My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Accelerator  Empty Accelerator

Tue May 04, 2021 5:25 pm

Name: Accelerator
Apparent Age: 16
True Age: 16
Sex: Male
Personality: Accelerator has been targeted by assassins serving companies, people, and or governments/private entities wanting to harness his overwhelming natural abilities for years, and as such has become a fairly distrusting person that trusts few other than himself. His beliefs as an individual basically revolve around one key concept, that concept being power. He wants to have power to protect himself, and to destroy those around him whom do him harm. Accelerator is selfish, he cares little for the feelings, beliefs or condition of others unless they’re small children or something of the like. He can be made to care, it just certainly takes some outside interference, and it must ultimately show up at his doorstep, as he will not go out of his way for matters of compassion by any means.

While in combat, Accelerator thrives as a sadistic, nonchalant individual hellbent on destruction, pain, and devastation.  He enjoys fighting those strong enough to present a challenge for him and even more so enjoys those select few who can hold the claim of being even more powerful than he is. Due to the power granted by his natural abilities, and the overwhelming hatred he has for people in general, he is a reckless individual within combat and borders on insanity. He remains focused on his goal or goals in combat and the goal/goals are to kill whoever opposes him, and to have fun doing so. Weaker opponents usually fall victim to his tedious and otherwise unrelenting power levels, and he’s known to be very sadistic in combat. Inflicting pain on others is almost like a game to him, and in this regard he is truly one of the scariest characters you could ever have the displeasure of coming across.

More interesting than this is the reason he wants power, in a way Accelerator is somewhat like a Pacifist. He wants to get stronger and stronger only so that no one would dare raise a finger against him, the idea that someone would do that to him drives him insane, he’s tired of being targeted and as such wants to become strong enough to where he cannot be a target. He often even goes as far as trying to talk down weaker opponents, and keep them from fighting him knowing the damage in which he can cause and the relative ease in which he can do so. His ambitions are definitely one of the more interesting aspects of his character, as the passive-aggressive dynamic to his otherwise Sadistic Character hardly seems fitting. Regardless of his ambitions, mistaking him for someone to let you live after the fact is a mistake many have made and none can claim success, in fact, none of them can claim much of anything anymore.

Another interesting aspect of Accelerators character is the overwhelming air of arrogance he gives off in battle and in life regardless of circumstance. Those stronger or weaker are generally looked at about the same in terms of value and respect, and he legitimately feels as though he is inherently better than whatever competition is stupid enough to stand before him. This aspect of his character carries over to how he acts in social situations as well, completely unwilling to acknowledge any form of power or status over him and generally speaking, he is willing to push the limits of anyone. He is known for getting a rush in combat when fighting someone stronger than himself, and although rarely the initial instigator to a battle he does not have a problem in continuing a fight by any means, in fact, he almost revels in it. He does not enjoy combat for the glory of it, but for the knowledge of his growing power and the necessity of it to him.

Though he has few qualms with killing out of necessity, he has certainly shown a small capacity for empathy where it has room to be granted without risk. He envies those who can protect those around them and themselves without having to be ultra violent and murderous, and almost seems to idolize those who can protect themselves and others in the fashion of a true hero. He is almost like a lost child wrapped in a layer of darkness, though there is light in him if you dig deeply enough. He does not enjoy killing those that he does not have to, though it’s more of an internal battle than an external one and his external demeanor typically does not depict the internal struggles he has when he’s forced to take the lives of others. He refuses to show this side of himself to anyone however, as he does not want to come across as weak, and he does seem somewhat aware of the way other people think of him, and as such he conducts himself in a way in which they’re unlikely to think differently of him, just as he prefers.

