My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-03-25

A Strange Wind Blows (Open) Empty A Strange Wind Blows (Open)

Mon May 10, 2021 1:27 pm
Kyoshiro Mibu a battle crazed member of the Gotei's Fifth Squad stood in the middle of the squads training grounds, his blade whistling through the air as he swung it. The clear blue sky and cool temperatures making it a perfect morning for practice, though even among this squad whose sole purpose in the gotei was to fight, with the one unifying goal of becoming stronger it seemed like none of the other members had any interest in joining him in his training.

Though any sane person could understand why, what with Kyo's habit of hospitalizing most who spar with him, and those few that he didn't were normally left sore for weeks. And frankly no one would want to have to go on patrol in that kind of shape.
Posts : 38
Join date : 2021-02-11

A Strange Wind Blows (Open) Empty Re: A Strange Wind Blows (Open)

Tue May 18, 2021 9:33 pm
Yato wandered the halls of the Fifth Division HQ, not doing anything in particular having finished his paperwork for the morning and deciding to take a walk to clear his mind. Walking through, being greeted by his subordinates, he would nod to them or ask them how their training was coming along, typical lieutenant stuff. It was then that he noticed a lone member training in the grounds, practicing by themselves. Seeing the person training, he would instantly recognize it as none other than Kyoshiro Mibu, not a member he had ever met personally, but he had heard plenty of stories. The thought of training with or even sparring with this person made his excitement begin to grow.

His reiatsu already beginning to grow in amount as well as density, he would approach Kyo and stop some distance away. "Hello there! Would it be alright if I joined you in your training? I hate to see a member of my squad training by themselves!" If the answer was yes, he would draw Tengetsu and would await Kyo's move, if not he would simply continue about his day.
Posts : 30
Join date : 2021-03-25

A Strange Wind Blows (Open) Empty Re: A Strange Wind Blows (Open)

Tue May 18, 2021 10:55 pm
From the corner of his eye, Kyo could see the ashen blonde hair of his vice captain approaching, probably one of less than a dozen people in the squad that the red-eyed shinigami could go all out against without really worrying about killing. As Yato made the request to join his training, Kyo showed an expression that most have not seen, a smile almost sincere and welcoming, rather than the normal Sadistic smirk he gives to those who offer to train with him, or accept his request "Sure, so long as you don't mind risking injury, I am not well known for pulling my punches, it wouldn't be too good for us to get to used to restraining our attacks, or not used to taking decent hits."

Tenro was already in Kyo's hand as he shifted his stance to properly face the vice captain who had approached. If he was okay with them going full out here, or at least not pulling their punches as much as he normally had to he would call out to release his blade, not that he needed to, but the success of his Bankai training was not widely known, so keeping that little surprise in his back pocket for later. "You heard it too, didn't you? The voice of the wind, Tenro" As Kyo's blade would grow to it's full Nodachi length he would be surrounded in a torrent of wind, his Reiatsu raising.
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Join date : 2021-02-11

A Strange Wind Blows (Open) Empty Re: A Strange Wind Blows (Open)

Sat May 22, 2021 11:06 pm
Yato would grin as he knew this particular opponent wasn't known for going easy on anyone, including his teammates. He could respect that, and his lust for battle only rose as he saw his opponent unleash the latent powers of their Zanpakuto. His opponent's reiatsu rose and this only goaded his own to increase as his excitement increased exponentially. Holding up his blade, he would state, "Shine, Tengetsu!" and his blade would be engulfed in black reiatsu flames with blue flashes. Cracking his neck, it was time to get to work. "I respect that attitude. Let's make this training worthwhile then!" He would launch a bala level bullet from his Zanpakuto towards his opponent, rushing right behind it. He hoped to use it as a sort of distraction while he rushed from the side of his opponent for a basic flanking attack. If he managed to close the gap, he would attempt a diagonal slash across his opponent's chest.

He thought briefly of his opponent's Zapakuto, it was obviously an elemental type, wind if he could guess based on the clues he had been given. This meant that his opponent had at least some control over the wind, meaning that their weapon was not only the blade in their hand, but could be presumably drawn from the very air around them. This would be a dangerous fight indeed.
Posts : 30
Join date : 2021-03-25

A Strange Wind Blows (Open) Empty Re: A Strange Wind Blows (Open)

Sun May 23, 2021 12:22 am
Kyo would watch his opponent release his own Zanpakuto, the blackish flames with blue flashes quite stunning to look at, Kyo's dark red eyes narrowing giving him an almost evil look when combined with his toothy grin. Yato's initial opening was small enough that it felt more like a test of his reflexes what with a small little blast that Kyo side stepped, a small flex of wind altering it's course ever so slightly to make it even easier, keeping his eyes on Yato turning to meet the flanking strike, his blade matching the speed and force yet of a mirror angle neutralizing the strike with pure skill. "Oh yeah this will be fun."

With a flex of his reiatsu Kyo would send a burst of wind at Yato's legs from his left, to knock him off balance before punching him down into the ground, if the punch lands Kyo would follow it up with another gust of wind to send his training partner sliding back to give him some space to get back to his feet.

