as they gather more and more momentum. He then releases slash after slash with deadly accuracy, speed, and force. This attack will pierce any guard, and end pretty much any fight where direct contact is made. The force of the blades is equivalent to two Gran Rey Cero's placing the cooldown at a wopping 6 posts.


History: No
Side Notes: Zolo 2-3 plz
Roleplay Sample: Am Ika

Posts : 68
Join date : 2019-11-02

Ken (Gib Grade) Empty Re: Ken (Gib Grade)

Wed May 05, 2021 11:48 pm
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