Height: 5'6
Weight: 120
Physical Traits: Accelerator  A-certain-scientific-accelerator-ticgn-1174939-1280x0

General Fighting Style: He uses his shields to blitz and rush down his opponent.
Strengths: Stamina, Reiryoku, Reiryoku Manip, Agility, Reitsu
Weaknesses: Strength, Durability, Hand to Hand, using weapons

Ability Name: Accelerate
Description: Accelerator is named after his ability. It creates a thin field of Reitsu around him, which allows him to modify the vector values of anything he touches. This however has obvious drawbacks. This ability is inherent, and leads to the techniques listed below. This ability cannot be used outside of the expressed capacity of the techniques below. (Though if it's on NPCs and just random people who cares. Just no actual Players and RPers.)
Ability Name: Redirection (barrage blocker)
Description: By changing the vector values of anything by touch; Accelerator is able to redirect any and all forms of energy at leisure. If he were to for example, be shot at, he could redirect the kinetic energy of the bullets, and deflect them back towards the shooter albeit with minimal accuracy. ALL attacks with power less than or equal to a Cero are blocked, for one post. Anything stronger goes through, this has a 3 post cooldown. OR it can be used for 3 posts, with a 5 post cooldown.
Ability Name: Reflect
Description: This can block up one attack at Hadou 70 level with a two post cooldown, or two with a three post cooldown.
Ability Name: Shield
Description: This can block/reflect one attack of Hadou 90 level or lower, with a 5 post cooldown. The attack will dissipate on impact.
Ability Name: Regokinesis
Description: Due to Accelerators ability to manipulate Vectors at will, he can very easily launch any object in the environment at or under the weight of a truck at an opponent at surprising speeds. If the object is under 1000 pounds, it can be launched at Bala speeds. Over 1000? Cero Speeds. He can only launch up to 5 objects per post though at weights exceeding 1000 pounds. He can launch as much as he wants if the weight is under 1000 pounds though.

Ability Name:Accelerate
Description: Accel can bump up 1 x Strength for 5 posts with a 5 post CD
Ability Name: Plasma ballz
Description: Plasma blasts of all shapes and sizes! Oscuras level blast=4 post CD, Gran Rey=3 post CD, Cero=1 post CD, Bala=no post CD
Ability Name: Red Bull
Description: Accelerator can sprout wings out of the Reitsu reserves within his body, however, these can all only last for 5 posts before retracting back into his body. He can use these to fly, or to shield him, as they themselves serve as both a solid shield of solidified Reitsu. He can use these wings to reflect one attack, and one attack only back towards another target, but nothing stronger than a Gran Rey Cero; and once he does this, the wings become useful solely for flying, and for a shield, the shield however works solely as Hierro, shielding him from the brunt of an attack, but not the whole attack in and of itself.  An attack of Hadou 70-80 or better will destroy the wings, and they cannot be called upon again for 5 posts.
Ability Name: Big Redirect
Description: Accelerator can hold still, and reflect/redirect any 3 attacks that may normally make impact with him. Any, attacks. Once 3 attacks are blocked using this, Accelerator must adhere to a 8 post cooldown. Attacks cannot be stronger than a Cero Oscuras or hadou 95.
Ability Name: Vibrate
Description: Can move through non spiritual objects at will. Also can use this as a Cicada variant with a 5 post CD twice per thread.

Ability Name: Shockwaves
Description: Accelerator can build Reitsu and translate it to high energy to his various appendages, and make it lethal. Shockwaves sent throughout the earth on impact. Getting hit by this would be equivalent to getting hit by a Cero, point blank. Lasts 2 posts with a 2 post cooldown.
Ability Name: Angel Wings
Description: Accelerator's wings from the previous form expand from 6 feet in width to 9, and can now reflect two large scale attacks before becoming little more than a barrier, as opposed to one. They last now for a duration of 7 posts but once they wear off they are gone for the duration of the thread. He can now use the wind generated from them to send back attacks with power weaker than or equal to a Bala once a post. The Reitsu used to form these wings now serve to cover Accelerator from head to toe, and the wings as well as the Reitsu coating can be used to amplify physical attacks (think wearing brass knuckles then punching someone in the face or cutting them with Reitsu covered wings.) They can withstand a Cero Obscuras or Hadou 85, but nothing more. Can only withstand one attack like this. Obviously used for flight as well.

History: No
Side Notes: Updated slightly.
Roleplay Sample: fuk u
Posts : 68
Join date : 2019-11-02

Accelerator  Empty Re: Accelerator

Fri May 07, 2021 2:21 am
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