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Join date : 2021-02-11

A Strange Wind Blows (Open) Empty Re: A Strange Wind Blows (Open)

Sun May 23, 2021 10:36 pm
With his attack dodged and his flanking strike seemingly completely negated, he was about to engage in a followup strike when it seemed that the very air fought against him, taking him off his feet before he was slammed to the ground with a powerful fist followed by another blast of wind that sent him rolling across the ground. Well, it looked like his opponent was quite the hand full, but that only served to excite him even more, pushing his adrenaline to even greater heights. His reiatsu increasing, causing his speed and strength to increase exponentially along with it. Getting up and wiping a small trickle of blood from his mouth, he would get back into a fighting stance before deciding on his next move.

Realizing that his opponent had the ability to control the wind, he would give him something to worry about. "Bakudō #21. Sekienton!" He would shout as he slammed his hands on the ground causing a deep red smoke to fill the area. Knowing he wouldn't have much time, he would act quickly, solidifying his Reiatsu into a clone of himself and stationing it to appear in a ready combative stance, he would rush to the side, ready to attack should his opponent act as he was suspecting. Expecting Kyo to use his wind abilities to blow away the smoke and then attack the clone, he would come from the side and attack with a straight down slash. If it appeared for some reason that Kyo didn't attack the clone, he would use his rapidly increasing speed to rush out of the smoke from the top while his clone would run from the front drawing the most attention. while the clone couldn't hurt his opponent, he hoped it would be an apt distraction as he attacked with a downward strike.

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Join date : 2021-03-25

A Strange Wind Blows (Open) Empty Re: A Strange Wind Blows (Open)

Mon May 24, 2021 10:25 pm
Waiting with uncharacteristic patience as Yato stood up Kyo's red eyes would watch as his opponent would slap the ground with his hand, his reiatsu filling the air with with an opaque red smoke courtesy of one of the more useful bakudo's well against your average shinigami. Against a wind master like Kyo however it was practically useless as it no sooner started to form and cover Yato as a gust of wind blew it all away. Though that would be Kyo's only visible reaction as it appeared that Yato himself was still standing in the area that was affected by the smoke. Almost as if he wasn't expecting the red-eyed warrior to blow the smoke away so quickly.

Though the standstill would last not even a full second as the clone would charge forth for a full frontal strike that would be met with Kyo's blade, though as he was twisting through his strike he would catch the incoming downward blow coming from his flank in the corner of his eye. Though even with as good as his reaction times are they were not quite enough to get him all the way out of the way of the strike. Kicking backwards and forcing a gust of wind between the pair Kyo avoided major damage as the blade would cut shallowly in his chest. Smiling as he slid to a stop he would wait for Yato's feet to touch down before rushing in for a strike of his own, a horizontal slash taking full advantage of his longer blade, a burst of wind pushing against the Mune to increase his swing speed unexpectedly as it reached it's apex.
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Join date : 2021-02-11

A Strange Wind Blows (Open) Empty Re: A Strange Wind Blows (Open)

Tue May 25, 2021 10:14 pm
His trap had worked slightly better than he expected in that his attack had landed slightly, but his opponent's control over wind proved to be highly problematic. As his opponent created more space between them, he would then rush forwards again, using his wind once more to increase the speed of his strike, making it so that Yato couldn't react fast enough. His only option was to leap backwards, narrowly avoiding being bisected, taking a gash across the chest instead. Creating some more space between them by jumping backwards, Yato would praise the other Shinigami, "You are a skilled fighter, using your natural abilities and control over wind in conjunction with your fighting style is something that certainly sets you apart from the majority of shinigami even in this division. I am impressed, but this fight isn't over yet."

With that said, he would point Tengetsu at the other shinigami, letting loose a blast of pure black reiatsu with the power of the average Cero. Regardless of if his blast hit or not, he would follow it closely by using shunpo mixed with his natural speed in order to quickly close the gap and deliver an upwards diagonal slash hoping to catch his opponent off guard. If his attack landed or not was mostly irrelevant, given that his opponent could speed up his attacks, Yato would leap back afterwards to give him a little more breathing room.

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Join date : 2021-03-25

A Strange Wind Blows (Open) Empty Re: A Strange Wind Blows (Open)

Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:59 pm
Kyo's slash bit shallowly as Yato leaped backwards, creating space between the pair, commenting on Kyo's fighting style of merging his elemental manipulation with his natural blade skills, the red eyed captain smiled, and while it seemed almost sadistic it was genuine as he responded. "You are not quite so bad yourself. Though with the escalating pressure I am pretty sure I am going to need to pick up my game to keep up with you."

Meeting the blast that Yato launched from the tip of his blade with a blast of wind pressure released from a slash of his sword, the attacks would clash and cancel each other out rather explosively utilizing the cover from the smoke Kyo would shunpo away sliding to a stop a few feet from where he was barely avoiding the slash he hadn't seen coming though countering with a horizontal blow of his own, not that he was expecting to strike, even with his ability to use the wind to enhance his own speed. But the point of this whole ordeal was to train ones self to become better, and you can't exactly do that fighting people you can beat with ease.

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